Drawing What You Need Towards You


 Drawing What You Need Towards You

Ever felt like you're getting nowhere, but somehow have a pull towards something?
You might never have consciously realized it before, but drawing what you need towards you is one of the easiest and most effective ways to manifest your desires.
So, if you're ready to find (and keep) the things that matter most in your life... continue ahead! I'll show you exactly how drawing what you need towards you can help make this happen.

A little bit of patience and a good set of skills is all it takes to turn on the laws of attraction in your life.
You don't need to know about the Law of Attraction. No, not at all.
All you need to do is be open to how and what you want.
And if you can master the technique of using your creative vision to draw what you need towards you...
Your life will change, immediately!
STEP 1: Recognize the Problem and Draw It First
Once you begin making any real progress with drawing what you need towards me...
There's something else I want you to notice. I'm going to tell you something right now that might surprise or perplex ya... but trust me, it's true: In order for your beliefs (your expectations) to become reality, they must be drawn first upon paper.
Here's what I mean.
When you see something come up on the page... Before you can draw it, you must see it in the first place. You must recognize that there's a discrepancy between your reality and your expectations.
But before seeing (and drawing) the "what" that is out of alignment, here's how to begin:
STEP One – Recognizing that Something Is Missing First: Let's suppose you're looking for a new job. Your "realistic" expectation is to find a good paying, stable position with benefits and good working conditions . . . am I right?
Now suppose something shows up on the page... and before you can draw it in, you have to say "no".
Because when you see what's missing in your job search, the first thing that pops into your brain is "no". Why? Because your expectations have set your reality.
And this is how it works: Our beliefs shape our actions... and our actions shape our circumstances. Always remember this…
STEP 2 – Doing What You Need To Do: Now suppose you know (consciously) that there's a job out there that would better meet your needs – AND it just so happens to be the type of position you're looking for. And before drawing the job on paper... again, you must say "yes".
Why? Because when you know that there's something out there that will meet your needs, you must then say "yes" to getting it.
And if you're looking to create your own job... instead of waiting around for someone to hand it to you… what should you do?
STEP 3 – Drawing What You Need Towards You: So... let's say that one of the positions being advertised is a new full-time, permanent position. And since by now you've "seen it", "heard it", and said "yes" – then let's say that for those actually qualified for the position – it pays about 30k.
And let's say this is exactly what you need to attract in your life.
What should you do? Think of it. Draw it. Do it!
Think of this position as if it were an idea that you've just had. And then ask yourself, "what do I need to do to get it?"
"well, I know what I have to do – I need to apply for the position."
And as soon as you see yourself doing what needs to be done… then draw something that moves your life forward.
Over and over again… until there's nothing more left for your job search on paper… then simply tear out the sheet and put in into a file folder titled "job search".
Now, what should you do next?
Move on to the next page. Then say "yes" to this new idea – because it's time to draw something that will move your life forward.
STEP 4 – Drawing What You Need Towards You: This is where the rubber really meets the road. Now that you've taken action, and have a file folder full of sketches...
The way your life is going to change (as opposed to not)… is by drawing what you need towards you.
And no, I'm not talking about closing your eyes and wishing for a million dollars.
I'm talking about picturing how your life could be better by doing this.
You could dream of all the things you're going to buy or do for yourself or others.
Or you could simply move forward by placing an ad in your local paper for "a part-time job".
STEP 5 – Drawing What You Need Towards You: Remember, it's not just about creating a vision and then making it happen with willpower and determination. When you start to draw what you need towards you… then something magical happens.
You begin to draw (really see) the "what" on the paper – and you begin to master your thoughts, expectations and emotions.
Until suddenly one day you wake up and there's a new job staring back at you.
And then what?
STEP 6 – Drawing What You Need Towards You: All of a sudden you've seen it, and it has become your reality. Think of the power of this technique! And now that everything is now happening exactly as you imagined... there's one more thing I want to show you.
STEP 7 – What to Expect From Using This Technique:
Top 10 Tips for using the Law of Attraction
Here's an incredible, life-changing technique that you can use to create what you want in your life. And it couldn't be much easier or more effective... if you do this correctly.
That's because when you master the Law of Attraction by showing up for yourself with a vision and drawing upon every possibility, then your life will begin to change before you know it!
When you keep doing what I tell you (and showing up for yourself), then someday... very soon... all of your dreams are going to come true.
And with each new step forward, there will always be even greater rewards.
You'll soon find yourself experiencing the kind of life that you always wanted.
It's happening already... as we speak... because you're already showing up for yourself.
And doing what I tell you to do is the first step to changing your life for the better!
So... What To Expect From Using This Law Of Attraction Technique?
Here are some of the benefits that you'll experience from using this technique: STEP 1 - Seeing A Relevant Opportunity On The Page With Your Mind's Eye: When you stop looking at things from your mind (your head) and begin seeing with your eyes too (your heart), then it becomes possible to draw what you need. And this becomes a powerful way to change your life.


That's all. The Law of Attraction is a law of your Mind, and it can be used as such to draw what you need into your life... no matter where you are (on the page).
But it must always be used as a natural tool for you to use... and not something that you force into action. Because when you do that, then it becomes an obligation and forces action against your will (unconsciously).
And because there's no way around this fact...

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