Change: The Other Dirty Word


 Change: The Other Dirty Word

In a world full of change, you don't need to be happy about it. You just need to know how to make the most of it.

It's not always easy to go with the flow and be on board with change. Change can bring new things that we may not want, as well as take away some of what we've grown attached to. It can interrupt our routine and force us into situations that are uncomfortable or unproductive for us personally. And if you're someone who has never really been keen on change, it may even start feeling like an invasion going beyond sharing your space and time with others in this world.

But if it's not an invasion, then what is it?

It's a necessary part of life. It's the process of adaptation, whether we like it or not. Without being able to accept change and adapt to our changing environment, we risk becoming obsolete and irrelevant in the world around us. We'd lose ground on other people who can figure out how to make the most of what they've got, as well as how to get more of what they want. In order to avoid becoming obsolete in this age where information is more accessible than ever before, we must learn how to adapt as time goes on and things change for us and those around us.

Have you ever heard someone say that they've "grown comfortable" in their current position or location? According to The New York Times, this is a common phrase that people hear. It can apply to someone who hasn't been able to adjust to their current job because of the environment, or maybe it's all about being out of touch with the fashion trends and technology that are quickly becoming popular. Or maybe even, it could be a symptom of not adapting well with change and internalizing this thought, as if we can never really be happy in our position.

We must learn how to accept change for what it is: an inevitable part of life. It's not always easy to accept, but getting used to it is inevitable so that we can work with it and do our best to be in control of it. We just need to understand that change is a part of life, and we must learn how to cope with it.

That's not the only change we face; if you know me well enough, you'd know that I'm very much an introvert. Being an introvert has been my greatest challenge throughout my life because I often shy away from social situations or risk not being able to fit in for when meeting new people is most important. But I've been learning how to deal with this change over the years, learning more about myself and what I like about me. I've learned how to look at it as an opportunity and not a burden, because now I know how to adjust, even when it can be very difficult.

Many of the ways that we react to change is natural. Even if it's making someone angry or frustrated, these negative feelings are the results of our brains' attempt to help us adapt and survive in what feels like an unfamiliar environment, even if we don't want to see it this way. We all have this ability buried within us, even if we don't use it all that often.

It's not easy being an introvert, but it's ultimately rewarding because we can learn to make the most of our strengths and improve on what we like about ourselves. To do this means that every time I'm with someone new, or am in a group situation where I feel lost, I know that it's okay to ask for help. There are times where I'm very shy and unresponsive towards those around me, but other times where I'll be very outgoing with everyone there. It's a process, but it helps me grow and work on myself at the same time.

Like I said, it's not always easy, but that doesn't mean that we shouldn't try. It all comes down to preparing for the changes ahead of us and working with them instead of letting them work against us.

I know what you're thinking by this point: "It's so much easier said than done." That may be true, but all it takes is a little bit of effort, some time and patience to make these changes happen. All we have to do is look at our environment and think about ways that we can adjust to it better. Change isn't bad; it's just different from what we're used to.

We can all figure out how to adapt to change and be the best that we can be.
I was born a year before the first computer ever came out. This very same computer that I'm typing this article on is around 80 years old (depending on which country you're from) at this point, so the change that I go through is truly amazing. Thankfully, I've adapted to it better than anyone else probably did in their time, because no one knew what computers were going to be like then.

With every change that comes our way in life, there's always a learning period involved with it. I'm not saying that every time there's a new lesson or challenge we have to go through, but there's always something that we learn throughout this process. Sometimes it might just be about how to use a new piece of technology, and other times we might realize that we need to change our perspective on life in general.

Although some people are more welcoming of change than others, no one has the ability to stop it from happening. It happens for many different reasons, whether it's because there are natural disasters or world events that are beyond our control. Regardless, the best thing that we can do is learn how to adapt and move on from it so that we're not stuck in one place for the rest of our lives.

If you're someone who has to learn how to deal with change, I highly recommend the following books:

A series of videos called "Changes" on YouTube is a great source of wisdom. Each video will show how different people have adapted to life's changes. Some books that can help us too are:

I've been thinking about this article for awhile now, and I want to ask for your thoughts on it! Do you agree or disagree? What are some ways that you've adapted to change in your life? What would be helpful advice for those who want to learn about adapting better? Feel free to comment below; I'd love to hear from you. :)

And be sure to check out the pilot episode of my new series, "Life Lessons With Ryan":

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What does it mean to be an introvert or an extrovert? I break down the difference between the two and give some great examples of both. Click here to read. This article may interest those who have questioned their personality type! Here are some ways that I deal with severe anxiety. Read this to learn more.


Being introverted isn't the end of the world, nor is it an excuse to not grow as an individual. It's something that can make us stronger if we allow ourselves to reach out and help others do the same.

We don't need to be afraid of change; rather, we need to accept it and learn how to live with it better.

To leave you with a quote from Carl Jung: "Everyone carries a shadow, and the less it's embodied in the individual's conscious life, the blacker and denser it is." We all have problems and challenges that we deal with on a daily basis.

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