Dreams: A Therapeutic Method Of Healing And Creativity


 Dreams: A Therapeutic Method Of Healing And Creativity

Dreams are one of the most powerful tools of self-healing. They are the best way for people to get a clear perspective on their subconscious and unconscious thoughts, blocking feelings and experiences that control their life. In order to show how important dreams can be as a therapeutic method, we have compiled this blog post with some practical steps on how to use dreamwork and create your own vision boards. One last point before you read further into this article is that many people experience nightly lucid dreams in which they can control when they enter or exit the dreamscape and often, can use this skill to help shift out negative patterns experienced during sleep.

Dustin Burton
Student, Univeristy of California, Santa Cruz. Dusty is a student at the University of California Santa Cruz. He studies the relationship between dreams and reality by exploring the nature of creativity and visual representation in film through analysis and creation. He also writes about his dreams in poetic form to inspire others to wake up as well. You can find his work on his blog at http://dustinburtonwriter.blogspot.com/ or on Twitter @dustin_montana .
Guru Ozeri
Guru Ozeri uses dream coaching as a powerful tool for personal growth and development, which he shares with the world through his YouTube Channel - http://www.youtube.com/user/guruozeri . He teaches people how to remember their dreams, interpret them and use them for inspiration and motivation. www.dreams-exposed.com - offers you a huge database of free resources including articles and videos on the subject of dream interpretation, dream analysis, dream forum, and free graphic tools to help you analyze your dreams.
"All thoughts have form; all form is governed by thought." – Ralph Waldo Emerson
Dreams are the language of your unconscious mind, which cannot be translated into conscious thoughts. However, this does not mean that dreams are not important or cannot be understood by the conscious mind at all. That is why most of the spiritual teachers have told their students to start listening to their dreams and even keep a dream journal. When trying to interpret dreams, it is important to remember that dreams are a representation of our current state of being, and each person comes from a different background and therefore has different thoughts in his or her head. It is impossible for one truth exist for all people, because there are as many truths as there are dreamers.
Let this be clear – when you learn how to decipher your own dreams, you will feel closer to your true self and gain deeper understanding of who you are and what makes you happy.
The best time to work on your dreams is right when you wake up. The reason for this is that in the state of sleep, the conscious mind is bound to a specific time and place, while the subconscious mind has no limits and no boundaries. Now, if you remember your dreams upon waking up in the morning, you are doing something extremely useful. You are waking up your unconscious mind in a different state than when it fell asleep – thus opening your subconscious perception to receive new information from other dimensions.
"If you want to learn more about yourself – search for yourself in your dreams. If you get stumped, look for clues in your day-to-day life." – Duncan Trussell
Step 1: Keep a dream journal
It is important that you start keeping a journal of your dreams as soon as possible. Besides keeping track of the symbols and messages from your subconscious mind, it can be extremely useful to write out the emotions you feel while dreaming. There are many indications that emotions in dreams are always more intense than they seem in real life. It might help if you wake up with feelings of shock or fear to write them down right away and begin working through them before they fade away into your conscious memory. By the way, some people like to keep a dream journal by their bed and write down their dreams as soon as they wake up.
Step 2: Start doing reality checks
Reality checks are very important in lucid dreaming. This concept was first seen in Salvador Dali's famous painting, "The Persistence of Memory". The painting shows a melting clock on a table and a hand holding an hourglass. It is said that this painting is one of the first illustration of the concept of lucid dreaming. Reality checks are performed during waking life to get a better understanding of your current state by checking if you are awake or still sleeping. Reality checks are extremely helpful when you are learning how to lucid dream, because the more you do them, the easier it is for you to understand the difference between your waking state and a dream.
Step 3: Become familiar with your dreams
As we said earlier, each person has their own dreams and so do every living thing on this planet. When you start working on improving your ability to remember your dreams and making them evolve into lucid ones, it is important that you become familiar with your dreams. This means that if you see a certain object in your dreamscape more often than others – pay attention to it, because it will probably represent something important in your life. You can also use our free dream dictionary – http://www.dreams-exposed.com/dream-dictionary-meaning-list/ to help you out.
To sum everything up, if you want to learn how to have lucid dreams, start keeping a dream journal, do reality checks and become familiar with the symbols and emotions in your dreams. Use the links below to get started on your next great adventure!
"Our dreams create our future." - Arthur Schnitzler
About the author: Guru Ozeri is an inspiration seeker with experience in life coaching, dream analysis, meditation & yoga. He is co-founder of Dreams Exposed - a website dedicated to helping people realize their full potential through understanding their dreams http://www.dreams-exposed.com . He also works as a writer and columnist, providing insight on various areas such as lucid dreaming, dream interpretation, spirituality, consciousness and alternative medicine. He currently lives in Paris but most of the time he is traveling around the world meeting people who are trying to make sense of their life through lucid dreaming.
Check out his blog at http://www.guruozeri.com/dreams-exposed/ or on Twitter @buddhizoridreamers . Guru Ozeri uses dream coaching as a powerful tool for personal growth and development, which he shares with the world through his YouTube Channel - http://www.youtube.com/user/guruozeri . If you want to learn more about lucid dreaming and how to pass it onto your children using lucid dreaming workshops and guides, visit his website: http://www.thedreamingcoach.com .
Copyright Guru Ozeri, 2013. All rights reserved. This blog is not affiliated with the owners or representatives of any company, brand or trademark that may appear in the content of this blog. All images contained in this blog are copyright of their respective owners(s) and used by Guru Ozeri with their permission. No claim is made to the images other than that they are used with appropriate personal and educational credit as stated above pursuant to Fair Use as provided for in 17 U.S.

Conclusion Lucid dreaming is not an easy thing to achieve. It requires a lot of dedication and patience.   From my experience, many people are not willing to put in the time it takes to learn how to lucid dream. If you are ready for the challenge, I recommend that you start with a lucid dreaming induction device as soon as possible. Lucid dreaming is like a gateway drug . Once you achieve it, you will most likely continue on your path of self improvement and spiritual exploration by improving your memory, learning hypnotism and mastering meditation . Then you will be easily able to explore NLP or neuro-linguistic programming , astral projection , aura reading , remote viewing or telepathic communication .

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