Do You Need to Have a High IQ to Be Successful?


 Do You Need to Have a High IQ to Be Successful?

IQ is commonly thought of as a "smart person's" intelligence, but that isn't always the case. In fact, some studies have shown that people with low IQs can actually be more productive than those with higher IQs.

However, in most cases, it is likely that you need to have a high IQ to increase your chances of success and be more productive than someone without an IQ.

That said, it doesn't mean there aren't ways to become successful and intelligent without having a high IQ. It just means that it would be much harder to achieve the same level of success.

For example, someone may be considered more successful than you because they have a lower IQ but they are very driven and hardworking. They are also likely to have better time management skills as well as discipline and motivation.

People who are not successful have low IQs because of their lack of motivation and drive. They also tend to make bad decisions because they don't think things through, especially when it comes to planning for their future. Plus, it doesn't help that most people with low IQs don't like reading or doing any form of mental exercise.

In fact, a study has found that around 19% of those with low IQs are considered to be out of touch with the modern world. That is compared to just around 4% of people with high IQs.

Surprisingly enough, almost half of the people surveyed said that they didn't think their IQ was all that bad. They also believed their IQ was good enough for them to get by in life and even do moderately well in school.

So, we have to ask ourselves… "Should you feel bad if you have a low IQ?" Of course not!

If your IQ is below 110 (which means you're considered average), then it doesn't mean you're dumb or stupid. You can still be a very smart person using other skills and talents.

It really doesn't matter how smart you are because there is no standard definition of intelligence. It isn't an absolute measure of who is smarter or dumb and it certainly doesn't define your worth as a person.

Many rich, successful, and famous people have had low IQs. So don't beat yourself up if you have scored low on your IQ test. Instead, focus on areas where you excel and find ways to improve in other areas as well as develop better time management skills.

Do You Need to Have a High IQ to Be Successful? 

So, in short, it doesn't matter how smart you are; what matters is what you do and the choices that you make in life. Everyone is different and you should do whatever you need to do to become successful.Just make sure that you're not making excuses or mistakes because of your low IQ.

If you have a low IQ but want to achieve great things in life, then I highly recommend the book Smart People Do What…? by Catherine Price. It's filled with tons of tips, tricks and secrets from successful people on how they became successful.

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