Causes Of Under Achievement No. 1 (Of 10) – Negative Thinking


 Causes Of Under Achievement No. 1 (Of 10) – Negative Thinking

Negative thinking can be defined as a process in which thoughts continually flow from an idea that something is bad to other negative ideas and events. Negative thinking often happens without us realizing it. 

The following are some of the most common causes of negative thinking:

- Ironic negativity is where you have the need to always tell someone how bad they did instead of making them feel better about their success. 
- Sometimes we try too hard to do things perfectly because we're afraid to fail. When this fear becomes overbearing, it leads to panic, which in turn creates stress, anxiety, and depression. 
- We think that if we are happy, then everyone else will be, and if everyone else is happy then we will too. The truth is that when everyone is happy, things are usually not as great as they seem. There is a lot of pressure to keep up with the Joneses, and it does not end there. When people compare themselves to others in their social circle who have things much better than they do, that comparison can become all consuming. 
- We choose to put down others because it gives us a sense of power and control over others. It makes us feel better about ourselves to blame others for our unfortunate circumstances.
- Bitterness can result from feeling abandoned by someone or something like a relationship ending. It's a hard thing to get over but it is inevitable. It boils down to giving up on living in the past.
- We need to learn how to say no, because if we don't, we will always end up saying yes to everything that people want us to do which turns out not being good for us. 
- Overworrying can lead you down a negative path and can cause stress so often. Overworrying usually stems from one of two things: A) putting too much pressure on yourself by trying to be perfect or B) expecting too much of yourself. It can cause more stress on a mental and physical level, so it's best to just trust in yourself.
- We may have negative thoughts because we are worried that we're not good enough to succeed or something like that. Or we may have negative thoughts because of the belief that life isn't fair. That can make you feel worthless, so it's important to learn how to think positively even if you don't like what people are saying about you. 
- We can cause a negative mindset when we immerse ourselves in things that keeps us from progressing or being satisfied with what we already have. Maybe it's too much time spent on social media, or watching a lot of Netflix drama shows, etc. 
- The negative attitude that one can get from somebody else's negative comments can be enough to make you feel hopeless and start thinking negatively about life. So it's important to always look at the bright side of everything and if certain people are not doing that, then it's best not to hang around with them. 
- People often think that because they didn't get what they wanted, they don't deserve anything good ever again. This can lead to a bad mindset where you just want to live in the past and don't want to move on with your life or do anything else because you feel like you're better off staying where you are or doing nothing at all.
- Certain people just like to find fault in something and make the worst out of it. These negative people can sadly cause you to believe that everything is bad and worthless. So it's best to avoid them at all cost as well as their negative comments.
- When we're underprepared for something, suddenly we have a lot more fear because there is a greater chance of failure or mistakes. So it's best to always prepare yourself even if you don't want to do it. 
- Negative thinking can stem from feeling inadequate because of your own success or the success of those around you. It's easy to feel like you're not good enough when there is a lot of success around you. This can become a vicious cycle of feeling like you will never have what everyone else has, which causes you to think negatively of yourself.
- When someone says they don't believe in something, it can cause them to start thinking negative thoughts and making negative comments about others. If someone has this kind of negative mindset, it may be best just not to say anything at all to them because they already have their own negative attitude which doesn't need any more negativity.

The following are some of the positive ways to overcome negative thinking:

- Positive self-talk can help you become more positive and optimistic. You can tell yourself things such as "I am a good person", "I can do this", or simply, "I can". 
- It's important to always express gratitude to others and think the world is a wonderful place because everyone deserves happiness. If everything was bad it would be very difficult for us to feel happy about it. 
- It's important to embrace your uniqueness and embrace what makes you you. Don't compare yourself with others, but rather, compare your unique qualities with those of others in different areas in your life rather than seeing who's better than you. 
- Think positively even when others around you are saying negative things. It's hard, but if you stick with it, eventually you will see the light at the end of the tunnel. 
- If it seems like no matter how hard you try to think positively, and your mind keeps going back to thinking negatively of yourself or others, then it's best just to stop worrying about it and just let it go because obsessing over something won't do any good for anyone. 
- Don't worry about what other people are doing. Just focus on yourself since that's all that really matters in life.

Positive thinking is your secret weapon against failure, doubt and depression. It's the easiest way to make any situation better. It can inspire others and give you hope for the future. For example, if you feel like this is going to be the worst day of your life, then think about all of the other days that have passed and how they were bad, but things turned out okay in the end. So it's guaranteed that today will be okay too, no matter what happens

To stay positive is to be happy. To live a stress free life. To be present in every moment of your life.

It's important to think positively even if things aren't going well because that can help you find something good in the negative situations. An example is when someone makes a negative comment about something you like, you can just think of it as "people are allowed to have their own opinions and I'm allowed to have mine, so as long as I don't let others negativity ruin my own positive attitude then everything will be fine".

Negative thinking usually stems from:

- People often think that because they didn't get what they wanted, they don't deserve anything good ever again.

Conclusion: it's important not to think negatively, but if you are in a situation where you can't help what other people are saying, then it's best just to ignore them.

In many cases, the negative thinking one had before caused them to make certain decisions that led to a negative result which made them feel hopeless about the future.

Negative thinking can cause:

- Not believing in yourself or your ability to succeed can cause one not to even try or go after their dreams. 
- Doubting your own decision making skills can also lead one not to take action on any opportunities that come their way.

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