Dare To Be Different


 Dare To Be Different

I am in love with the word, "dare." I love how it is one of those words that almost instills in me the strength to conquer fear. I dare you to try something different today. You may just surprise yourself and find out that you like it a lot more than you expected. You can't go wrong trying something new because at least you'll be doing something different from yesterday and every day before that. Dare to be different!

Dare To Be Different was written by Tara McNally, a blogger who talks about her experience as someone who inspires others through her story of overcoming addiction, illness, and injury on her blog Dare To Be Different . Tara also serves as the Outreach Manager for International Christian Network of Alcoholics Anonymous , which is a networking website dedicated to helping those who suffer from alcoholism.

Tara was born and raised in Littleton, Colorado and currently resides in Cincinnati, Ohio with her husband. Tara earned a degree in Business Administration and Management from the University of Northern Colorado before having to leave school to work full time. She taught Sunday school for eight years before going through an extremely difficult period that included addiction and illness. During this time Tara worked on her blog, Dare To Be Different , which she created as part of her sobriety journey.

Tara explains that she is "an alcoholic who found a Higher Power in the 12 steps and faith in God, as well lots of other people suffering from the same malady. I am an author, blogger, and inspirational speaker. I have been sober for almost four years now."

When I asked Tara what inspired her to write Dare To Be Different , she says that she started blogging during her recovery, which was right around the same time when Facebook took off. In her blog she writes about how if it weren't for AA she might not be alive today and how she is grateful to them because they were there to help her get sober. She says, "They were there for me when I needed them most. AA made it possible for me to get sober and stay sober."

Tara added that writing Dare To Be Different has been such a blessing because she gets to share her story with others and also helps others who are going through difficult times in their life. She tells her readers, "I am honored by the letters I receive from people who have read my blog. I have heard the same stories over and over again and have the deepest respect for those who write to tell me how much they have been helped by my blog. It is a true privilege to help others in need. I am proud to have a platform and a voice that can reach so many people."

Tara says she also tells her story because she wants to be an inspiration and as a testimony to help other alcoholics and addicts. She says, "I want to be an example that you CAN recover and that we CAN live happy sober lives when life gets tough."

I first came across Tara's blog after I attended the annual Alcoholic Anonymous conference in Denver, Colorado. There were several speakers who were great at sharing their personal stories with us including Tara McNally. It was then that I realized how true it is that addiction spreads like a virus in our lives. It gets in your heart, it gets in your mind, and even if we are sober it still controls us. Tara has done a tremendous job sharing her story with us and was able to inspire me. It is also incredibly humbling to see someone who has gone through so much achieve sobriety. I couldn't imagine going through what she has but after reading her blog, I believe that she can do it.

Dare To Be Different is not just about Tara's battle to be sober, but it also talks about her struggles with addiction, illness and injuries she suffered before overcoming them all. She puts so much thought into how she chooses to use the word "dare. " She explains, "I dared to be different by giving up my false pride and ego. I dared to be different by reaching out for help when I needed it the most. I dared to be different when I asked for forgiveness from those whom I had hurt in the past. I dared to be different by staying sober and continuing to practice the 12 Steps."

I love how Tara is able to take her struggles and make it something that helps others by sharing her stories on Dare To Be Different . This blog is about more than just addiction but about life as well. Tara has a way with words that makes you feel like she's writing this especially for you. Dare To Be Different is just a short read but it's one you won't want to miss.

You can follow Tara on Twitter @tara_mcnally, Facebook Tara McNally , and of course Dare To Be Different . You can also connect with her at International Christian Network of Alcoholics Anonymous . I would love to hear from you. If you like this post please share it with others. Feel free to leave any comments or questions below!

Allison-Nichole M. Salinas, Miami Beach 411 Video Editor/Columnist Allison-Nichole M. Salinas is a Miami Beach 411 Video Editor/Columnist and avid traveler. She enjoys reading, dancing, and learning about cultures all around the world. A bit of her secret to happiness is traditional Italian cooking. She also loves going on adventure trips with her friends! Connect with Allison-Nichole M. Salinas on Google+ , Twitter , Instagram , and Pinterest

Tara McNally never imagined that she would be sharing her life story online after she went through such personal struggles. Tara started blogging while she was in recovery from addiction, illness, and injuries in 2008 just after having left college to work full time. Tara's blog, Dare To ...

This blog is about more than just addiction but about life as well. Tara has a way with words that makes you feel like she's writing this especially for you. Dare To Be Different is just a short read but it's one you won...

This is her first book and I highly recommend it. Tara explains, "Dare To Be Different is a memoir that shares my story of addiction and recovery through the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. My hope for Dare To ...

Tara McNally never imagined that she would be sharing her life story online after she went through such personal struggles.


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