Cure Complacency Before It Kills


 Cure Complacency Before It Kills

We, like many other companies and people, have been complacent. We haven’t seen the level of growth we all need to see because of complacency. My question for you is: are you ready? Are you ready to work at a pace that is not just sustainable but that will propel us into new heights? Are you ready for the investment and dedication it will take to make this company successful?

Growth does not come without pain, without struggle; it often comes with adversity. This year I want everyone in this building to be prepared for what’s coming. If we are going up, then we all go up together; if someone falls over then someone needs to help them back up again.

I have a saying about starting something new: “Either you’re in or you’re out.” I don’t have the luxury of being complacent; we are a company that deals with people and relationships, and time is our most valuable asset. We are going to have to get world-class at working together, collaborating with each other, and understanding that we are all in this together – not just for current business but for the future.

If we choose to wake up tomorrow and say there is no way we can make this happen – then I will tell you today that it won’t happen. I will make sure the voices of interested and enthusiastic employees aren’t ignored or silenced. I will make sure that those who are already here feel like we are moving in the right direction. There is no time to waste, there is no time to hesitate.

We may have a few bumps in the road, but we can fix them and move forward. We have the people and connections throughout this industry who can help us when we need it most – it’s a fundamental part of our business, so let’s make sure we keep it that way for our clients and for ourselves.

I love this company and I am proud to be a part of it. Don’t think that I don’t understand that those who are here are a big part of the reason why and I will do anything I can to help you get what you want out of this business.

Five years ago my brother and I woke up one morning and decided we were going to start a staffing company. We didn’t know what we were doing; in fact, we knew nothing about the industry or how difficult it would be. And yet, here we are, five years later and eight million dollars in revenue later. You can do it too.

I told my brother that he had been afraid of many things in his life – but not this. He was right: I wasn’t afraid of this at all. I knew this was something we could do because of the people who were around us and the support system we had. Look at what incredible things you have all done for us so far – if you don’t think you can continue to make a positive difference then I want to talk to you.

We should be so proud of what we’ve done and where we stand, but I want us to be even more proud of where we’re going.

If you are afraid of it then do it anyway – that’s how you get through fear.

Fear is universal, but so are the values which brought you here in the first place. This industry needs a success story like ours. Let’s make sure we build it one customer at a time, one staff member at a time, and one person at a time. If we all do this together the sky is our limit because so many people have invested in us already – it’s up to us now.

-Jason Busch

CEO, Scripted

Scripted is a fast-growing Chicago-based contingency recruiting firm that specializes in providing outstanding client service and excellent candidate matches. Our proprietary technology platform helps us deliver critical data and insights into the recruitment lifecycle. We are looking to grow our team of talented individuals who want to push the envelope with us as we continue our rapid growth. Check out some of our current openings as they are posted here: . If you would like to write a guest post for TechCo, please email me at


Filed under: Management | Tagged: entrepreneurs, Jason Busch, leadership, motivational speech, operation alignment | 1 Comment » | Comments Off on Cure Complacency Before It Kills

Tuesday, May 23rd, 2012

I have a confession to make. I didn’t feel bad about not posting an article last week because this week I had something special planned. I worked on it every day for a week and celebrated its completion with a bottle of champagne with my wife. It’s designed to help you – the tech-heads out there – better understand what we do and why we do it. It’s really the cornerstone that all of TechCo was built upon. I think it’ll be a powerful motivator for you all to take this next step in your career.

So what is the purpose of TechCo? What makes us different from all the other agencies out there? And who does the work we have been doing for the past couple of years? For one thing, we are not an agency. We are a consulting firm and a thought leader. Throughout our existence, we have never focused on just one particular type of client relationship or just one particular type of candidate. We have always done both and worked with many types of clients and many types of candidates every single day. When we were started in 2008, that was our approach. That is what made us different. It’s what sets us apart. It’s how we stay relevant.

I believe that our clients understand and appreciate the difference between us and other agencies out there because everyone in this industry knows that if you want to succeed, you need great people who are trained, certified and ready to do the work they were hired to do on day one. TechCo has always been able to deliver those types of employees because we understand that the best way to accomplish all of the above is by offering a total package solution for all of your needs.

When I was a young kid just getting started in this business I picked up on a lot of things that “old school” folks (not techies) were doing in their businesses. In fact, they were doing so many of the same things that got me into this industry. There were some things they were doing right and there were some things they weren’t doing right. What’s crazy about the tech industry is how fast everything moves and feeds on itself. It’s really really fast – nothing is ever stagnant or slow in this industry.

Conclusion time: the tech industry is complicated. The tech industry is fast-paced. In order to win, you need to be capable of handling both parts of that business model at the same time.

At its core, TechCo is a resource that helps our clients increase their bottom line by improving their recruiting and staffing efforts. We do this by providing them with top talent on a temporary or permanent basis as well as helping them improve their internal culture and business processes so that they are in a continuous state of position management with roles that have been clearly defined and specific expectations associated with them. (Hint: if you’re not doing it right now, you’re probably going to lose money.

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