Challenge Yourself!


 Challenge Yourself!

Did you know that many of today’s most successful people credit their success to a single decision or whole series of decisions that pushed them out of their comfort zone and forced them to learn something new, master some skill on the fly, or take a risk? Don’t back down from fear. Push your limits. Challenge yourself. You never know what skills you might get out of it and will find it easier and more fun than you ever imagined.

What are some skills that people have learned in their lifetime?

Skills include making hummus, building apps in node.js, writing a book, changing careers and starting a non-profit. Those are just some examples of what you can learn in your lifetime.

Why is it so important to challenge yourself?

It's extremely easy to get caught up and lull yourself into a comfort zone where you're working 9-to-5, doing the same thing over and over again and spending each day at the same old boring office job. If you want to become more successful in your next career move or break out of that comfort zone, it takes an enormous amount of courage and balls to do what others around you may not be able to do.

What makes someone more successful than others?

It's the people willing to challenge themselves and push past their comfort zone that usually have amazing results in life. When you have a certain skill, talent or passion in life, challenges force you to learn new things and take on new challenges. It also helps if you love what you do because it's a lot easier to continue loving your work if you're challenged every day.

If challenges are so good, why don't we see more of them?

Because people fear failure and they fear working hard. They fear having to learn new skills. They fear losing everything they have and starting over. But sometimes you need to fail to learn how to succeed. Sometimes you need to push past your comfort zone in order for success to come.

How do I challenge myself?

Here are some challenges you can take on today: Learn a new skill, start a blog, improve your photography, stop listening to those negative people around you, start that side business or take on extra responsibilities at work. Find something that's terrifying and get after it! There's no better time than the present. You'll thank yourself later.

What are some fears people have that stop them from challenging themselves?

People fear failure, looking stupid, disappointing their family and friends, loss of money, loss of their job and not succeeding. But guess what? You're going to fail anyway. Everyone in the world fails. We all have the same amount of time here on earth and no one gets out alive. So why waste it being afraid of what might happen? Go for it.

Can I challenge myself to become more successful?

You can challenge yourself by pushing past your comfort zone every single day, taking chances on new ideas and taking risks out of a desire to learn something new or craft a skill you didn't know you had inside you. It's a fact that you can become more successful by challenging yourself.

What will my friends say if I challenge myself?

They will kick themselves in the ass for ever telling you not to take on new challenges! They'll be so impressed and thankful to you for pushing them out of their comfort zones and reminding them that they can learn new things and grow as individuals and become better people by doing so. You will have a much higher chance at success if you challenge yourself than someone who doesn't. Surround yourself with like-minded, brave souls who are willing to push themselves outside their comfort zone.

Why is it important to challenge myself?

It's just as important to challenge yourself as it is to challenge others. We all need to push ourselves outside our comfort zones every single day so that we can grow. We all need to be reminded that we can become more successful if we seek out challenges, learn new skills, try new things and push past our comfort zones.

What are some ways that I can challenge myself?

Start a blog, learn a new skill, take on extra responsibilities at work, set goals for your business or career and start reading for fun instead of watching TV. Make a list of your fears and start overcoming them one by one instead of all at once. Challenge yourself to learn something new or master a skill you didn't know you had. The possibilities are endless.

Are the people around me holding me back from taking on new challenges?

The people around you don't want to see you fail. They love and support you, they want to see you succeed. But they're afraid of failure and they don't want to be around someone who is constantly challenging what they believe in. Let them go and show them how much more successful you will be without their negativity holding you back!

What makes someone successful?

It's the person who has been pushed out of his or her comfort zone and challenged on a regular basis that ultimately becomes the most successful person in the world. Success is measured by the amount of personal growth, lessons learned and risks you've taken. If you haven't challenged yourself every day to learn something new, gain a new skill or push past your comfort zone in some way, then you're not living up to your potential.

What are some fears that people have?

Fear of failure, fear of looking stupid in front of others, fear of having everything they have worked so hard for taken away from them and losing it all.

How do I beat my fears?

Set small goals that are easy enough to reach but big enough that they are difficult. When you accomplish those goals, set bigger ones with more challenges attached to them than before.

How do I make my goals big enough?

Goals are always bigger than you think they are. You need to be clear about what your goals are otherwise you'll never be able to accomplish them. Ask yourself what it is that you want to accomplish in the next month, year or life. Is it a new skill? Do you want to get something done that's been on your list for years? Is there something that has always bothered you but no one else seems to see as a problem? Do you want more freedom or money in your life? If so, then break those goals down into smaller, more digestible pieces such as, "I'm going to take a photography workshop". There are always goals that are smaller than others.

How do I get past my fears?

Learn from the mistakes you've made and continue to grow as a person by challenging yourself every day. It's impossible for someone to be successful if he or she never tries anything new, doesn't learn something new everyday, never pushes themselves outside their comfort zones and never takes risks. Remember, make each day count and challenge yourself every single day!

Is it possible for me to go through life with no fears?

Only if you want to die a slow death. Fear is what makes us human.


I hope this article has helped you confront some of your fears and realize that, as humans, we all have fears. We need to understand that we can overcome them if we start challenging ourselves more often!

In the following articles you will learn a lot more about fear and how to defeat it.

If you're ready for some fun, check out these other articles:

25 Examples of Fear in Everyday Living – Why are we scared of things? And how can I get over my fears?

What It Means To Be A Master – You've struggled with something your whole life. Finally, it's the day you want to unlock your true potential.

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