Determination meaning


Determination meaning

Determination meaning is a word that has the general meaning of being tough, strong and powerful.

Determination means to be able to persist in an endeavor or goal even when things seem difficult. There are many different types of determination like Determination for success, Determination for efficiency, Determination for happiness and so on.

It's about having a will power and not giving up no matter what happens. It's about never giving in to temptation or difficult situations no matter how bad they get because you know that your goal is worth it and you'll succeed eventually by your determination which is hard-work coupled with perseverance.

In the dictionary, determination can be defined as: "The act or an instance of determining." In other words, determination is merely having a will power to persevere and you have the power to make things happen in your favor. It's about always having hope without giving up.

The meaning of determination is about having a will power and perseverance. Determination is about going after what you want even when many people discourage you from doing or achieving it.

Determination meaning: 

"A determination, or a fixity of purpose and resolution, is one element that does not quickly emerge in the process of becoming. It is rather something that emerges from this process of growth as its result. Yet it also has qualities that set it apart from the results themselves."
(H.J. Blackham, 1994) 

Determination means to be able to persist in an endeavor or goal even when things seem difficult. There are many different types of determination like Determination for success, Determination for efficiency, Determination for happiness and so on. It's about having a will power and not giving up no matter what happens. It's about never giving in to temptation or difficult situations no matter how bad they get because you know that your goal is worth it and you'll succeed eventually by your determination which is hard-work coupled with perseverance.

Now, there are some words with similar meaning like "hope" and "resolve", but they are also different from each other in their own way. For example, hope means we expect something from somebody or something else to happen, on the other hand resolve means to promise yourself. Hope is an expectation towards external things and resolve is a promise of your own self. Another example is determination, which means to have a will power and perseverance. Hope is an expectation while resolve means to promise something to yourself.
Determination can also mean persistence. Someone said that persistence is something that will get us what we want in the end, it's important that we never give up no matter how difficult our goal might be.

In the dictionary, determination can be defined as: "The act or an instance of determining." In other words, determination is merely having a will power to persevere and you have the power to make things happen in your favor. It's about always having hope without giving up.

""It's about never giving in to temptation or difficult situations no matter how bad they get because you know that your goal is worth it and you'll succeed eventually by your determination which is hard-work coupled with perseverance."

"In the dictionary, determination can be defined as: "The act or an instance of determining." In other words, determination is merely having a will power to persevere and you have the power to make things happen in your favor. It's about always having hope without giving up."

Determination means persistence which can help us get what we want.

There are also some words that have similar meaning like hope and resolve, but their meanings are different too. For example, hope means we expect something from somebody or something else to happen, on the other hand resolve means to promise yourself. Hope is an expectation towards external things and resolve is a promise of your own self. Another example is determination, which means to have a will power and perseverance. Hope is an expectation while resolve means to promise something to yourself."

"Determination refers to firmness of mind that enables one to face difficulty with confidence and sustain effort toward completion against obstacles and diversion." 

Accordingly, it may be positive or negative. Positive determination refers to actions taken by the person having positive view towards goals and tasks whereas negative determination refers to someone who has given up taking action towards goal without even trying. Negative determination may be caused by fear or unwillingness.

According to Gorbatai and Kucharska, the difference between determination and resilience is that resilience is a reaction to the adversity or hardship whereas determination is the process of overcoming it. It enables one to face difficulty with confidence and sustain effort towards completion against obstacles and diversion. 

Determination can be used in our everyday life, like if you want to achieve something in your life you will need a strong will power if you are going to work hard day after day towards that goal without giving up no matter what happens. And this kind of attitude requires determination from yourself. In a different example, if you want to achieve something in your life, let's say get a job you need determination to work hard and eventually achieve your goal. So, I would like to say that determination is necessary thing in achieving success or anything else.

Norman Vincent Peale said, "What you become is what you believe." We become what we think we can be.

The following is an extract of the speech by President Barack Obama on February 2nd , 2013:
"So I've said many times that change doesn't come from Washington. Change comes to Washington. Change comes when citizens engage at every level and demand that our politics reflect the decency of our people. Change comes when we push back against the special interests and work to demand a government that is truly of, by and for the people."

"America, I've never been more hopeful about our future. Not because I think I have all the answers. Not because I'm naïve about the magnitude of our challenges. I'm hopeful because of you. I'm hopeful because you believe in this country, and you're willing to work hard to make it a better place. I'm hopeful because you're willing to volunteer your time, and pull together to help out a neighbor in need. I'm hopeful because you believe that everybody should have a fair shot, and everybody should do their fair share, and everybody should play by the same rules, from Wall Street to Main Street."

"I've always been hopeful about America. And that's what makes this country special. It's not just that we have the largest economy or the strongest military. It's our capacity to come together as citizens to shape our destiny."

We can see determination, along with other social factors such as solidarity and hope, is one of the influential factors which is helpful in determining success or failure in life.


The relationship between hope and determination is not one of cause and effect. Rather, these two factors are inter-related with each other. Hope can act as an expectation towards some external things such as money, property, health, and the opportunity for others to do their work. And determination can mean perseverance which encourages people to make their own decisions. Hope is a belief that something will happened after all difficulties or obstacles are overcome no matter what happens in between. Meanwhile, determination is a promise of your own self or self-faith in order to make everything possible by oneself.

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