Easy Italian Learning


 Easy Italian Learning

Today, there has been a dramatic transformation in how people learn languages. With the wide availability of apps and websites specializing in language lessons, students are able to learn at their own pace. 

The most widely used app is Duolingo--easy to use, easy to understand and great for learning any language! You can have a Google account without even knowing any language and get started with just one click on your device's homepage. Additionally, you'll never be limited by your vocabulary as you build unlimited skills through comprehensible input using only words you know.

Duolingo has been gaining popularity with native speakers of different languages. 

In this short article, we'll go through the basic features used in Duolingo that will be most useful for students of Italian. We will start by explaining the "courses" section and how it can be used to learn vocab and grammar separately. We'll then move on to the "streak" and "levels" features, which are a bit more advanced for beginners but are great for intermediate learners looking to expand their competence. 

Courses: Vocab and Grammar Separately 

The basic feature of Duolingo is the course feature. Click on the Duolingo logo on the bottom left corner to be taken to your profile page. Click on "Italia" (Italian) to see a list of all available courses. 

There are four categories that you can choose from: "Vocab", "Grammar", "Literal Translation" and "Travel". Within each category, there are a number of different topics. For example, if you click on "Vocab", you'll see a list of all the topics under that category. Then, if you click on any specific topic, it'll take you to that topic within a new lesson tab. 

Duolingo has a lot of vocab and grammar content, so it's easy to find something you're looking for. Just type the topic you're interested in into the search bar, and then choose the specific topic that's relevant to what you're learning. 

Once you've selected a course and topic, it'll take you to a lesson where there will be some Italian words on the left side of your screen with English translations on the right side of your screen. Each word will have an arrow next to it because there is more information available by clicking on it. 

The first arrow is the English translation, the second arrow is the gender of the Italian word, and the third arrow shows an audio clip of how to pronounce that word. The final arrow will show you a picture if you click on it. 

If you hover over any of these arrows, it'll show you a pop-up window saying what each one means and what it's used for. For example, if you hover over the gender arrow, it'll say: "It tells you whether a noun is masculine or feminine; this helps with learning new words." 

Each time that you successfully answer a question in a lesson, you get experience points (XP). XP are very important because they allow you to level up. XP will unlock new courses and topics, and also make it easier for you to move through the lessons. 

While Duolingo is a great tool for learning vocabulary and grammar separately, it's not completely necessary to do so. If you want to learn vocabulary and grammar at the same time, then go ahead--there's no harm in it! However, Duolingo provides a great way for beginners or those who are struggling with their Italian vocabulary to focus on just one topic at a time without needing to know too much vocabulary. 

Duolingo Streaks and Levels

With Duolingo, you've got the option of earning XP more quickly by doing the same lesson over and over again. This is known as a "streak". If you're looking to learn Italian but don't have time to do it every day, you can earn XP by answering a certain number of questions in a row. For example, if you complete 10 lessons in a row without failing, then your streak will be reset at 10 lessons in a row. The only thing is that the streak won't reset if you fail any of these lessons. 

You can also use this approach for leveling up. Each time you level up, you earn a skill point that you can use to learn a new skill. In order to earn a skill point, you must complete the streak (or score enough XP) 10 times in a row. Every time that your streak is reset, so is the number of times that it has been increased. So for example, if you continue to complete 30 lessons in a row and then fail the next one, your streak will be reset back to 10. 

These simple features built into Duolingo make it easy for anyone no matter their language levels or abilities to level up quickly and easily!




Title: Easy Italian Numbers - Learn How to Count in Italian and Understand The Ordinal Numbers in Italian 
Publisher: Easyitalianlearning
Date: January 14, 2018 0:00 UTC 

Author(s): Jeremiah McCulloch 


Title: How to Learn Italian By Watching TV - The Italian TV Show "The Voice" 
Publisher: Easyitalianlearning 
Date: January 14, 2018 0:00 UTC 

Author(s): Jeremiah McCulloch 

http://www.easyitalianlearning.com/ 2nd Season of Easy Italian Learning https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sItSBglV1Gg

Title: How to Learn Italian Words Online - The Italian Word of the Day 
Publisher: Easyitalianlearning 
Date: January 14, 2018 0:00 UTC 

Author(s): Jeremiah McCulloch 

http://www.easyitalianlearning.com/ 2nd Season of Easy Italian Learning https://www.youtube.


Duolingo is a great tool that can be used by students of any level of Italian, and it's free too! It's a very user friendly app that has a lot of vocabulary and grammar content, so it's perfect for beginners. If you'd like to start learning Italian now, then I highly recommend that you check out Duolingo! 



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