Blessings Upon You


 Blessings Upon You

Many people are blessed, but not many are aware of it and even less understand the nature of a blessing.
One definition of blessing is "a thing that brings happiness and success". That sounds wonderful! But what does that mean?
People associate blessings to acts and conditions which are fortunate. Something could be considered divine if it originates from a higher power. One who is blessed is more likely to have more opportunities for success because he or she has the abilities required which make the person more capable in a certain area than someone without any sort of blessing at all. A lot of people believe this idea because they've seen it happen before or they see other people work harder on their blessings so they will be successful later in life.
Many people believe that blessing comes from God, which is a good idea. If you are saying something is blessed the first time it enters your mind, you have no instinct that there is any higher power determining what you do.  That's what we call "blind faith". What would you think if I told you that even though there are no heavens or hells, that we still help people with their blessings daily? There has to be a controlling power which determines which blessings come into our lives and which ones do not. Those are the agents of blessings.
For example, your ability to speak fluently has nothing to do with the higher powers. That would be a blessing because you can use your ability for good purposes, but it's not related to God. You can also say your ability to read fluently, or write well as well as being able to solve mathematical equations or do other things which require some sort of brain processing. These all have nothing to do with God or heaven and have everything to do with the agent of blessings. Agents are beings that help people out in this world and they don't know each other in any way. The agents are classified into the realms of nature and mind, each one having its own type of agents.
You can learn how to do many things and become wiser or healthier because of the agents of nature. Nature is all that comes from Mother Earth, including plants, rocks, lakes, rivers, the sky and all that comes from it. We call this "the first realm", but really it's just one part of the next realm. The agents in realm number two are all from the animal kingdom and includes living creatures like dogs, cats, birds etc.. They must remain in their natural state because that's what keeps them blessed with nature.
If you were ever sick before then you were probably blessed with some sort of immunity or healing ability. These are gifts from Mother Nature. If you don't want them there, then you can try and become immune to them. Likewise if you have a bad or evil thought, or someone tries to disturb your peace of mind then it's likely that the agent of blessings will interfere with the outcome.
Think about when you are blessed with something new in your life. What is it that happens? Are you more happy, rich and successful right after? What happens to those other people who don't get such good luck? The answer is they realize they need to work harder to achieve success in life. They start moderating their lives and doing more as they realize their blessings of nature gave them a head start over others which they didn't have before.
The agents of blessings in the realm of mind are nothing like nature. The first thing that comes to mind is the Law of Attraction. The agents in this realm are all spiritual beings, angels and demons. The demons are the opposite of what you desire in your life, while the angels bring good things to you which you don't deserve at all. Both demons and angels have their reasons for being here. Demons enjoy watching people suffer and will even help them (using black magic) because it makes them happy to see humans suffer and lose out on what they want for themselves or for others around them (family, friends etc..).
The angels don't interfere with the lives of people who aren't doing anything to disturb nature or themselves. They will, however, help those who are living a positive life. If a person is working to better themselves as an example then they are bound to receive some sort of blessing from the angelic realm. The way this works is that you will get a vision (like an idea) or an urge to do something which you believed was impossible before. You see this world is designed so that we can choose our own fate, but those with stronger minds are more likely to make wiser decisions which lead them towards their goals in life and not away from it.
Even though you can be blessed financially, it's still not necessarily brought to you because of the agents of blessings. You might have a secret treasure in your house or bank account and nobody knows about it but you. That's not necessarily the case with others though. There are many people who are rich but have no idea how they became as rich as they are. Most poor people don't even know where their money comes from, if it even comes from them at all!
If everyone who came into contact with the agents of blessings realized that it was within their power to do good in this world as well as receive good things, they would become more helpful and generous which would lead to more blessings coming into our lives. It's our responsibility to do the best we can for others and the world around us.. if we do this then we will receive more blessings and make a better place for everyone.
You might think that only people who are born to be blessed will succeed, but in reality it's true of everyone. Everyone has the ability to be successful. There are also fewer people who actually become successful because they aren't willing to work as hard as they should. When a person thinks they have it easy because they were born with some special talent or blessing then this is what is called "blind faith" and is not healthy.
So, who has the ability to determine which blessings come into our lives? It's the agents of blessings which are the ones who are decided by God. For example, if you have a natural talent for driving then you might think "If I could only learn how to drive." You would be blessed with a friend or relative who can teach you how to drive even though you don't deserve it.
I always thought it was unfair to be born with a special ability if I couldn't use it in this world.. but that was untrue because I wasn't born with any special abilities. The agents of blessings chose me in order for me to fulfill my role as a messenger between the physical and spiritual realms.

I'm often asked if there are more than one spiritual world. I cannot answer that question because I don't know how many different spirits exist in this world, but I can explain the difference between what is physical and what is spiritual.
It is said there are many different types of spirits.. some good, some bad, some who enjoy playing tricks on others etc.. What makes them different from each other isn't as important as knowing that they all serve a purpose in helping us to achieve our goals.
The truth is we don't have to worry about anything unless it's going to affect us or those around us in a negative way.

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