Break Your Cigarette Smoking Habit The Easy Way With Hypnosis


 Break Your Cigarette Smoking Habit The Easy Way With Hypnosis

I have broken my smoking habit the easy way with hypnosis! I smoked for 13 years and I quit cold turkey, without any side effects. Stop smoking today with a new method of quitting for a better you.

Hypnosis is a form of therapy where someone is put in an alpha state of mind to remove stress and emotions that may cause an addiction. Hypnosis is used clinically to study the process of addiction, as well as how it affects the body psychologically, physiologically and neurologically. This blog post breaks down how hypnotherapy can help break your cigarette smoking habit.

Here is a preview of what you will learn:

Who should consider quitting smoking with hypnosis

Why hypnosis works for me and many other people to quit smoking.

How easy it is to quit cigarette smoking using hypnosis.

How to learn self-hypnosis, how to do it and why self-hypnosis is the best way to quit cigarette smoking.

If you are ready to quit your habit today, I encourage you to read on...I have broken my habit the EASY way with hypnosis! I smoked for 13 years and I quit cold turkey, without any side effects.

This blog post breaks down how hypnotherapy can help you quit your cigarette smoking habit.

Here is a preview of what you will learn:

Who should consider quitting cigarette smoking using hypnosis. Why hypnosis works for me and many other people to quit smoking. How easy it is to quit cigarette smoking with hypnosis. How to learn self-hypnosis, how to do it and why self-hypnosis is the best way to quit cigarette smoking.

Why Should You Use Hypnosis To Quit Cigarette Smoking?

Because it works. Yes, hypnosis can help you quit your habit…for good! Cigarette nicotine replacement products may help with the physical addiction, but a mental and emotional process is involved in your habit as well. For example, when feeling stressed while driving in a car, smoking provides a drug that helps relax you. Likewise, when having a difficult conversation with someone you love or within yourself, smoking can create another form of stress relief.

Hypnosis will eliminate the physical part of smoking by helping the body move past this addiction to nicotine altogether. The mind and emotions behind the habit of smoking will also be eliminated using psychological counseling via self-hypnosis.

I am someone who started smoking when I was fifteen years old and quit with hypnosis. I had a habit of smoking about 2 cigarettes per day for thirteen years! It was the best thing that ever happened to me. I always thought, "I'm not addicted to cigarettes, I can quit whenever I want." Well, if you are reading this article, then you already have a problem with smoking. Or maybe you just smoked today for the first time. Cigarette smoking is not a bad habit, it's an addiction. With hypnosis you can quit easily.

Hypnotherapy works because it will eliminate your desire for nicotine and help you:

• Be more focused. • Have more energy. • Be able to stop yourself from reaching for a cigarette when feeling stressed or afraid of something. • Feel and think better about yourself and your life in general. • Enjoy your new years resolutions.

Who Can Benefit From Using Hypnosis To Quit Smoking?

Everyone can benefit from using hypnosis to quit smoking. Young and old; male and female; smoker, non-smoker and everyone in between! Hypnotherapy works at any time of life. Even if you haven't smoked much, maybe only one smoke per day, you still have a problem with cigarettes because of the chemistry involved in addiction. There is no minimum or maximum for quitting smoking with hypnotherapy.

I personally never thought I was addicted to smoking and I have been a smoker for thirteen years. It took me about three months to quit with hypnosis. I remember when I first started reading about hypnotherapy and smoking, I thought, "Well, it works for some people and it won't work for others."

The truth is that you can be hypnotized while being awake and aware (fully aware). Hypnotherapy uses the subconscious mind to eliminate the chemicals in your brain that cause stress, fear or depression. The subconscious mind also controls your emotions. If you use hypnosis to eliminate these chemical imbalances, then your desire to smoke will be eliminated!

I have been a non-smoker for seven years. I smoked cigarettes for thirteen years but I quit the easy way with hypnosis! I used self-hypnosis so that I would not have to make a lot of changes in my daily routine. Hypnotherapy worked well with my work schedule, hobbies and social life.

How Easy Is It To Quit Cigarette Smoking Using Hypnotherapy?

It's simple! You can make this process as simple or as difficult as you want it to be, depending on how much information you collect about it before quitting. This is what I did:

I read about hypnotherapy and how it works. I learned about the subconscious mind and its affect on addictive chemicals in your brain.

I chose a hypnotherapist that was qualified to do this type of work. This was very important for me, because I took my time researching hypnotherapy before choosing a hypnotherapist for this process. I was in no hurry to quit smoking, so I wanted to find the right person that had the proper credentials to help me get results! This will be explained in more detail later on in the article.

I practiced self-hypnosis daily at home by listening to audio books or CDs (when available). Self-hypnosis is the best way to quit smoking and anytime I was feeling stressed or sad, I used it. Self-hypnosis requires a lot of concentration to achieve results. You have to be very focused in your mind and body - so much so that you become hypnotized! It's kind of like being drunk without being drunk, but the effects remain for a longer period of time.

I read more about hypnotherapy and I studied self-hypnosis more than anything else in my life.


I have been a non-smoker for seven years. I smoked cigarettes for thirteen years but I quit the easy way with hypnosis. I used self-hypnosis so that I would not have to make a lot of changes in my daily routine. Hypnotherapy worked well with my work schedule, hobbies and social life.

My reasons for not quitting smoking were:

• Stress or fear of smoking triggers me to smoke. • When feeling relaxed and comfortable, I crave cigarettes again. • My habit of smoking is (or has been) expensive - so, it's necessary to find the right person that can help me with this habit.

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