Change Means Action


 Change Means Action

Change means action.

It takes effort to change something; it takes a lot of work, attention, and time. You can't change something by just wanting it to be different. You have to make it happen, you have to create and construct the change.

You can do this through conscious choices like changing what you eat for breakfast or what time you wake up in the morning. Change can happen in big ways, and small ways. Ultimately, it's a decision that we are each responsible for making every day of our lives. It takes effort, but eventually we're rewarded with a sense of accomplishment and peace of mind when we finally realize that we're in control of our future trajectory.

Change can be tricky. Sometimes the change that you want doesn't work out the way you were hoping it would. It can be scary to try something new and different; the unknown is always a bit intimidating. It's easy to get disheartened and give up, but making the decision to put intent into your actions, even when it seems like there's little reward for doing so, will ultimately aid in your pursuit of excellence and success.

Being aware of our surroundings is vital for us to be able to make good choices. We must see that our lives are subject to change in order for us to take action on things that we desire in our futures, today.

The road to achieving greatness is marked with change, and it's how we respond to that change that will get us there.

Each one of us has unique circumstances and situations in our lives, but there are certain universal truths that apply to us all. In order for us to become the people we want to be and create the lives we truly desire, we must see these truths for what they are. We must use these truths as a set of guidelines for creating our own futures. These truths are: Change means action; awareness is key; and our decisions shape our destinies.

It takes effort to change something; it takes a lot of work, attention, and time. You can't change something by just wanting it to be different. You have to make it happen, you have to create and construct the change.

You can do this through conscious choices like changing what you eat for breakfast or what time you wake up in the morning. Change can happen in big ways, and small ways. Ultimately, it's a decision that we are each responsible for making every day of our lives. It takes effort, but eventually we're rewarded with a sense of accomplishment and peace of mind when we finally realize that we're in control of our future trajectory.

Change can be tricky. Sometimes the change that you want doesn't work out the way you were hoping it would. It can be scary to try something new and different; the unknown is always a bit intimidating. It's easy to get disheartened and give up, but making the decision to put intent into your actions, even when it seems like there's little reward for doing so, will ultimately aid in your pursuit of excellence and success.

Being aware of our surroundings is vital for us to be able to make good choices. We must see that our lives are subject to change in order for us to take action on things that we desire in our futures, today.

The road to achieving greatness is marked with change, and it's how we respond to that change that will get us there.

About the Author:
Spencer LaForte resides in Dallas, Texas. Spencer earned his Bachelor's Degree in Psychology from Texas A&M University and his Master's Degree in Counseling Psychology from the University of North Texas. Spencer has been teaching life skills seminars for more than 20 years, helping people cope with everyday issues they face as they pursue greater self-awareness and personal growth. Spencer is a firm believer that one can achieve anything when they make an effort to change what they are doing and create a new path to success.

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Spencer LaForte resides in Dallas, Texas. Spencer earned his Bachelor's Degree in Psychology from Texas A&M University and his Master's Degree in Counseling Psychology from the University of North Texas. Spencer has been teaching life skills seminars for more than 20 years, helping people cope with everyday issues they face as they pursue greater self-awareness and personal growth. Spencer is a firm believer that one can achieve anything when they make an effort to change what they are doing and create a new path to success.

Source: Free Articles from

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Article Content: Change Means Action, by Spencer LaForte. As a person pursues excellence and success in their endeavors, they must make a conscious choice to be aware of the surroundings that influence their decisions. The road to achieving greatness is marked with change, and it's how we respond to that change that will get us there. It takes effort to change something; it takes a lot of work, attention, and time. You can't change something by just wanting it to be different. You have to make it happen, you have to create and construct the change. You can do this through conscious choices like changing what you eat for breakfast or what time you wake up in the morning. Change can happen in big ways, and small ways.

Conclusion - The Road To Excellence Is Marked With Change, and It's How We Respond To That Change That Will Get Us There

Everyone wants to be successful; it's in our nature. It means a great deal to us to succeed, to see that we have made the most of our lives. When it feels like things are going well for us and we're on top of the world, there is a good chance that we're actually suffering from what I call "The Illusion of Success." We fail to realize that perfection is often a myth. In reality, success tends to be found in small steps forward rather than big waves forward in our lives.

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