Break All Rules Today...
This blog post is a list of rules you're going to break. And why shouldn't you? Think about it: if there are so many things in this world that we can do and be, why should there be any limitations on what we can and cannot wear, think, or say? These are the rules you're going to rebel against; these are the ones that need breaking.
We all know that people do not always like change - but how much would our world change if we were more willing to break boundaries? This blog post is for all those rebels out there. It's time for us to step up and pave our own paths; with every rule broken, world progress will come one step closer.
Why not start small? Pick one of your favorite rules and break it today. And please, resist getting distracted and deviating from the purpose of this blog post - ending with a list of rules you should break in the near future. Only follow these if we can all agree that they are important... and only after you've broken the rule (we are expecting some awesome comments on this). :P
Rule 1 - Don't change your routine
We all have a routine: going to work, eating at the same kind of place every day, going to bed at a certain time, paying our bills.
Why are our routines so sacred, though? As long as we do the same things every day, with the same people we see every week, then why should this be a problem?
But what if there were a way to break free from those limitations and do something completely new and original at certain points in our life? A new routine that would force us to let go of the old habits. Something that would make us question everything we've learned thus far.
Like... maybe you could try out a new life style?
Or, if that isn't your style, maybe try breaking into a new field - breaking the rules of your profession and getting your foot in to something completely different.
In fact, how about taking some time off and doing something completely different? For example... like... NOBODY has ever heard of it.
Or going somewhere completely new. Like... an island with no internet access. ;) A place where no one can reach you or influence you in any way, except for the people around you who love you unconditionally.
How about... quitting your job? I'm sure you can manage to find a new one soon enough.
Or, how about changing your perspective - stop looking at things exactly the way they are, change your environment and let this new perspective determine what you're going to see in the future.
For example, start with little things like:
Not saying anything for three days because you simply don't have any inspiration. Not feeling motivated to do anything at all for a week or two. Walking away from an argument even if it means giving up on something that's important to you (but really is meaningless).
Or maybe... maybe you should break your old habit and start being more outgoing rather than keeping quiet all the time. If you're an introvert, try being more social - but more like, in control of your emotions (like, not letting them control you).
Or maybe... maybe you should break the habit of taking someone's advice about something in your life.
You see what I'm saying? With every rule broken, world progress will come one step closer.
Rule 2 - You need to stop waiting for someone or something to change before you do anything
Don't sit around waiting for circumstances to be perfect - from now on it is YOUR responsibility to make EVERYTHING happen in your life. Now that you've understood this, the next time you're going to wait for someone or something to change in your life, stop that right now.
Instead of breaking these rules, what if we simply made it a habit to take action - or better yet... started breaking rules even when we have no idea where our actions will take us?
Rule 3 - You can't go back on your word
You may feel as though a person who breaks their word isn't trustworthy or weak, so they must be bad and deserve everything they get... but I guess that's just something you know because it's ALL YOU'VE BEEN TOLD.
But what if there were another way? What if being able to go back on your word could actually be a good thing? What if it showed that you learned something new, and you actually care about people as opposed to shoving them out of the way.
What if saying "no" today was not a big deal, because tomorrow you'd say "yes" to a different option - just because it popped into your head?
What if not keeping promises never meant anything to begin with, because breaking rules was all that mattered?
You see what I mean?
Rule 4 - You can't con others into thinking the way you do even though you don't believe in it yourself...
Do you know anyone who does this? You know that thing where people are saying one thing, but it's just like false advertising or something? (And by "false advertising" I mean any situation that is not exactly as it seems at first glance.)
These kinds of things can happen to anyone - with every rule broken, our world will become a different place. You're going to have to think outside the box less and less. If a way of thinking is causing you, your friends, the people around you, or even yourself harm - break it.
Rule 5 - Change can be scary and uncomfortable
What if... what if... what if... we all had new perspectives on life? We'd have to think differently. Some people might not like this new way of thinking, and that would probably upset some people.
What if we practiced something different and we didn't know how it would be received? What if we let go of everything and took a leap forward?
What if we blew up our lives?
Simple things could make all the difference. In fact, I'm sure that all these rules are simply going to create more rules to break, but so what? We're just going to have to break more rules as a side effect of changing the very fabric of society - no matter how uncomfortable that makes us feel.
Ah... you sound so right in your insightful comment on this post (and it's a great post too). For example, I might point out that you've had your own share of things you would call "rules" that are worth breaking. For example, wouldn't it be fun to try eating a candle? Just sayin'.
------------------------------------------------------- If you haven't seen the movie Twilight Zone: The Movie - here's the trailer: Part 1 - A Game of Pool (featuring Lou Diamond Phillips) Part 2 - Kick the Can (featuring Steven Spielberg) Part 3 - It's a Good Life (featuring Cloris Leachman) Part 4 - The Invaders (featuring James Earl Jones & Teri Garr) Watch the whole movie on YouTube here .
These rules have existed for so long that we've just picked up on them and accepted them as absolute. But if we praise individuality and self-expression, then these rules are no longer valid. Unless you respect a person's right to make mistakes and change their mind, breaking these rules can cause a lot of trouble.
I'm not saying that being an individual is the answer - if anything it's still an art form that requires practice and discipline - but it's a good place to start. If you want to be free of rules, here are some more places to start:
- Copyright © 2006 by Alan Wilson. All rights reserved.
Break All Rules Today...