Effective Time Management - Ten Top Tips


 Effective Time Management - Ten Top Tips

The concept of time management is not something that everyone can apply to their daily lives, but it is important for people to develop the skill of time management in order to stay sane. This blog post contains a few expert and professional advice that will help you get started.

1) Start your day with an hour dedicated solely to setting goals and planning your day. 
2) Write down everything you need to do in a journal or planner - there should be nothing left out! 
3) Set reminders on your mobile phone, computer, calendar and bedside table - you never know when inspiration might strike! 
4) Make a list of tasks if you are constantly forgetting what specific thing needs doing.
5) Pick a time and place to work, that is both quiet and conducive to concentration. 
6) Use systems such as lists, workflows or tickboxes - this helps you to stay on top of things. 
7) Go for a walk during your lunch break - it will help you think about all the people and things that need working on. 
8) Get help from people who can help and delegate tasks onto them - this will free up your own time and energy for more important tasks. 
9) Prioritise what is most important; when you consider all your daily duties, those that are closely linked to each other become much less stressful and will make the most sense. 
10) Create a “to-do” list, something that is tailored to your own life - this will help you focus on what needs to be done.
==End of Article==
Author: James Griffiths - eHow.co.uk Content Writer
Article:  Effective Time Management - Ten Top Tips
Link:  http://www.ehow.co.uk/how_6530941_time-management-ten-top-tips.html?ref=search&utm_source=mostpopular&utm_medium=SEO&utm_campaign=usernameshare&utm_content=article
Date published: 20th May 2015
Site name:   How to do just about anything - eHow.co.uk
Category:   How to do just about anything
Rating:  Excellent May 20, 2015  by Rick B. in Just about anything , Updated April 11, 2017 .
http: //www.ehow.co.uk/how_6530941_time-management-ten-top-tips.html?ref=search&utm_source=mostpopular&utm_medium=SEO&utm_campaign=usernameshare&utm_content=article Efficient and effective time management is one of the key skills that every employee should have in order to work efficiently and effectively in any organisation.
10 top tips for effective time management – From How To Do Just About Anything
Shubha 22 June 2015 at 18:36
It is important to manage your time in such a way that you can achieve more in less span of time, and do things efficiently, so that you have more free time on hand to enjoy with your friends and family members. http://www.ehow.co.uk/how_6530941_time-management-ten-top-tips.html?ref=search&utm_source=mostpopular&utm_medium=SEO&utm_campaign=usernameshare&utm_content=article
How to be more productive: The 10 best tips from the experts – From How To Do ... – Mar 31, 2017 http://www.ehow.co.uk/trending/trending-321335908.html?ref=yfp
10 Tips for Managing Time Better – Oct 7, 2016 http://www.ehow.co.uk/list_6893875_10-tips-managing-time-better_.html?ref=search_author
Time management: 10 Tips for Doing More in Less Time - Lifehack.org – Sep 24, 2015 http://www.lifehack.org/articles/productivity/10-tips-managing-time-doing-more-less-time?a=s
17 Essential Time Management Tips for the New Year - From How To Do Just About Anything – Dec 31, 2014 http://www.ehow.co.uk/list_6477535_essential-time.html?ref=search_author
How to do just about anything:  eHow offers guides and expert advice on many topics people are curious about – From How To Do Just ... www.ehow.co.uk
Author: Shubha ● June 22 at 18:36
It is important to manage your time in such a way that you can achieve more in less span of time, and do things efficiently, so that you have more free time on hand to enjoy with your friends and family members. http://www.ehow.co.uk/how_6530941_time-management-ten-top-tips.html?ref=search_author
How to be more productive: The 10 best tips from the experts – From How To Do Just ... – Mar 31, 2017 http://www.ehow.co.uk/trending/trending-321335908.html?ref=yfp
10 Tips for Managing Time Better – Oct 7, 2016 http://www.ehow.co.uk/list_6893875_10-tips-managing-time-better_.html?ref=search_author
Time management: 10 Tips for Doing More in Less Time - Lifehack.org – Sep 24, 2015 http://www.lifehack.org/articles/productivity/10-tips-managing-time-doing-more-less-time?a=s
17 Essential Time Management Tips for the New Year - From How To Do Just About Anything – Dec 31, 2014 http://www.ehow.co.

Conclusion: This article can be considered useful for the feedback of readers who are making effective time management for their personal and professional work. The author has collected some of the most effective time management tips from various resources sources and made a brief description about these practical tips. We can make use of these tips within our daily routine life to make a good impact on our personal and professional life.
About the Author: James Griffiths is an experienced blogger from eHow, who loves sharing his knowledge and experience with others through blog writing, writing articles for newspapers, magazines etc. Find more information about Effective Time Management - Ten Top Tips at  http://www.ehow.co.

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