Dry Skin Is No Picnic


 Dry Skin Is No Picnic

Dry skin is no picnic. First of all, it can be really embarrassing when you have to step out in public and show off a rough, flaky, or patchy looking complexion. And let us not forget the pain that comes with skin that doesn't feel like one's own! That's why we want to help you keep your skin moisturized and healthy with these tried-and-true tips for taking care of dry skin.

So sit back, relax and read through some of the most helpful methods for hydration that are out there now. A lot of people swear by these methods and we think you'll be more than pleased with the results!

1. Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize!

Don't forget this step for any of your personal care routine: your dry skin needs hydration to function properly. It's a good idea to apply a light lotion or body butter all over your body after showering (gently, so you don't irritate the skin further). You can also use a hand cream that has a higher concentration of shea butter in it. This will help your dry skin feel soft again.

2. Avoid harsh weather.

Your skin needs to heal and hydrate itself. So if you are going out into a harsh, cold winter or spring day, apply a thick layer of lotion before you go and wear several layers of clothing over it. You can also add a pair of socks if you're having trouble keeping your feet warm with just your shoes on. This will lightly moisturize the skin even more and keep it soft and healthy in the long run!

3. Keep your skin well-hydrated.

The skin's oils are oily and it needs the right amount of moisture to function properly. Also, dry skin doesn't do well with exposure to the sun, so it's important to apply a sunscreen on top of your moisturizer if you have very dry skin.

4. Stop smoking or stop drinking alcohol.

It can be difficult to quit smoking, but hearing that you're going to start smoking on a Saturday afternoon when you're all stocked up with lotion and creams is really quite discouraging! The same thing goes for drinking alcohol. These habits can cause skin to feel dry and flaky, so avoid them with all the strength you've got.

5. Try a moisturizing cleansercleansers are really important in skin care and a lot of people have heard good things about them. Most have been designed for sensitive skin and are great for keeping it healthy and soft. Some of the best cleansing products for dry skin include:

- Regularly clean your face with warm water, especially at night before going to sleep! Try to avoid using too much soap on your face because it can be hard on your sensitive skin. Always make sure that you wash gently over your face or washcloth so as not to irritate your dry skin further.

6. Try a humidifier.

Your skin is bound to feel dry and itchy in the winter; that's just a fact of life. So you should treat it right and try a humidifier for your home, so your skin can stay moisturized all the time!

7. Keep yourself hydrated.

It's also important to keep yourself well-hydrated because dry skin is usually caused by dehydration and loss of water in the body. If your body isn't getting enough water, you aren't able to regulate moisture levels as well and this will show on your skin! You can start by having a glass of water with each meal or by adding more water into each drink you have throughout the day.

8. Use a humidifier in your home.

If you're looking for one that's affordable, then a humidifier could be the one for you. A humidifier will help your skin remain moisturized and healthy at all times so use it to keep yourself hydrated! Or get a cool mist humidifier if you don't have it already! You can also try spraying water on your face after bathing or add a cup of water into each take-out that you have throughout the day; this will help moisturize your skin as well!

9. Find a way to play with moisture everyday.

For those with dry skin who are looking for the best way to moisturize, you can play around with different lotions and creams that have moisturizers that feel good on the skin. This will help keep your skin hydrated and healthy! You can also mix a few drops of rosewater into a glass of water and drink it every day for a radiant look and healthy, soft skin!

10. Use a moisturizing mask.

This will help deep moisturize the skin and replenish lotions back into the skin! This can be used once a week or once a month and you should let it dry completely before rinsing off.

11. Use all-natural products.

With all of the recent news about how all of the chemicals in our products are harming us, more and more people are turning to natural products for their daily care routine. You can get organic, herbal lotions at your local health food store that will work just as well as traditional brands! You'll never know until you try them for yourself!

12. Follow a good skin care routine.

A good skin care routine that includes proper cleansing and moisturizing will help your dry skin look better in no time! You should also switch out your facial cleanser every month or so to help bring new life to your skin!

Sources: http://www.emh.org/dry-skin/tips-for-dry-skin.html, http://www.womenshealthmag.com/beauty/tips-for-dry-skin, http://www.terryblairscosmeticinstitute.com/beauty-tips/dry-skin, http://www.livestrong.com/article/472478-how-to-get-rid-dry-skin/, http://www.emh.org/dry_skin_tips#TipsforDrySkin, http://www.womenshealthmag.com/beauty/how-to-getridofdryskin, http://healthycalifornialivingmagazine.tumblr.com/post/61441023036/, http://www.emh.org/.


If you're trying to get rid of your dry skin disease, then hopefully these tips and home cures have helped you! Also, if you have any additional suggestions or recipes for dry skin, please feel free to share them with your readers.

--Amber Harrison

Disclaimer: All content on this site is for informational purposes only and should not be considered to be a specific diagnosis or treatment plan for any individual situation. Use of this site and the information contained herein does not create a doctor-patient relationship. Always consult with your own doctor in connection with any questions or issues you may have regarding your own health or the health of others.

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