Best Leadership Advice: Business Success Secrets From 7 Top Leaders


 Best Leadership Advice: Business Success Secrets From 7 Top Leaders

Are you a leader or looking to become one? Though there are many qualities that define successful leaders, we found seven traits they all had in common. Successful leaders don't try to please everyone, they create their own career path and are resilient in the face of challenges. They demonstrate empathy and self-awareness on a daily basis. They can set goals then break them into manageable steps and take action after gathering necessary data. Successful leaders lead by example, it's not only about what you say but also what you do. We hope these insights will help inspire the next generation of thought leaders!

#1 Steve Jobs - "I never would have succeed if I just let myself be average. I had to push myself to the edge, and step across it."
#2 Peter Drucker - "It's not exhilarating to just do the same thing more efficiently. The challenges of change and making things happen in new ways are what people have always been after. If you sit on your butt and just do it better, then people will say 'This is what they've always done; why should I be interested?"
#3 Bill Gates - "The key to success is knowing how to handle failure."
#5 Richard Branson - "You can learn anything, but you cannot learn everything. And there are skills that aren't transferable from one business model to another. They're also things that you can't learn before you're 30. The best advice I can give is to choose a few things and go for them. If you become an expert in one area, that's fantastic, but how will you get your point across?"
#6 Elizabeth Holmes - "I don't think a lot of people have a solid understanding of the most important skill set to being a successful entrepreneur."
#7 Robert Noyce - "We need to put our minds together following the same thought processes in order to solve the same problems."  - When asked about his thoughts on Social Networking 
About:  The Ladders is an independent job search site for leaders across all sectors who are looking for work. Unlike a traditional job board, we are focused on finding the right job for the right person.  If you'd like to see who we recommend in your field and connect with experts in the field visit
We are a professional network for leaders of all types. Members are the best of the best, entrepreneurs who have just raised a round or acquired their first company, top-performing executives and HR professionals – anywhere from senior-level managers to mid-level CEOs – shaping every industry. 
You can apply for the Ladders below. No job is too small or too large for us! Visit our Careers page to see if we have a role that's right for you. 
As part of this project, we are looking for interviews with the following people in their industry:
A leader in any industry and will be interviewed by Amy Elash. We are looking for an email interview with someone who has not only started a successful company but also has raised an investment round, gone public or been acquired by another company, either as a founder or CEO. (We're interviewing startups and young CEOs.) The interviews can range from 1-15 minutes. Please send your interview questions (or a question for Amy to ask) to .
A leader in any industry and will be interviewed by Amy Elash. We are looking for an email interview with someone who is no longer at the company but is still an active participant in the space or has recently left the company, either as a founder or CEO. This could include CTOs, CFOs, board members, etc. (We're interviewing startups and young CEOs.) The interviews can range from 1-15 minutes. Please send your interview questions (or a question for Amy to ask) to .
A leader in any industry and will be interviewed by Amy Elash. We are looking for an email interview with someone who has recently sold their company and has again, been a founder or CEO. (We're interviewing startups and young CEOs.) The interviews can range from 1-15 minutes. Please send your interview questions (or a question for Amy to ask) to .
If you're interested please send us an email!
Relevant information:
Leadership Interview Video Series -  
Professional Network for Leaders -
Careers Page - (Please send your cover letter and resume to 
Thank you so much! I seriously appreciate it! Reply Delete
Hello, We would love to post this interview on our website It is a website where we salute the best of the web, the creative and the imaginative people who are making the world a better place with their talent and hard work. Could you please email me back at Reply Delete
Hello, We would love to post this interview on our website It is a website where we salute the best of the web, the creative and the imaginative people who are making the world a better place with their talent and hard work. Could you please email me back at Reply Delete
You are awesome! We want to publish your article on our website. Please send an email to if interested in contributing an article. Thanks! Reply Delete
Nice work, i like your blog...i have a blog and i write about motivation and inspiration...I love to read your article.... hope to be long time partner with you. Please send me email on Reply Delete
Amy, please check out my company for a potential interview: I would be interested in speaking with you about my company's use of social networking to increase business efficiency Reply Delete
Hi, I'm following up on the article you wrote on Startup Jobs inside of Facebook. We are doing something very similar but have been struggling with the same problem of effectively communicating our message and connecting with people outside of facebook in a meaningful way. We are building a software that will allow our customers to connect with and communicate with their employees remotely. We are currently in the beta phase of what we hope will be an amazing product, however we believe our initial launch is going to be a critical first step as we continue to grow. Please see email or feel free to hit me up at when you have time over on Facebook! Reply Delete
Hey, I am interested in interviewing you for my website. The Interviews are posted on my website - you have any questions regarding this, please feel free to send me an email at ryan@insightteamsolutions .com .


This has been a summary of the interviews conducted by Amy Elash, founder and editor in chief of She had an amazing experience with doing this and learned a lot, including valuable feedback on the website that she has implemented. If you have any questions or comments contact Amy at Enjoy your day! Be happy! Be positive! Reply Delete
Hi Amy - I really enjoyed reading about your interviews of startup CEOs for your blog this spring. I also enjoyed reading about how you conducted them (e.g., using Typeform).

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