Can You Remove Your Own Burrs?


 Can You Remove Your Own Burrs?

It's the time of year when all your outdoor gear is coming in from the cold, and it's inevitable that you'll have gathered a few burrs, seeds, and so on. You know this because every time you walk past them they catch on your clothing like Velcro. And while no one loves to spend hours running their fingers over every inch of clothing looking for these irritating little devils, we've got some tips that will make the process much easier.

The first step is to gather everything into one pile — this will save you a lot of time and frustration later. Next, get yourself some sticky tape. You can buy it at outdoor stores or hardware stores — the great thing about it is that it's very sticky on both sides, and comes with a little hook that can be used to pull out those burrs, or the seeds from your jacket. Finally, find yourself a surface you don't mind getting covered in Velcro. A large piece of cardboard or thick plastic sheeting works well. Lay everything out on top of the surface and just start picking!

The key to quickly getting rid of burrs is to make sure your fingers are really clean — think New Year's party clean — because anything stuck in there will contaminate your other clothing items and make them harder to remove.

With that in mind, the final step is to just bang everything out of your clothing slowly and carefully. Just don't get frustrated and start tearing things apart, because this will only add on to your time — plus, you can never really get everything that's burred out, so in the end you'll probably find yourself trying to remove more burrs than were originally there!

There are also other techniques available for getting rid of burrs. There are some type of spray or powder ready made for just this purpose, but we feel that the old-fashioned method works best — people have been using it forever. Plus, you'll end up with a much nicer wardrobe in the end.

We are also very familiar with wool burrs — because we have them! We have had to take our synthetic fabrics to this method many times, and in fact we are looking for some sort of way to strip the wool from them (as of yet, it seems that you can't get rid of wool burrs), so we can add them back into our wardrobe. Our advice is to just get used to the idea of having wool burrs and don't worry too much about removing them as they're not really that bad — they come out on their own without any effort on your part (unless they've obviously gotten into a rip along the side seam.

But even in this case, you can actually cut the burrs out with fabric scissors and just avoid ripping the seam. Another method is to sew a thread around them — this will pull the wool together so that it becomes a solid mass and can easily be cut out!

So in conclusion, if you're experiencing burr infestation and have never heard of sticky tape before, then maybe now is the time to try something new. It's a simple, easy and effective solution for removing them from your clothing, especially if you have synthetic fibers.

Happy Hunting!

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More information about "Crafty Owl" is in the Wikipedia article:
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http://en.wikipedia....e/Bob-Owlet (born 1965) is an Australian paranormal investigator who has been involved in paranormal investigation for over 30 years. He is one of the founders of Australia's largest ghost investigation group, Queensland Ghost Busters . Originally from Brisbane, Bob has lived in many different capital cities across Australia and currently lives on the Gold Coast with his two children, wife and cats. His involvement with ghost hunting began in 1983 when he was just 15 years old. His first investigations were conducted in and around his family home where he has witnessed many poltergeist type events. Many of these events occurred in the children's bedroom where Bob and his sister would often find their clothes had been moved whilst they slept. In one instance their television set fell from the dresser whilst they lay sleeping in the room. All these events ceased when he was 17 years old and have never been experienced since.
After experiencing these events, a friend of his invited him to join a local ghost hunting group called "Australian Ghost Hunters Association (AGHA)" in Brisbane and he has been actively involved ever since. Bob's involvement with that group has resulted in ghost hunting locations around Australia, as well as ghost hunting investigations in the United States of America. He has investigated many of these locations and participated in live investigative programs on SBS television and The Discovery Channel. Some of these events were filmed for television and appear on the "Ghosts Live" DVD series. Bob was also involved to some degree with the "Ghost Hunters" TV show on Fox Network and was contacted by Ray Gaylor, president of Ghost Hunters International (GHI) to assist with one of their investigations.
In 2008, after being contacted by GHI, Bob agreed to travel to Sedona Arizona for an investigation with his wife and two children. Bob's objective was to investigate the mysterious underground tunnels and "Xroad" located there. He initially travelled to Arizona in 2008 with his father, but returned alone in 2009 with son Jesse and daughter Lily (age 9) and they remained until 2010. Bob has participated in many investigations held throughout Australia and was invited back by GHI again in 2011 to assist with a GHI investigation held at The Mount Wilson Caves near Los Angeles, California. He also assisted at a GHI investigation held at Australia's most haunted location "The Werri Beach Hotel" near Byron Bay, New South Wales.

Conclusion:  The problem of burr removal is not exactly what one would call an "unusual problem." However, if you are presented with a situation such as described in the content above, it can be quite a challenge and headache to deal with it.
At least now you know how to remove them from your clothing — and hopefully, how to avoid them from appearing on your clothes in the first place!
Thanks for reading — we hope this information is useful to you too! Please share this information with anyone you think might find it useful too. After all, maybe there's someone out there who's experiencing the dreaded burr problem right now! Good luck with whatever that may be.

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