Build Your Self Esteem


 Build Your Self Esteem

Self-esteem is a concept that is often misunderstood and often times self-criticized. People usually have high opinions of themselves and when someone challenges those opinions they feel uneasy. This feeling can lead to frustration, anger, or sadness but the truth of the matter is this, who are you to say anything bad about your own thoughts? No one in their right mind would dare step on an ant hill if it meant getting stung by all the ants living there. You cannot be blamed for asking for help because we are all only human; sometimes things just happen and unfortunately people do not react well when what had happened led them to their breaking point.
There are no real reasons to explain why I feel the way I do about myself. The closest thing to an explanation I can give you about my self-esteem is that it was never built on a solid foundation. My parents were absent for much of my childhood, instead of learning from their mistakes they passed them on to me. They used their actions as a way of teaching me what they didn't want me to become, but failed in explaining the reasoning behind those actions other that saying "I told you so". In turn I have just repeated those same mistakes without realizing what it is that my parents had tried to teach me.
Self-esteem has been something I have struggled with since the beginning of my adolescence. I have tried to tell myself that I am a good person, but I cannot help but to doubt myself. Much of it can be blamed on my parents, both of them had told me their expectations for me, but they never explained the reasoning behind them. The result of my upbringing is this, I have tried to fulfill their expectations without knowing what it is that they expected from me.
I see the world differently then most people. I feel as if everyone expects something from me that they never told me about; and now I feel as if I'm supposed to fulfill what those expectations are without knowing anything about them. With that being said, I am still trying to find the answer to this question; "how can you expect me to do what you never explained?"
In the end, self-esteem is the only thing we have left. You can never truly build self-confidence without this one simple fact; you are your own worst enemy. There is no one on this entire Earth that will ever hate on you as much as yourself. You are always watching for what is missing in your life, which is why we feel empty, empty of happiness and depression alike. We are our own biggest critics, which is why we criticize ourselves more than anyone else.
In my case, I wish I could blame my parents for all the problems with my self-esteem but the truth of the matter is that I have done this to myself. I have been searching for love in all the wrong places, sex has been how I kept score because it was easier to feel wanted when someone needed you in a sexual manner rather then wanting to be around me or need me for any other reason. It was hard to let someone see past my flaws when they were trying to use them against me. After so many failed relationships, I began to think that my flaws were what made me undesirable.
I used my body as a way of feeling accepted or at least trying to be accepted by a world that left me behind. My friends were always talking about how they were going to be successful and how I was going to achieve my goals in life after graduating, but the harsh reality was that something happened along the way for them because instead of pursuing their dreams, they settled for something less than what they wanted.
I have tried to talk about this with them but all it does is cause more problems between us. I've come to the realization that they are no longer my friends, they proved that to me by not even bothering to ask what was wrong after I had told them. Self-esteem is the only thing you have control over in life, so it is important you make sure this one aspect of your life is in good standing.
I feel as if I am on the edge of a cliff but there's nothing for me to grab on to. I'm tired of being told that there's something wrong with me and no one seems to be able to explain why there's something wrong with me or what it is about me that needs fixing. I'm sick and tired of people telling me how ugly I am, they tell me this while looking at themselves in the mirror. It's like they've forgotten why they chose to look at themselves in the mirror, because what they see is not what anyone else sees.
I wish there was something to stop me from falling, but I'm afraid that it's going to happen anyway. No one has ever told me that I'm beautiful or that everyone loves me just the way I am; if they had then maybe my self-esteem would have been different because it was not based on anything concrete or true.
I am not claiming to be a model, or even an artist but I do draw. Most of the time these drawings tend to be negative, because I am drawing what I see in myself. I cannot help but to create these feeble images that do not do me any justice; they are not how others see me. They are nothing more than a reflection of my self-loathing and hatred for myself.
My body is not perfect and my mind is far from it, but none of that matters because no one can tell me otherwise. There is no one on this Earth that can convince me otherwise because all I have to go on are my own thoughts about myself; which are often negative and cruel towards me.
When I look in the mirror, all I see is imperfections; I'm not saying that there aren't any but I put too much weight in what's wrong with me. There are things about myself that terrify me to the core and I can't help but to run away from them.
I feel like there is no way out of this, it's as if I'm stuck in an endless cycle of finding something wrong with me and trying to fix it, only to find more things wrong with me that need fixing. It's a vicious circle and it goes on forever until you are trapped within your own mind.
It is time for a change; we need to stop being our own worst enemy. We need to stop hiding from the truth of who we are and start to embrace who we are. The best part about this is that it is completely in our control; I am not trying to say that it's going to be easy, because it isn't but we have to try.
When I look at others, I see beautiful people who have a lot going for them. They are happy and content with themselves and the world around them. The worst part about this is that I don't think any of them know what it feels like to hate yourself because the world has made sure they never had reason too.


Therefore, I think it would be beneficial for us to peer into the lives of successful and beautiful people in order to see what they have in common and what they have in common with us. Each one of us needs to know who they are and what they stand for otherwise we are going to continue to make ourselves feel less than because we do not know who we really are.
I feel that this is a great idea because everyone wants to feel better about themselves and the only way for that to happen is for each one of us to recognize this fact. This does not mean that we try becoming someone else but that we stop being self-critical and recognize our worth so it will be easier for others around us to see.

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