Effective Time Management For Today's Christian Entrepreneur


 Effective Time Management For Today's Christian Entrepreneur

Managing your time is one of the most important skills in life. Without it, it is almost impossible to accomplish anything, and you can quickly find yourself burning out. Imagine what would happen if you tried to do a marathon for a week? It would be virtually impossible! That’s why this post outlines different ways for you to better manage your time to help propel your business into the future. Regardless of whether you are working from home or remotely at an office, there are helpful tactics that will help keep you on track and productive during your day-to-day activities.
Why Time Management is Important
Over the last several decades, our society has seen a huge push with productivity and time management. We now have calendars to help us track our daily tasks, alarms to wake up in the morning, and even “to-do” lists to help keep us on task. No matter what you plan to do over the course of your day, it is important that you stick with it consistently. Otherwise, your tasks will quickly fall by the wayside and you will feel as though your day was wasted. This is something that you will quickly notice when you don’t adhere to your schedule; it feels like you have lost all sense of progress.
How to Manage Your Time Best
When it comes to managing your time, there are many different strategies that you can use. Here are some of the most helpful tips that I have found over the years:
1) Prioritize – Prioritizing is one of the most crucial aspects of time management in order to get more done. You should focus on what are considered your core tasks for each day (such as work, family, etc.). Without a strong foundation within your daily routine, others tasks will never get prioritized and performed on time. Remember, everyone has a limited amount of time in which they can spend on their daily tasks. When you have a strong foundation set, it is easier to focus your energy on other activities such as fitness and fitness.
2) Set a Schedule – Setting up a schedule for yourself daily can be helpful in getting more things accomplished throughout the day.  A schedule will show you what is going on at what time each day, and if you follow this pattern consistently, you can feel confident that your days will not be wasted. Just remember, this schedule is just a guideline. You can make exceptions if the situation calls for it. 
3) Fallowed Up – Another key tactic that I have found to be helpful is to follow up on tasks, especially those that don't get completed due to lack of time or interest. For example, if you have a task such as "write an article and submit it to your blog" and you end up putting it off for one week, follow up with yourself by sending yourself an email saying "Hey – I've been meaning to write this article but I have a lot going on so I'm going to get back to it soon" in order to set a sense of urgency with your task.
4) Delegate – Delegating is another great way to get more done throughout the day, especially when it comes to completing tasks that have been previously listed on your schedule. For example, you have a meeting set up for today at 1pm but you end up not needing to go since you are there at 10am. In that case, send someone else in your office or home office a message saying "Hey – I think we can reschedule the meeting for tomorrow if it's a no-go today. Thank you". By delegating, you free up your time so that you can quickly get back on track with your daily tasks.
5) Create a Ritual – When it comes to managing your time, it is key to create rituals or habits that you can follow consistently. As such, some of the things you do on a daily basis should be considered as "routines." For example, I usually wake up at 7am and get ready for the day. It's a ritual that I've created for myself in order to have an easily followed routine as opposed to letting my morning go by without any activity whatsoever.
6) Go Over Your Task List – If you are not fully confident with your daily priorities or schedule, look over your list of tasks to see what you should prioritize. There are many different methods that people use to keep track of their day and it is important that you choose one that works the best for you.
7) De-Clutter – One helpful tactic that I have found effective is to de-clutter your workspace or area where you work on a regular basis. Clutter tends to distract your mind and throw off the way things are laid out in order for you to do your work. It's very helpful in minimizing distractions if you can keep an organized space where you can stay focused throughout the day on tasks at hand.
8) Realize Your Needs – It's important to realize your own personal needs and motivations when it comes to time management. For example, if you are running a business and have multiple clients at the same time, it is likely that you will spend more time on client calls than you would on something else. If this is the case, it would be best for you to prioritize those calls for this purpose.
9) Learn to Say No – We live in a society that is geared towards getting things now rather than later. As such, saying yes to everything can feel overwhelming and take away from your day-to-day activities if you feel as though you have to be constantly busy with everything. Recognize the things that you will be able to complete on your own. This can be very helpful in finding a balance between getting things done and not being so busy that you completely lose track of tasks that need to get done.
10) Create a List of Ideas – As mentioned before, it is important for you to create a list of ideas for different things that you can use throughout your day. Whether its in the form of exercise or therapy for your mental health, there are many different ideas that can help improve your life.
11) Be Positive – Positive thinking has been proven over years to have many benefits. By staying positive, you will stay focused on the tasks at hand rather than being bothered by other situations in which you have no control over. I hope that these tools can help you to become more productive and efficient when it comes to time management. The main thing to remember is that time is something that we all have in common, so the best way to utilize your time for maximum results would be to manage it properly.
If you enjoyed this article, please look me up on  Google+   where I have nearly 3000 followers or add me  on Twitter   where I also post frequent updates. If you have any questions or comments about this topic or anything else related to self-development, please feel free to share your thoughts with me.


After reading through this article, I hope that you have gained a better understanding of what time management is and how it relates to your productivity. It is very important in your life to be productive if you want to get the most out of your day and improve your life in any way possible. Remember that by reading this article, you have a chance to increase the quality of your daily life as a whole. Your life will feel more relaxed and pleasantly fulfilling if you take the proper time to learn about how you can become more productive in the things that keep you busy throughout the day.
How do I apply this information?
First of all, let's be honest: You're probably not getting enough done every day.

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