Build Confidence With Hypnosis


 Build Confidence With Hypnosis

You’ve probably heard about hypnosis before. You know, the power to hypnotize someone and make them do things against their will. Only it isn't like that at all. Hypnosis is a wonderful way to concentrate on making changes in specific parts of your life, such as reducing stress or quitting smoking with hypnotherapy. But it also works wonders for boosting confidence...
Having a deep and stable level of self-confidence can make all the difference when you're faced with adversity or challenges in your life, but achieving this state might seem impossible  some days given the demands we face in society today.
The truth is that hypnosis makes it possible to improve confidence, even if you didn’t believe in the power of this approach before. Let me tell you how...
If you use positive words and phrases to describe the way in which you can influence your life, then your subconscious mind will start to accept these suggestions and make them a part of your daily experience. Here’s how this works...
Try taking a few minutes each day to sit comfortably or lie down and relax. Close your eyes - but do not fall asleep - as this can be counterproductive for attaining results...
Think about what it is that helps boost your confidence . Maybe you enjoy the freedom to make choices in your life, or maybe it's even something more specific like feeling more comfortable and confident in social settings.
Now say these words out loud (or in your mind) as you diffuse a sense of calm through your body...
" I am confident because I am free to express myself and make my own choices."
"I feel more relaxed, open and confident in social settings."
Do this at least a few times per week; you will be amazed by the impact that this practice has on your confidence levels over time. It really can change your life!...
And now we come to the story of how hypnosis came into my life.
I was still in my first year of teaching when I became a temporary teacher for a school in Los Angeles . At the time I quickly became frustrated with the dull and ineffective way in which students were taught.
This was not to say that there weren't some fantastic educators working at this school, but I simply felt that there was so much more that could be done by applying a more creative approach to improve the quality of education.
It's true what they say about teachers...
I had spent years looking for ways to bring about positive change into my life, but this was one of those "ah-hah" moments when everything suddenly fell into place.
I knew that I could do much better work with my students than they were currently experiencing.
The school had a program that allowed me to borrow books, so I borrowed some hypnosis audio programs and began learning how to hypnotize people... the first time I tried it, I had a student fall asleep .
This obviously concerned me and from then on, when my students started falling asleep in class (which was often), I would joke "Mister (or Miss) Smith has gone off into Hypno Town.
...In fact, I became so confident in my abilities that I would even hypnotize my students during class for fun. Well, the joke was on me.
The school had a zero-tolerance policy when it came to our behavior with the students. I would joke with the kids that they should thank me for getting them more relaxed so they could pay attention, but it didn’t seem like anything was going to happen at first...
A few weeks after this incident, one of the other teachers reported me to the principal and eventually I was reprimanded and my contract wasn't renewed .
...That was the point when I decided to get serious about hypnosis and selling products online.
I had just been introduced to the world of online marketing and I was making a lot of money with my web sites!
I say "a lot" but I'm not going to give you exact figures here... it's not relevant.
But it did work out well because I was able to make a nice-size income each month, so that by the time school started up again in September, I had made enough money online that year - even without a teaching job - so that I could quit my part-time job at Home Depot...
I was able to quit my job as a teacher, and I used the money from my websites to set up a new consulting business .
That same year, I discovered hypnosis and it completely changed the way that I approached life...
But before I tell you about that, let me tell you about how it all started.
The First Time I Was Hypnotized...
It's easy to become skeptical of your own abilities when you're teaching children in a school setting and you have a "zero tolerance" policy when it comes to behavior in the classroom. But at the time there was nothing more powerful than what hypnosis could do for me.
I am talking about the very first time I hypnotized someone.
After being reprimanded at my old school and deciding to give up my teaching career, I was looking for a new way to make money online.
I was still new to online marketing and I remember watching the video on how you could get paid $100 per sale, with all sorts of exhortations that it was just a few simple steps away...  ...and yet, when I followed that step-by-step instruction in what would turn out to become one of the most powerful sales strategies known – Building a Personal Brand – it didn’t work for me. I tried all the different ways of selling my information products and I just didn’t get the results that I was hoping for... The one thing that was going to make it work for me, I soon discovered, would be an ability to connect with people. If I could help them understand how hypnosis could help them change their lives, then surely I could sell them whatever it is that they were looking to buy.
The first time someone actually bought something from me online was a real watershed moment for me. This person had read my book on hypnosis and they wanted the MP3s based on those chapters... and I sent them the MP3s for free so that they could make the calls that I recommend in my book to help them overcome their limiting beliefs and fears.
The very next day when I logged into my Paypal account, it said "Your balance is zero! How did you get paid?"
So I checked my bank statements and sure enough, there was an $18 charge from Paypal on my bank statement.
I had been paid $18 just for giving someone the information that I had intended to give them for free, and yet here it was still credit on the account... not commission , but crediting.
That night when I went to bed, I was filled with a sense of freedom.

Writing and selling premium product is my way of giving back to the community...
...As long as I'm doing it, I might as well make it worthwhile for you.
I felt like there was nothing that would stop me from making this work.
I knew that there was a lot more that could be done with online marketing than what most people were tapping into. And so I began learning about hypnosis and soon realized that this is what would change my life forever.
With hypnosis, I have been able to achieve things in life that you would never think possible.
I've helped thousands of people overcome their fears and change the way they approach life by just sharing a few ideas with them...

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