Bullying An Historical Perspecitve Is History Repeating Itself?


 Bullying An Historical Perspecitve Is History Repeating Itself?

It's no secret that being connected to the internet can be its own kind of curse. Sometimes, all you need is a little break from the world of social media and just going offline for a while can be what you need to recharge. But sometimes, there's nothing to do in the real world but enjoy your social media fix. Maybe you log in to social media for a few hours. Maybe you spend the whole day checking Facebook. Maybe your phone is glued to your hand at all times, whatever the case, social media can be a real time suck, and that can lead to other problems.

But how much time? How many hours per day should you spend on social networking websites? Were/are there certain sites that are more addicting than others? Are there certain people one should never add as friends or engage with on social media because they just don't care who they upset or hurt? Those are all great questions, but we'll save them for another article. Today, we're going to concentrate on one each of the most addicting of the big name social networking websites: Facebook.

Facebook, is not only the largest online social networking website in the world, but it also has almost everyone from everyone you know and everyone you've ever heard of (and those people they know) on it. It's an endless source of distraction. The service is engaging and fun to use, no matter if you're interacting with friends and family, or posting pictures of your delicious meals and updating your status so that idiots will "like" them because they don't have anything better to do with their time but sit on Facebook all day too.

But seriously.

So, people are addicted to Facebook. Well, what's the bottom line? How many hours per day should a person spend on it? That's the question we're going to answer today.

Here's an infographic by Freckletown about how many hours you should be using Facebook:

Sources: www.freckletown.com/social-networking-users-how-much-time/ and www.recode.net/2016/5/31/11655072/facebook-user-growth-2016

Here's an infographic by thecrazyfilmgirl about how many hours you should be using Facebook:

Sources: www.thecrazyfilmgirl.com/?page_id=14 (no links)

And here's my article from back in August 2014 about how to get off Facebook for good, citing similar statistics and citing a study from the University of Melbourne, Australia saying that spending more than two hours per day on Facebook can lead to depression:



So, we covered a lot of ground today. We talked about how much time per day you should be using Facebook, how many hours per day it is that you should be using it. We also talked about how addicting it can be when enjoyed in excess. And then we looked at some studies saying that the length of time you spend on Facebook can lead to depression (or online gaming addiction) if spent excessively.

I hope this was helpful to you! As always, if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask them in the comments below.

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