Bring Innovation Into Your Life


 Bring Innovation Into Your Life

It's been a long day, and you're exhausted. That's OK! All you need is one of these three simple tricks to help yourself get through the rest of your evening.

- Make your own energy drink by adding lemon juice and honey to hot water. You can save money by skipping over the coffee shop line and getting all of the benefits for free!
- Take some time out for fitness with this 10 minute yoga routine that has only 3 poses in it. This routine is perfect if you’re short on time, but still craving a little relaxation.
- Light the candles and turn on some soothing music. This is a great way to restore your body and mind after a long day, while still keeping all of your other housekeeping tasks from getting in the way of relaxation time.
Article by: Melissa Korda

This week we welcomed Francesca Carpinelli as our guest blogger. She is an owner of Mona Lisa beauty products located in the South Bay area of Los Angeles, California. Ms. Carpinelli has been working for over five years in the personal care industry and has recently joined Natura Bissé skincare company as their new marketing team leader. With great experience in marketing and beauty products, Ms. Carpinelli is a great addition to the team.
"I've always been passionate about all areas of life, but especially personal care products! I am glad to be part of Natura Bissé team as we provide an innovative skincare line that not only provides outstanding results in the most natural and effective way, but also provides a great value to our customers!"
What's your favorite way to relax after a long day? Let us know in the comments!
Photo Credit: Natura Bissé Blog  (1)(2)
Make Your Own Energy Drink by adding lemon juice and honey to hot water. You can save money by skipping over the coffee shop line and getting all of the benefits for free!
Photo Credit: Mona Lisa Beauty Products Blog  (1)(2)
10 Minute Yoga Routine for Stress Relief The ten minute yoga routine below is perfect if you're short on time, but still craving a little relaxation. The poses are designed to help reduce stress and tension, while enhancing your flexibility. Please note that in this sequence there are a few significant postures (cobra, horse, downward dog or plank) that need to be held very carefully as they help alleviate stress in the body. This is not a difficult routine, but it can be challenging at first. It is advised to practice this sequence with a qualified yoga teacher who can assist you in achieving the proper alignment.  - Cobra  (4 times) Prone on your mat with legs wide apart. Lean forward and lower your body into a lying down position, letting your arms drift out to the sides and wrists bend back towards your shoulders so that you are looking at the floor. Keep your neck straight in order to maintain the posture and keep any tension out of the upper back. - Half Butterfly (1 time) Kneel on the floor, palms down next to each other and parallel to each other. Draw your knees together and heels apart, creating a V-shape with the legs. Then take one arm and fold it across your chest, so that the elbow reaches the opposite shoulder. - Cat Cow (1 time) Starting position is lying on your stomach, arms by your side and palms facing up. Inhale deeply as you press yourself up into a cat pose where you shoulders are rolled back and down, arms are straight, stomach is lifted and low in between the thighs. As you inhale feel like you are drawing energy from the earth through your palms into the body through your belly button. You can even arch slightly backwards as you inhale to make sure that energy gets pulled all of way up to the top of your head. Then on the exhale, round your back, look at the floor and lengthen your spine. - Half Downward Dog (5 times) Start by standing with your feet a little wider than hip distance apart, then shift your weight forward so that you are leaning over towards the floor. This can be a balancing posture so don't worry if you feel unsteady at first. From there, slowly drop one hand down to the mat, then both hands. Then slowly lift yourself up into a downward facing dog position by straightening out your knees until they are locked out and arms are straight, but not locked. This is an advanced pose so take it easy if you need to at first. From downward dog, take a breath in and as you exhale, come into a low plank position where your body is in a straight line from your ankles to your shoulders. - Low Plank (1 time) From the low plank position, which will be familiar to anyone who has practiced yoga before, breathe in and then exhale as you lower yourself down onto the mat until you are back in the cobra pose. - 3 poses of Cobra (2 times) Repeat this sequence 4-5 times. Then finish with some child's pose for about 1 minute. The child's pose is important because it allows you to relax the back which can get tight from all of the balancing postures earlier. The child's pose position can also help you to focus on your breathing, which is another way to help flush out tension and stress.
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Wow! Thanks for sharing this wonderful post. Very helpful article about healthy life style. Good luck for your future article bro, keep it up..
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❤  Melissa ❤  Lisa ❤  Mona Lisa Team
Photo Credit: Pinterest (1)(2)
Photo Credit: Pinterest (1)(2) This content uses referral links. Read our disclosure policy for more info . All opinions expressed are our own and honest evaluations from personal experience. These posts contain affiliate links, which means that we may receive a percentage of commission when you make a purchase using these links, at no additional cost to you. You may view the Terms of Use for more details. Thank you for your support.
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The effects of stress on the mind and body are frightening.  I have been left wondering in horror after doing research on some of the side effects of stress on the body and they are not pretty.  I am left feeling afraid for my life.  The realization that if I don't do something to control anxiety and stress, it will control me. 
This blog post has been a long time coming for me to write, but after seeing what stress does to my body, I felt like I needed to share this information with all of you because there is no sense in suffering alone.

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