Concentration Finds the Way


 Concentration Finds the Way

We're all familiar with this strange phenomenon that we call "mental block" - the feeling of being unable to do something that we really want to do, but just can't manage.

If this happens to you, then you've probably tried countless times without success - thinking about how to get past it only makes things worse. But there's a huge difference between everyday mental blocks and those moments when your concentration gets stuck on something for over 24 hours and continues even after sleeping for 8 hours in a row.

This article will teach you some different strategies for overcoming the most common types of concentration problems.

Problem #1: Procrastination
There are several different ways to describe procrastination. Most of them can be roughly divided into two categories - what psychologists call "productivity procrastination" and "inertia procrastination". Productivity procrastination involves worrying about how to get something done, what the deadline is, etc., and the urge to put things off for later. Inertia procrastination involves simply continuing with your current task without really being aware of it or wanting to complete it.

Either way, what people do when they procrastinate is basically the same thing - they sit around and do nothing because they are not in the mood to do any work at all. The only real difference is that people who suffer from productivity procrastination may loosen their grip on the problem for a short time after putting it off for days, but then go back to it again because of their constant fear of not being able to get anything done.

The problem with this is that you'll never really be able to finish anything. Whatever task you put off will be looming over you constantly until you finish it and it keeps growing larger and larger the longer you wait.

However, in many cases this "productivity procrastination" is not really caused by a lack of motivation so much as by an incorrect approach to your current task. For example, if you're writing an essay and come across a part that is difficult to write or that you can't think about what to write next, then the right thing to do is simply put it down for later and consider it a stopping point for now. Then when you have time again, go back to the problem with a fresh head. You'll probably find that the difficult part will suddenly become apparent and solve itself or at least become much clearer and easier to write.

Problem #2: Lack of Focus
A lack of focus sometimes occurs because the task you're doing at the moment is too complex and your brain simply can't handle that much information. But you don't have to think all that hard about trying to figure out what the problem might be - sometimes, it's as simple as realizing that you're not paying attention.

One of the most common symptoms of lack of focus is feeling like you have a head full of thoughts and ideas, but not knowing where to start. The solution is easy - simply take a few deep breaths and try to imagine that you're relaxing in your favorite place. Once you feel better, go back to work without forgetting what you were doing again.

Problem #3: Laziness
If you can't concentrate on your work because it seems too boring or repetitive then there's no need to worry about how hard it is - simply don't do it. The fact is, if you don't feel like doing something then you're probably not going to have the motivation to finish it and there's no point in forcing yourself to do something that will only discourage you.

However, sometimes when you're thinking about work that seems difficult and boring, that's because you're successful at getting it done. Working isn't supposed to be fun all the time - so feel free to take a break when you need a little break from your current task. It's important not to let yourself get carried away with laziness too often though, as it can easily develop into an inertia procrastination problem if left unchecked.

Problem #4: Procrastination
If you find yourself procrastinating on something that you don't feel like doing, then the best thing to do is simply complete it as soon as possible. After all, it's not like you'll be starting a new book if you finish what you were working on now. Take a look at the project on your desk or planning to work on in the future and make sure that there's no real reason why you can't get started today - after all, tomorrow is always much too late.

At this point, some people might be wondering whether they should just quit their job if they're not happy with how things are going. Of course they should not. The problem with that is that if you don't have a job, you won't be able to do anything else.

Often, people who have this problem are simply waiting for something that doesn't exist and will never come anyway. The point is to actually get some sort of employment if this problem is interfering with your life in the first place - after all, there's no point in dreaming of having more time, when you keep putting off starting stuff all the time and end up wasting your productive hours doing nothing at all.

Problem #5: Inertia
If you keep going on with tasks that are not interesting or challenging enough, then it's likely that you'll end up simply running out of things to do. However, if your inertia is a result of a lack of motivation then this problem will only get worse if it persists.

To solve this problem, first make sure that you're actually able to start working on something interesting or challenging - after all, inertia is just as much about what's easy to accomplish as it is about what's easy to start. If you're not interested in doing something at all, then there will be no point in starting it at all and therefore no point in continuing with it. Therefore, you should always make sure that your work is something which will stick with you and make you excited about it - otherwise inertia will decimate you.

Problem #6: Expectation
It's very common for people to be afraid of failure so much that they end up never actually doing anything and thereby never fulfilling their goals at all. The problem with this is that if you're constantly avoiding starting new things or just going through the motions, then you won't be able to accomplish anything at all.

The solution here is simple - learn to trust in yourself a little bit more.


If you'd like to overcome these subtle forms of procrastination which are causing your life to be less than it could be, then you should follow a process which is simple but effective. List the things that you've been planning to do, but never got around doing - then pick one of them and start doing it today.

Finally - if you'd like some more personal help with overcoming procrastination and improving your motivation, then feel free to contact me. I'm here for any questions or suggestions and I can work with you on a plan that will suit your needs perfectly.

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