Breathing: The Way Back to Balance


 Breathing: The Way Back to Balance

The way we breathe affects our emotions, mental health, and physical wellbeing. Not only do we not realize how important breathing is to us every day, but it also directly impacts the way we feel and function in this world. Knowing how to properly breathe can help you achieve clarity of mind and find inner peace regardless of your current state of wellbeing.

Learning how to consciously regulate your breathing can be a powerful tool for meditation or stress-relief. This article provides a variety of methods for achieving deeper levels of relaxation through breath work. Even though you may use these techniques for different purposes, all of them require that you remember and focus on the fact that your breath is your constant companion in today's fast-paced world.

One of the best ways to learn how to breathe mindfully is by practicing meditation. A simple breathing exercise can teach you to calm your mind, focus and relax. Through learning proper breathing techniques, you can achieve a state of tranquility where you feel peace and serenity deep inside your soul.

Most people have heard of yoga, but have no idea what it really involves or how it has helped millions around the globe achieve peace through healing. Yoga is an ancient practice with roots in India, used for spiritual growth and healing as well as relaxation. The basic steps to achieving true inner peace through yoga are very simple and can be practiced anywhere, any time. The first step is to find a quiet place where you won't be distracted, then sit or lie down comfortably. Close your eyes, take a deep breath in and release it slowly, one long drawn out breath that is at least 4 seconds in length. Let the air pass through your nose as you breathe out completely. Repeat this process of breathing in and releasing all the air until you feel relaxed and calm inside. Once you feel at peace and calm, repeat the process 2 more times. Each time you breathe in, focus on your breath and let it go out as one smooth entire breath. Do not hold your breath or try to draw in more air. Once you're finished with the first round of breathing exercises, focus all of your attention on your breathing for a few minutes. Then sit up and focus on the world around you to create a sense of reality in your physical surroundings. Another way of concentrating on your breathing is to count each breath as it passes through the nose: inhale for 4 seconds, exhale for 4 seconds, inhale for 4 seconds, exhale for 4 seconds until out of breath (wait 4 seconds before beginning again).

Another form of meditation that can help you achieve peace and relaxation is called mindfulness or mindful breathing. This allows you to focus on your breath in a practiced manner, developing an awareness of the sensations that occur during a breath. It also helps you to notice thoughts that might be distracting, such as feeling nervous, stressed, or upset.

Deep Breathing Exercises

These are 12 deep breathing exercises that can help you learn to breathe more easily by changing the way your mind thinks. Each exercise will also teach you to relax more deeply by cultivating an internal space where peace resides, replacing negative emotions with positive ones and making it easier to control cravings and stress.

Inhale and exhale with awareness. Start by noticing the inhalation and exhalation as you breathe in and out. Feel your breath in your belly, notice its length, the touch of air on your face, the sound of it. For a few minutes try to maintain awareness of each inhalation and exhalation. You are breathing consciously, mindfully. You are aware of each breath that you take in during this exercise.

Alternate between slow deep breathing and mindful breathing (or any other form of meditation). Inhale slowly through your nose and feel the air fill your belly. Then exhale slowly through your nose and feel the air leave your body. Alternate between slow, conscious breathing and mindful breathing (or other form of meditation) for a few breaths at a time.

Repeat this exercise for a few minutes (to relax catharsis) to experience the deep calm that accompanies deep breathing.

Inhale through your nose for 4 seconds, hold it for 4 seconds, exhale through your mouth for 4 seconds and still hold it for 4 more seconds. Repeat several times until you encounter no resistance in holding your breath or you notice a flow from within into the outer world around you when you exhale.

Repeat this exercise for a few minutes (to relax catharsis) to experience the deep calm that accompanies deep breathing.

Breathe in, hold it for 4 seconds, exhale with a hissing sound through your nose for 4 seconds, still holding your breath after exhalation for 4 more seconds. Repeat several times until you encounter no resistance in holding your breath or you notice a flow from within into the outer world around you when you exhale.

Repeat this exercise for a few minutes (to relax catharsis) to experience the deep calm that accompanies deep breathing.

Breathe in deeply, hold it for a few seconds, and then exhale with a hissing sound through your nose. Repeat several times until you encounter no resistance in holding your breath or you notice a flow from within into the outer world around you when you exhale

Repeat this exercise for a few minutes (to relax catharsis) to experience the deep calm that accompanies deep breathing.

Breathe in slowly through your nose and imagine that your lungs are filling with air; breathe out slowly though your mouth and imagine that all the bad air is leaving you. You are absorbing positive energy from the outside world as well as expelling negative energy from inside of you. The physical and emotional energy from your body is equally matched.

Inhale and exhale with awareness. Settle into a comfortable seated position with your spine straight, and let your head relax back. Mentally repeat a mantra as you breathe in to relax, and breathe out as you chant the mantra to find serenity. Repeat for several minutes to create an internal calm where peace abides. This exercise is called pranayama, meaning breath control (prana means breath, ayama means control).

Sit quietly in a comfortable position with a straight spine and relaxed limbs. Let peace settle upon your mind so that all that remains are thoughts of a tranquil state of mind. This is what it feels like to be centered and in control of one's self. In this way, you are never alone (for you are always with yourself).

Sit quietly in a comfortable position with a straight spine and relaxed limbs. Let peace settle upon your mind so that all that remains are thoughts of a tranquil state of mind. This is what it feels like to be centered and in control of one's self. In this way, you are never alone (for you are always with yourself).

Breathe in deliberately through your nose and try not to stop until your lungs feel full.


Breathing exercises are a great way to learn to control your breathing. Breathing exercises can help you to relax, as they have the advantage of directly affecting emotions and thoughts. In addition, many people feel more calm and in control after doing breathing exercises, as they are taking their lives into their own hands.

Without a doubt, it takes time and effort to learn to breathe before, during and after an exercise or workout with awareness. However, you will see that the benefits of breathing exercises are great for your health and wellbeing. You will find yourself in a better state of mind when you breathe consciously, because when everything else is stripped away: all you have left is your breath.

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