Catching Life’s Thermals On The Feathers Of Intention


 Catching Life’s Thermals On The Feathers Of Intention

Intention is not a warm up game. It's the one thing that creates your reality. Intention has roots in quantum physics, evolutionary biology and neuroplasticity and unleashes an unrivalled power to change our physical, emotional and spiritual lives.

Intention creates thoughtforms into our subconscious mind. These thoughtforms begin to manifest in our experience similar to the way a seed grows into a plant. Thoughtforms are unique and may include the body, house, car, money, relationship and so on. A person's life is the harvest of intention.

Using Intention as Creative Energy

If we have not yet been able to completely drop our old thoughts of opposition in our lives - whether this be a critical situation or relationship - it may take some time for us to create something new and useful with intention. We have all heard of people who can make things happen without even trying. They literally think about something having been accomplished, and it is. This is the creative energy of intention.

Whatever we focus on with our intention becomes a tangible reality. It is therefore deemed as “right” for us to use this power only for things that make us feel good or improve our lives in some way!

Create Your Future With Intention

When we are using intention to change undesired aspects in our life, then it's important to use certain modifications of the technique. Heed these 6 steps:

1. Be aware of the present moment

We must be present to become aware of the state or situation we do not want in our lives. For example if you are feeling ill, then you need to ask yourself: “How am I experiencing this now?”

2. Find a solution that is aligned with your highest good and natural state of being

Ego will try to fix things so they stay the same. In other words, ego has the intention to stay the same in order to keep everything under control. It wants a solution that is in line with what we have always been used to or comfortable with. It’s the same as wanting a 2nd hand solution. As soon as we start aligning with our true self, we will experience a sense of being in flow and aliveness that we never knew possible. Remember, our true self is aligned with God’s will for us. We will experience this when we are aligned with our natural state of being.

3. Be willing to let go of the desire for things to remain the same

From this place you can start using your intention to move towards what you want more of in life. Whatever you choose should be aligned with your true highest good and natural state of being. When you are consciously connecting with this place, your life will be filled with flow, aliveness and abundant joy!

4. Be willing to feel uncomfortable while you let go of the desire for things to remain the way they are

Remember that letting go of something that isn't working for us is quite uncomfortable as our old ego structure actively opposes change. This is because we may have been using our old patterns for so long that we don't know any other way. However, once we become aware of this discomfort, it’s important to let it go by choosing a solution from our true self.

5. Be conscious of your way of thinking

We become our own thoughts and it is important to be aware of how we choose to think about things. If we are used to seeing everything in a negative light, then our new thoughts will reflect the same negativity. However, if we are choosing to see things from a positive perspective, then our thoughts will reflect this. You can choose your way of thinking by first becoming aware of what kind of thoughts you already have! We all have different perspectives on life but it may take time for us to notice that what we are watching on TV or reading in the paper begins with a mental image that is sourced from a thoughtform.

6. Be willing to receive what is happening, rather than trying to make it happen

Once we have found the right solution for us, then we can allow the universe to deliver the outcome, instead of continuing to use our old energy to fight against it. Sometimes when we are battling against something not wanted in our life, it actually becomes stronger. When we are willing to welcome the outcome, the universe will deliver.

This is actually quite a simple process and it doesn't have anything to do with any particular energy, belief system or spiritual truth. It's all about being conscious while using our intention to create change in our lives. If we can do this then we will experience that state of flow and be more connected with life!

Article by: Paul Lockyer, author of   The Art Of Intention . To learn more about him visit his website at: . For more information on  Intention Training click here .

Source: EzineArticles

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Paul Lockyer is an Intention Expert, Intuitive Life Coach and Author of The Art Of Intention . To learn more about him visit his website at: . For more information on  Intention Training click here .

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I have achieved more that I ever thought possible. I have learned about myself, I have unleashed the power of my intention and I now live a life of ease and joy. To me the only important things in life are my family, my health and happiness. This is your opportunity to unleash whatever it is you want to change or release in your life. Don't just sit there, try it out today!

For a deeper understanding of our True Self please check out: The Awareness Center Podcast: http://www.theawarenesscenter.

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