Business Time Management


 Business Time Management

The post will be focused on how to organize your time in order to maximize efficiency and effectiveness. We will explore the importance of prioritizing tasks and delegating where possible so that you can better focus on the projects that are important to you. Lastly, this post will discuss how it is possible to keep various parts of your life organized by preparing in advance.
You’re not just spinning your wheels—you’re wasting time 
It's easy for your days to get away from you, even with deadlines looming and work piling up. Here are some strategies for staying productive—and sane—in his modern world 

Managing a business also means managing your own time (along with other people). This means that you have to prioritize and also be able to work through your procrastination.

A lot of students tend to procrastinate, as well as not prioritizing their life. A student's time should always be spent doing the following: studying, sleeping, eating, exercising, socializing and pursuing hobbies. This is why it's hard for students to achieve success because according to Brenda Bence: "it is hard to master any skill or practice any hobby when you are so busy with other activities." 

There are a few reasons why students are failing in school as well not being able to manage their time efficiently. One reason why students fail in school is because they have too many extracurricular activities. It takes time to work on skills (i.e. working on a sport or an instrument), but if you're spending a lot of time working on your hobby, it's hard to focus and study at the same time. This is why you should in advance, plan out how much time you want to spend doing each activity before studying or practicing that activity. Another reason why students are failing in school is because they're spending too much time on social media, such as Facebook and Twitter. This is why they’re failing because they're not setting a proper schedule for study. “According to recent report, the average US college student spends 39 hours per week on activities related to Facebook alone.” 

Prioritize your tasks by writing them down and assigning each of them a value
Everyone has the same 24-hour day, seven days a week. What differentiates people from one another is their ability to manage that time effectively.

“How do you spend your time? Are you getting the most out of each and every day? The way to get more out of your day is to take on as few tasks and commitments as possible, but prioritize what you do.” 

Start off by writing down all the things that you need to do in a day. This will give you a clear idea of what kind of schedule and priorities you need to set for yourself (and maybe even others). Tasks that are important, urgent or both should be done first. Then comes those which aren't urgent but important while the least important ones should be done last.

Next, assign a value to each task. The tasks that are most important should get the highest number of points and the least important tasks should get the lowest number of points. The higher you assign the value to a task, the more motivated you will be to get it done quickly.

After writing down your schedule and designating values, do your hardest and most imporant tasks first before moving on to others (this also applies when working with others). Then, check off tasks as you finish them to hold yourself accountable.

The easiest way to waste time is by watching television or surfing on websites that are unrelated with what you're doing. It's hard to get focused—watching television or surfing the net can make you lose focus and become bored.

According to Brenda Bence, being able to manage your time is important because it allows you to work efficiently and effectively. Being organized helps you rest better at night, but also allows you gain more satisfaction out of the tasks that you begin. The following actions will help students achieve productivity:

The term "work-life balance" has become a part of popular culture in many countries as a concept to strive for by whatever means necessary. This is not only in economics but more importantly within the workplace as well.

There are two different definitions: 
1. "Work is the performance of one's duties; life is the full range of activities related to living and having fun," 
2. "Life is a full-time job, so get on it!" 
Whereas theory 1 may be true in the workplace with the salary being one's pay (being paid for work), theory 2 may not only be false but also difficult to maintain with money being a large part of one's daily life. Studies show that even though money does play a significant role in one's lifestyle, most people still do not have enough time for most things as time is often seen as an obstacle. Having a work-life balance is not just a simple task of finding the balance between work and life but rather looking at both as separate spheres. This issue is often misconstrued and treated as one problem.

The usefulness of retaining employees through technology and the ease of communication that can occur through this process has led to an increase in technology being used to retain employees. The use of technology in place at a workplace has been the stepping stone for businesses seeking to retain their employees by creating greater personal connection with their team members, which will ultimately lead to higher productivity. The use of technology as a tool to resolve the issue of having a work-life balance opens up an opportunity for businesses to better retain their employees.
The advancement of technology has made work-life balance a bigger issue than it was in previous years. This is evident by the fact that of all the occupations that are most likely to experience job insecurity (as per unemployment statistic), those who work in media and information can be found at the top, in which almost half cannot expect to find any sort of stable job within their field. The fluctuation in thinking and progress is an issue that has been occurring for decades, but with increased dependence on technology has became more apparent. As technology has progressed, the idea of work-life balance has become increasingly more relevant.

There are many different ways that organizations and businesses use technology to facilitate a better working environment for their employees. (1) The first way is through video conferencing. Video conferencing is used to allow employees from different locations to be able to communicate as if they were in the same room by allowing them to see one another on their computer screens as opposed to a phone call in which only voices can be heard and not faces.

The first solution is to encourage personal relationships between the employees in order to create an environment where employee retention is possible.

When technology and work-life balance are discussed in equal terms it can be concluded that the two are connected. Technology has only existed for about a hundred years and its capabilities have grown exponentially since then. Technology has only become part of our daily lives in the last decade, but due to its rapid advancement and integration into society quickly became essential to our everyday lives. “Issues such as work-life balance, where technology has become both a helpful and hindering tool, are only made possible by technology’s evolution into an integral part of many people’s lives” (Daniel 3).

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