Breaking Bad Habits Of Failure


 Breaking Bad Habits Of Failure

We're all guilty of not trying our hardest in some areas. So what can we do to break bad habits and learn success?

In an effort to prevent future failures and move towards success, I want to share a simple technique you can use. Try and think of a successful person in your life who you admire. Now think about their successes, what made them successful, and where they succeeded. Keep repeating this process every day until you feel at ease. Remember, it's just the opposite of the way we usually behave and thoughts.

Once you've seen yourself successfully, try and replicate the same success in your daily life. This can be done by identifying situations where you fail and then focusing on creating new habits which will help you succeed. These habits can be anything from saying "no" to someone when you don't want to (especially when they're unreasonable), asking for help to improve your outlook of a situation, or anything that helps you feel more positive. In this case, practicing saying "no" (when they're unreasonable) will help you succeed. Here's how.

We often take on too much by saying "yes" to things we don't want to do (and then complain about how busy we are). Try and think of a situation in your life where you were asked to do something which you didn't really want to do. The more unreasonable the request, the better it will help you succeed.

Next, imagine doing this thing over and over again for your entire life. You're getting no enjoyment out of it, but instead are receiving only frustation and anger because you're doing this thing over and over again which you don't want to be doing. So, what's the alternative? To say "no" without demeaning yourself and others. Try and imagine how this feels. How do you think they would react if they knew you said no when they were unreasonable? It's either that or break down!

Try repeating this same thought process for every other situation in your life where it's unreasonable for you to do something. A person who is rude to you, someone asking for more money, a partner who won't listen to you, someone who expects too much of you, a new day that seems like it'll never end, any time someone tries to pressure you into doing something which requires less effort from your end.

These are all great habits which you can create and use everyday to help you succeed. You'll find yourself getting rid of the things which aren't helping you, while adding new habits which help build towards your success. By repeating this process every day until automatic, you'll find yourself in a much better place!

It will be hard at first, but after a few days, it will become automatic. Soon your brain and body will adapt to what's most important for your success!

TIP: Write down specific examples of bad habits that need to go and replace them with good ones that will help you succeed. Focus on one bad habit at a time and don't skip ahead.

TIP: Don't stop if you're not getting instant results. The more often you complete this process, the faster you'll see results and the easier it will become!

That's a great question. In a new business, you will have an influx of customers who won't return. You need to realize that this is going to happen and deal with it right now.

First, don't take it personally. It's just business, not personal. In order for your business to survive, you're going to have attract clients who are happy and want to return, who also want to refer their friends and family back to you in the future. As you begin to build a relationship with your clients, you will also find out why they are returning. Sometimes, it's as simple as a quick phone call letting them know that you're thinking about them and asking how things are going.

What does this have to do with never seeing them again? A friendly phone call could be just the thing to make sure that they'll return! It makes you memorable in a good way. If you don't do the work, someone else will.

Second, try offering special deals to your first few customers who become your regulars. In this way, they'll feel appreciated and will hopefully keep coming back over and over again in the future (once they're used to seeing you).

Third, send them an email (after about 3 months of seeing each other) to see if they enjoyed their experience and what you can do better in the future. Never assume you know how to satisfy your clients. You need to keep checking in on them!

Never take it personally when you lose a customer – even if they verbally say that they're never coming back. Nine times out of ten, this isn't true and it's just the way people sometimes behave. Always be respectful of your clients and make sure every visit goes smoothly. If it doesn't, go over every possible reason as to why they didn't enjoy themselves or weren't satisfied with the service received. Then, use this information to improve your business and make sure you've done everything you can to ensure that each and every customer has an excellent experience.

If they are your regulars, repeat the process of confirming their satisfaction every 2-3 months until they don't return. Then find out why by checking in again after a few more weeks. You may find that it's as simple as a new competition which is just around the corner (and cheaper too!), or maybe it was their own fault for having unrealistic expectations. In any case, make sure you do everything possible to try and win them back in the future!

There's a simple way of determining whether or not your business will thrive. You'll want to ask yourself: "If I were a customer, would I want to be treated the way I'm treating my own customers?" If the answer is no, fix it. If not, repeat until you get it right!

It's not always easy in the beginning and you'll have to make some tough decisions, particularly if you have an influx of customers who aren't happy with your service and aren't going to come back. That's okay, you'll still be making money, but you'll have to do it in a more efficient manner.

TIP: If your business is new and you don't have enough regulars yet, here's how to start: Invest a little more time upfront instead of looking for customers who will likely leave. The first few customers are costly and difficult to deal with mentally. But if they're worth it (and want to come back over and over again), they'll be worth the trouble!

7. Turn Everything into Fun

Don't take life too seriously – no matter what your situation is! Money isn't everything. You'll never succeed if you play things too serious. Keep your attitude high, ready for life to take you in whatever direction it may!

This is a vital aspect of personal development. As I've mentioned before, your level of consciousness drives your success or failure and doesn't happen overnight. You can see people who are doing well while you're struggling to make ends meet. You're not doomed by your circumstances and there is always something you can do to improve yourself!

Be open to what comes your way and have fun at the same time. While doing this, you'll find yourself in a much better place.

TIP: Have fun with the process. Don't take yourself too seriously! Enjoy the journey and don't rush things! This will help you take action without getting scared, anxious or running back to what's safe and familiar.

You can always go back to living your comfortable life if you want to – but the question is whether you'll be happy or not when you get there. Personally, I think it's better for your success if you have a higher perspective on life and don't take everything so seriously all of the time.

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