Breathing Problems - Natural Solutions


 Breathing Problems - Natural Solutions

Finally, you can breathe and feel great again! Here are some natural solutions for breathing problems.

Chest Congestion - Breathe with a cold compress on your chest or fill a pot of water, bring to boil and top off with cold water. Place over your head so the steam penetrates deeply into your lungs. If you don't have access to a stove or hot water use, try placing loosely fitting clothes in front of an electric fan blowing warm air towards your body. You may also want to add menthol crystals in the pot of boiled water as they will help open up your lung passages and make it easier to breathe.

Asthma - Asthma is an allergic reaction of the lungs to environmental factors such as pollen, dust and pet dander. A steam bath usually helps clear out your respiratory system. One method is to make a hot tea decoction by adding a few sticks of cinnamon, nutmeg, and coriander seeds. Another method is to drink chamomile tea with a slice of fresh ginger root stirred into it.

To learn more about asthma visit

Bronchitis - Drinking water with lemon juice added can help loosen mucus in your lungs while increasing hydration and alkalinity. Honey can be good for loosening mucus in the throat. A chest rub containing cayenne pepper and ginger root, or a chest compress with salt and warm water are also useful.

Wheezing / Breathing Problems - Drink a cup of hot tea made from two cups of chamomile flowers steeped for five minutes. Add some honey for taste. Put the tea bag into a warm bath. Keep in there for at least 30 minutes. The steam will help open up your lungs, clear out mucus and restore proper oxygen flow to your lungs. Breathe in any vapors you can.

To learn more about chest problems visit

Copyright © 2010 - Dr. Dana Severson - All Rights Reserved Worldwide

Breathing Problems - Natural Solutions YOU CAN DO AT HOME: Asthma, Bronchitis, Wheezing and Other Chest Problems

May 2010

Glossary of Breathing Problems & Asthma Terms

Atelectasis- Clogging of the Air Pores in the Lungs, usually caused by an illness or trauma. Also referred to as Collapse. This can cause breathing difficulties and a feeling of suffocation.

Aspiration- Inhalation of foreign matter into the trachea (airway). Commonly caused by being unconscious or through vomiting or diarrhea. Aspiration can cause death and may cause harmful bacteria to enter the bloodstream, which can be fatal if not treated quickly enough.

Asthmatics- People who suffer from asthma. There are many types of asthma, each with its own symptoms and causes.

Blocked Lungs- Lungs that have thick mucus which is difficult to clear out through the mouth or nose.

Bronchitis - Inflammation of a section of the bronchial tubes, caused by an infection or obstruction. Symptoms include cough and wheezing or breathlessness.

Cough - A cough is a reflex that occurs when air moves through our body tissues, moving liquids (phlegm) along with it. When your blood vessels in the lungs constrict, they trigger a muscle contraction that causes the diaphragm to move downward, causing you to cough.

Coughing - Coughing is one of the most important aspects of treating asthma. If you do not cough, then you will not expel the mucus and bacteria in your system. In fact, many people with asthma are unable to produce enough coughing reflexes. Coughing is a very effective way to expel mucus and restore lung function.

Corticosteroids - Steroids that are used for long term relief from severe asthma attacks because they prevent further damage to lung tissue as well as swelling of airways and other symptoms caused by inflammation. Corticosteroids are not to be used as a long term treatment.

Cystic Fibrosis- A genetic disorder that causes the lungs to become clogged with thick mucus and cannot breathe properly, causing life threatening breathing problems. Cystic Fibrosis can be passed on in families and is a terminal illness.

Dyspnea - Shortness of breath that is noticeable when engaged in physical activity or conversation for more than 5 minutes. Some people may find their breath shallow and labored, while others may have an abnormal sensation of air hunger in the chest that makes it difficult to breathe deeply.

Edema - Excess fluid in the body cavity, especially the legs. This is a common symptom of many different conditions, and can lead to heart failure and death if left untreated.

Emphysema - A condition that causes the lungs to become clogged with thick mucus making them unable to function properly, causing shortness of breath and a weakening of the muscles that help move air in and out of your lungs.

Exercise Induced Asthma (EIA) - A form of asthma that occurs after engaging in strenuous exercise such as running or weight lifting. The chest tightness is usually brief, lasting maybe ten minutes following such activity but can return hours later and cause extreme breathlessness.

Fluid Retention - Fluid retention is a condition that results in swelling of the legs and feet. This is a common symptom of many different conditions, and can lead to heart failure and death if left untreated.

Flutter- Wheezing or breathlessness during times of emotional stress, exertion such as running, climbing stairs or intense changes in pressure.

GAS (Globulin-Arginine-Specific) - A specific type of protein that causes inflammation when triggered by an allergic reaction in the body. GAS is usually secreted by white blood cells that enter the blood stream from inflammatory areas such as the intestines or skin.

Gastroesophageal Reflux- Reflux of digestive juices from the stomach into the esophagus. Common symptoms include a sour tasting taste in your mouth, chest pains, nausea and choking.

Globus Syndrome- A condition that causes you to have a tight feeling in your throat or chest.

Gastritis- An inflammation of the lining of the stomach. Gastritis can cause many different symptoms, including weakness, vomiting and nausea.

Inhalers - Medications that are inhaled into your lungs through a device called an inhaler or nebulizer. Inhalers must be used properly to work effectively and prevent asthma attacks from occurring.


Copyright © 2010 - Dr. Dana Severson - All Rights Reserved Worldwide

Breathing Problems - Natural Solutions YOU CAN DO AT HOME: Asthma, Bronchitis, Wheezing and Other Chest Problems

May 2010

Mucus Cough- A cough that is caused by a mucus buildup in your lungs or throat which prevents normal breathing and can lead to death if not treated properly or quickly enough.

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