Cosmic Ordering - The Power of Positive Thinking


 Cosmic Ordering - The Power of Positive Thinking

Order this Cosmic Ordering Now

Every mom and dad knows the power of positive thinking can help your children succeed. However, new research suggests that the power of positive thinking is so strong that it can actually increase your success even when you don’t know how to do something! In a study published in Current Directions in Psychological Science, participants were tasked with ordering pizza. Half of them did so as if they were going on a date with someone they were attracted to. The other half ordered as if they had no interest at all in whom would be receiving their order and simply wanted to be left alone. Then, participants were given a list of ten words and asked whether or not each word was a synonym for “table.” This is about as simple as a test can get. It takes approximately two seconds to read the list and another two seconds to answer the question.

Amazingly, those who had previously imagined ordering pizza with their crush outperformed those who simply imagined being left alone by an astonishing 50%. Researchers suggest that this was due to the participants having a higher level of mental arousal while they were imagining their pizza date. The more aroused they became, the better they performed on the test!

You now have an easy way to increase your success by thinking positively whatever you are doing while feeling aroused by it. Just ask yourself, “How may this activity help me achieve my goals?” and you’ll be amazed at how your answers improve even the simplest of tasks.

"The Power of Positive Thinking"

When I placed this order I felt very good. That night I did a reading. As soon as I asked out loud what the outcome would be I heard a voice from nowhere saying "Let go". This was very confusing to me as my life is better than it has ever been and there is nothing negative about it at all! But let go? What does that mean?!? Well, after trying to figure it out for the next two hours, I finally gave up and got ready for bed.

The next morning I awoke to find $300.00 on my bedside table. It wasn't money I was expecting, but rather a gift that truly surprised me nonetheless.

I'm not really sure why we have to let go though. I guess if you are attached to one way of doing things, like I was all these years doing readings/ mediumship, then you cannot possibly be open to anything else working better for you! And now this Cosmic Ordering thing seems to have opened the door for me! This is the first time in my life that it made me feel good about something and then it happened!

So just so you know.... I'm going to be using the Cosmic Ordering to help me with my Mediumship too. Because the last 3 readings I did, guess what? Nobody wanted anything to do with me. What was I doing wrong? So now I'm going to use positive thinking and Cosmic Ordering with Mediumship - so I can keep giving people good readings!"

Carolyn Shearer(USA)
"I have been a medium since 1976 in various forms and have never used the power of positive thinking on my own. When I tried to use it before it didn't work. I did as you suggested and was so pleased, it is a great idea to have a pizza fun with your crush for a few minutes before doing the reading. It all made perfect sense when you said it. Once again, thank you."

Robert Turner (England)
"Dear Cosmic Ordering Service,
I want to thank you for your service and what you do. I am pleased with the outcome. In fact, I am still amazed at what you did. I just wanted to say thank you to all of you who are making the service a success.
Robert Turner (England)"
"Hi,The last few days have been very good for me and I think because of that the results have started to occur. I did my first reading on Friday and couldn't sleep all night, but the next morning there was $500 in my account from someone who had a problem with their phone line - she was really happy and couldn't believe it had happened. Then come Saturday, I was lucky enough to win a competition of $2,000 - I wasn't even in the running. Then something else happened that I am not at liberty to say about yet.
My new hobby is becoming expensive!Thankyou because your service is helping me become more confident and believe that it is all possible. Every day I see another positive change in my life. I have recommended your service to all of my friends who have said they will be getting their own readings."

Lee Kaye (Australia)
"Hi,My name is Lee and I just wanted to say amen after my reading. It was the first time I had tried positive thinking on a special issue and it sure does work! I don't know how you can tell me about it because no one ever thought about positive thinking in this way before. I did as you suggested and it made such a difference that it inspired me to start telling other people how positive thinking works so they can make a change in their lives too. Thanks for your service. It has been wonderful."

Greg (USA)
"Hi, I just wanted to tell you what an incredible result I got from this service! On the day the service was working for me, the guy I like as a matter of fact have been going out with for a year, who's been very cold with me lately even though we have just been together for three months told me he was falling in love with me. Then yesterday morning this guy called and said he wanted to take me out on Saturday night so we could talk more and hopefully get back together. Then today he called again and actually said he wanted to take me shopping all day Saturday with my friends. Talk about amazing! We are definitely getting back together. I wanted to tell you like I said it was an amazing service and you got me the results. Thank you Cosmic Ordering Service for making this happen."

Maria (USA)
"I want to thank you for your wonderful service! It is now I think a week since I received my first reading, and things have started to improve. More money has been deposited in my account from people who have benefited from the work that they do, there have been more people asking me out on dates and some of my clients have even asked me if I could do readings for their friends. Also yesterday another client gave me $100 as a bonus because he felt good after his session with me.

Thanks for everything! I will definitely keep you all posted. Thanks again!"

Nickie (USA)
"I was amazed by the results of my reading, and I think alot of my friends will be getting theirs soon. Yesterday I left a message to tell all of my friends that positive thinking works and it is possible to get things you control your life."

Thank you for providing such a service! It has been an incredible blessing in my life! From the first time I used this service, the results have been amazing, and they just keep on coming. This entire experience has opened up new opportunities for me where before none existed - meaning money, love, success and attention from others.

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