Dowsing For Prosperity


 Dowsing For Prosperity

The candles cost about $4 a pop, and I had bought five. There was still one left, but I couldn’t find it in the dark of my bedroom. Maybe the drywall or the carpet, or over by that couch? Shit! I flip to the nearest wick and hope for smoke to rise from it. Nothing. After three long minutes of fruitless hunting, I realize what’s happened: water has run down onto my floorboard and soaked up all the old wax from my previous pentacle designs—the spell was broken! So much for that deal with a witch for protection on Valentine’s Day...

I never thought I’d be one of those girls. Admittedly, at the time that I made this mistake, a few months prior, I wasn’t very much of a girl anymore. The candle-burning ritual was my way of trying to feel safer in my own home. By that time, every man in my life had betrayed me: first dad, then my manipulative boyfriend from college, then the cop living downstairs in our apartment building whom I dated after college...and now even the guy who was helping me move had tried to steal my computer! So it only made sense—to me at least—that there might be a spell to ward off all these bad men.

I thought it would be a partial protection, that if by some fluke the spell worked, my house would be safe from the creep who’d made the occasional late night visit to my apartment. After all, my landlord was a good guy—he’d never done anything untoward during our time together. But then again, I’d been living in this place for just over a year and he had yet to make any kind of move on me.

The witch I worked with every few months had helped me construct the spell that I was hoping would ward off unwanted guests and other men who might come sniffing around for some action. She gave me the list of “need to have” items I needed to collect, and I began my hunt.

I already had a blue rose quartz crystal because it was sacred to Hecate, the goddess of hearth and home, who was always sorta like a guardian angel for me. She’d obtained that same one sometime before—though I wasn’t sure where—and it had been sitting in her pantry for about seven years. Without knowing why, she gifted me the crystal when it came time for me to construct this spell.

Then I needed a red candle because it represented lust, or sexual desire. That was easy enough, because we carry candles in our store everyday. A white candle was needed to represent purity and innocence, because I didn’t want anyone to just walk in and see me with a guy. The wick for the spell had to be made of willow as well, which is why I bought it directly from the guy at the local tree farm. He’d been collecting wood for us since before I was born.

Once you have all these items together, you don’t light them until they are at least three days old—that way they can absorb more of the smell from the other items.

My ritual was to take my items and arrange them in a pentacle, or five-point star, on top of the doorstep. Then I’d light the candle to represent “love,” which was also supposed to attract good energy into my home.

The witch told me that you should definitely be naked when doing this. I had been at first, but then counted four cars drive by before I got up enough nerve to finish the spell. Even though my window shades were down, the neighbors seemed different ever since I started taking the witch’s advice and doing spells regularly with her. The last thing I needed was for someone to call the cops on me for indecent exposure or something like that.

Plus, I had to add something of mine to the spell. I couldn’t just toss it out and hope that something good would come my way—that was asking too much. So I’d already decided that I’d be adding a drop of my menstrual blood to this spell, because it represented a woman’s life force, or her essence. That’s what kept her alive!

Needless to say, it took me about 15 minutes the first few times. I mean, I had to do a lot of running back and forth between the bathroom and the front door. It was so much easier when I lived in the apartment building—just one floor up and I could get it all done at once because there wasn’t any traffic or crossing guards.

But then one day I got my period right before coming home from work and never made it to my pentacle by the door. I had to start the whole process all over again. I figured it was just a fluke, and that it would work itself out. So I went about my everyday business and waited for the results. Part of me hoped that by the time I took care of our bathroom counters or rolled down the living room rug, there would be proof that I hadn’t been swindled by some witch. But it never happened, so eventually I just stopped trying altogether.

I didn’t want to admit it at first, but the second time around was a lot easier than when I was accumulating these items and waiting for them to absorb their magical smells. My ritual was to take my items and arrange them in a pentacle, or five-point star, on top of the doorstep. Then I’d light the candle to represent “love,” which was also supposed to attract good energy into my home. And finally, I’d add blood with a menstruation drop from the red candle.

My mom had been bugging me for at least two months before I finally gave in and tried to do this stuff again. You see, she wants grandchildren before she dies.


From time to time, I still think about what it all means, whether or not these rituals actually work. Sometimes when I’m just waiting at the bus stop, I wonder if there are tiny little spirits milling around the air that are looking for a home. And I find myself wondering if any of them might be looking for someone like me. Hopefully, they’ll find their way to me and do some good!

I know from experience that this stuff works—if you believe it will. You have to know in your heart that there is something out there bigger than yourself...

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