Drop The Mirror, And Grab The Steering Wheel!


 Drop The Mirror, And Grab The Steering Wheel!

These days, it seems like our self-worth is measured by how many Instagram followers we have and how many likes we get on every post. It’s easy to focus on other people’s lives rather than living your own. After all, you might think that you have nothing interesting or important to say or do. But you can gain inspiration from everything around you in order to live a more fulfilling life. So how do you go from being a mere spectator to becoming a great life director? Read on for some motivational tips.

1. Strive For Success

First of all, let’s look at the word success. What does it actually mean? Well, Webster dictionary defines it as achieving your aims or ideals. So let’s break it down: to achieve something means to bring it into existence via energy and effort; bringing into existence requires planning and activity; activity requires direction and control; thus, direction and control equals successful living. So by this simple definition, it means directing your energy and effort towards living the life you want.

2. Give Yourself A Reality Check

It’s easy to say that you want to become a successful human being, and many people will support you on that path. But what exactly does that mean? Are there certain criteria? To fulfill the popular saying ‘you get out of life what you put into it’, what is your motivation for being successful? What do you consider as most important in your life? Whatever your answers, be sure to include them in your vision statement or personal mission statement . Be honest with yourself when writing your own goals.

3. Be Honest With Yourself

The first step to achieving your goals is being honest with yourself. A great way to start that journey by being honest with yourself is through journaling . Being brutally honest, putting it all down on paper, and then gaining insight from the interaction between the words and your own thoughts will help you accomplish your goals. It doesn’t have to be a long document, just write whatever comes to mind. But be sure to keep writing every day until something useful comes out of the experience.

4. Observe The Natural World For Inspiration

Observation is another powerful tool to become more successful in life. By observing the natural world, you’ll see how things evolve and change, how things come into being and how they eventually get back to where they started from. This will help you to accept everything in life as a process of constant change and continuous renewal.

5. Practice Patience

When you observe the natural world, it can also show you positive ways of dealing with different circumstances in your life. You’ll learn that many things take time to develop, grow and flourish. So instead of behaving impulsively or trying to rush something that needs more time, just sit back and relax while it evolves over time – even if that means waiting longer than expected or desired.

6. Have A Plan

Just like in nature, you can’t build a house without a solid foundation. You need a plan to get you from where you are now to where you want to be. Your plan doesn’t need to be complicated, just write down the steps you have in mind that will eventually lead you to your goal. Keep it simple and tidy so that it remains achievable; don’t make it too vague either because then it might turn out meaningless and too general. Think of this as your blueprint for getting what you want.

7. Be True To Yourself

To achieve your goals, you’ll need to be true to yourself as well. In other words, you will have to do what you feel is best. It doesn’t mean that you won’t listen to advice or opinions, but it does mean that you’ll have to stand by your decisions. You will feel better about yourself when others respect and appreciate your personal choices and decisions – this is a great confidence boost!

8. Be Comfortable With Yourself

Lastly, we touch on the subject of being comfortable with yourself. This can be tricky, because we’ve all heard so many things about how to be more successful or how to become better at something that we can’t even see ourselves doing. The best way to see if you are being true to yourself is to start small and just do it. When you have actually done it, then you’ll know if you are going in the right direction or not. You will feel more comfortable with yourself as you go along and you’ll be better equipped to tackle the bigger things.

In the end, becoming successful doesn’t have to be difficult. It all comes down to deciding what you want out of life and then going for it. You can accomplish anything if you are prepared to put in the time and effort. All you need is a little inspiration from other people, from nature, and from your own desires and dreams – that’s all it takes!

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I have always been interested in consciousness and the nature of reality. I have been studying various schools of thought concerning the nature of reality for many years now, but what I have concluded is that it is all a matter of personal opinion and interpretation, which means that there is no way to be right or wrong or "better" than anyone else.


In a way, I have come to see the world really as an illusion. We all have a shared reality that is created by our individual realities and thoughts, but no matter how real or solid it seems, we cannot really grasp at this reality. It's like trying to grab and hold the moon while you are actually standing on the ground–you can do it for a moment when your eyes are closed, but in reality you are holding nothing.

It Is A Matter Of Perception And Reality

We live in a world of duality. We perceive things as separate and separate from each other, but actually they are just different frequencies of energy (which is what everything is composed of).

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