Eight Step Process For Manifesting Goals And Inner Potential


 Eight Step Process For Manifesting Goals And Inner Potential

There are many reasons people come up with goals. Maybe they want to get in a certain shape, get out of a bad job situation, or just feel more balanced and centered. They may want higher self-worth and esteem or just more joy in their day-to-day life.
These might seem like lofty goals but it doesn't have to be hard to manifest them into reality with the following eight step process.

1) Find Yourself: Before you can make any changes in your life you need to find out who you are and what you want from yourself first; this is where introspection comes into play. There are many avenues to take to help you begin your journey of self-discovery, but try not to get caught up in the latest fads and instead find a method that resonates with you. Even if it means just sitting quietly and taking in all the magnificence around you. This is a time to relax, be present, and allow change within.
This is also the time where you can come up with a list of things that are not serving you well in your life, such as: anger, resentment, hopelessness, jealousy, etc. Listing these will help bring awareness so that when it comes time to manifest your goals they are more specific and thus more attainable.

2) Clean House: After you have developed greater understanding of yourself and the things you want out of life, you are ready to clean house. Otherwise it is too easy to stay stuck imagining what could be. This step is all about clearing out all the junk that may be inhibiting your ability to move forward.
In this step you can take a more active approach by writing down all the ways your inner-life needs an overhaul, such as: giving up unhealthy relationships that are not supportive; killing your bad eating habits with healthier food choices; getting rid of harmful thoughts and behaviors such as jealousy, pessimism, laziness, etc.
This is also the time to look at all of your relationships, whether it be with friends, family members, partners, even pets.
For each one ask yourself if this relationship is adding value to your life or not; if not then you will want to begin a process of setting them free so that you can move forward without their hindrance.
If the relationship is worth keeping then continue on to talk about ways to improve and enrich it.
3) Change Your Beliefs: After things have been cleaned up and you are ready to get started, you need to take out the goals that are not working for you and replace them with ones that will. A goal without a goal-state is only an idea.
One of the easiest ways to do this is through affirmations. There are many types of affirmations but the most powerful are positive and empowering ones that come from one's heart instead of from a book or someone else's opinion. An example: "I am in control of my life, I am worthy and deserving, I am very successful."
Another way to change your beliefs is through visualization. In this step you can visualize yourself already having what it is that you are trying to manifest. This will allow you to see yourself in a new and empowering light.
4) Program Yourself: In order for your new beliefs to work, you need to program yourself; otherwise your old subconscious programming will kick in and sabotage your goals! So how do we reprogram ourselves?
Awareness is the first key step. Pay attention to how thoughts and feelings come up in the moment of decision then stop them if they are not serving you. Then replace them with ones that do serve you, such as: "I am a loving person who deserves the best in life. I am a successful individual, I am incredibly confident, I can do anything I put my mind to."
If you still have trouble staying conscious of what is going on around you (such as when people are talking but all you hear is a background hum), then use methods such as clairaudience or clairvoyance. This will give you clearer insights.
Just as important to keep in mind is that your subconscious programming is not something to dismiss or be afraid of; it always serves a purpose and if it feels right then go with it, otherwise don't try to force anything.
5) Allow: Even though you have made your goals and beliefs clear, some things may still be holding you back. But that is a good thing because it means that you are still open to making a change!
It is this openness to change that allows for the manifestation of our desires. The steps outlined above have already served their purpose in helping us shift our thinking, so now we need to relax and allow. We will naturally make changes as time goes on but they will not happen overnight or at once; they require patience and perseverance.
Just let go of what is holding you back and allow your inner potential to manifest itself.
6) Trust: Allow yourself to take the plunge, to let go and let yourself be filled with your new life-force. Stop looking for what is wrong or missing and just enjoy where you are. The more you surrender to your inner guidance, the less resistance you will feel and the more successful your manifestation process will be.
This new life force will do its work and fill you with a deep sense of fulfillment. And when that happens, if it feels right and you have clear commitment to these goals, then stop the manifesting process at that point because they are no longer needed.
This step is not about forcing anything to happen, it is all about allowing; if you try to force the process then you will only run up against more resistance.
A state of surrender not only opens up for positive opportunities but it also helps us see things from a new angle, it helps us shed limitations and allows us to go beyond our limitations. Rather than trying to manipulate the Universe with your mind, allow it to take hold and gently guide you along.
This is a process and not an overnight miracle by any means, but again, the more patience and perseverance you have the faster things will move along.
7) Release: When you are ready to fully release the intentions, visualize what you want and let it go! Just like a balloon releasing the air in one breath, let your new life-energies take over.
Eventually you will feel a shift in your current state of being and this will be accompanied by clarity and peace. This is always the time to look back on what has just happened and see what was manifested as a result of your efforts.
The best part about manifesting is that it is never too late to start; all that is needed is a little bit of faith, trust, patience and perseverance.

All of life, in essence, can be summarized by these seven steps. When applied to life's problems, spirituality or the Law of Attraction they will lead you on one path; when applied to our dreams and goals they will take you through a process that will change your life in ways you never imagined!
We have all seen the movies that show us what if feels like to "have everything" but we most likely don't know what it really feels like because we have yet to gain that experience. But it is possible and within each of us there lies an ability to manipulate the Universe around us. It is just a matter of learning how the Universe works and applying a few key principles.

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