Experiencing Inner Peace


 Experiencing Inner Peace

We have a great deal of material at our disposal to help us achieve peace and well-being. If you’re serious about living a more peaceful life, taking steps to find that inner peace can be beneficial in the long run. Here are some tips for getting started without an overwhelming amount of resources:

1) Cultivate mindfulness. Start from the inside out by focusing on what’s really important to you and dedicate time every day to that activity. Developing this habit will help you realize your natural peace as opposed to holding out for it in outside circumstances.

2) Take action. When you don’t know how to achieve your desired result, choose the path of least resistance. Just as you do in life, work hard and use what you have. Focus on the positive and negative aspects of the situation without getting hung up on the small stuff.

3) Take care of your body: [QUOTE] a) Start with small changes first. It’s important to take baby steps when making a diet or exercise change—just be sure it’s something that will work for you in the future.

b) Get rid of bad habits and replace them with good ones. When you’re feeling good, try to exercise or eat healthy, encouraging yourself to continue.

c) If you can’t do it on your own, get help. A personal trainer can help with muscle endurance or dieting; an exercise physiologist may be able to advise on diet or weight loss; a sports psychologist can help with mental hurdles.[/QUOTE] b) Get rid of bad habits and replace them with good ones. When you’re feeling good, try to exercise or eat healthy, encouraging yourself to continue.c) If you can’t do it on your own, get help. A personal trainer can help with muscle endurance or dieting; an exercise physiologist may be able to advise on diet or weight loss; a sports psychologist can help with mental hurdles.

4) Use calming, grounding imagery. Most of us have favorite, soothing images that we can use to promote relaxation and serenity. [QUOTE] a) Imagine yourself in your favorite place—perhaps the beach, the mountains or by a peaceful stream—or visualize your ideal self.

b) When you’re feeling stressed, begin by taking several long, slow deep breaths. Then spend time visualizing and imagining what you want to accomplish.

c) Encourage this imagery again and again. When you’re walking the dog, repeat your calming imagery in your head; when you’re eating breakfast, imagine a relaxing breakfast of your favorite foods.[/QUOTE] b) When you’re feeling stressed, begin by taking several long, slow deep breaths. Then spend time visualizing and imagining what you want to accomplish.c) Encourage this imagery again and again. When you’re walking the dog, repeat your calming imagery in your head; when you’re eating breakfast, imagine a relaxing breakfast of your favorite foods.

5) Savor the moment. When you’re having a stressful day, try to list the things that are going well. What are some of the things that have bright spots in your day? Even if it’s something small, try to find a way to fit these activities into your life as often as possible.

6) Make sure you’re getting enough sleep and that you’re eating well. Our bodies are designed to relax when we sleep and digest food properly. When we don’t take care of our basic needs, we tend to make bad choices in other areas of our lives (e.g., not eating right or sleeping enough).

7) Have a sense of humor. Laughter is a wonderful way to reduce stress, boost your immune system and improve your health. Don’t overlook the bright side of life, because you never know what you’re going to find.

8) Be aware of where you are and what’s happening around you. Avoiding situations that stress you out is always an option, but if it’s not possible or helpful, try to remain as calm as possible without being rude or dismissive. If your boss/husband/wife is stressing you out, realize it and look for other solutions that don’t involve running away from them—and vice versa.

9) Ground yourself. We can’t do everything—and sometimes we need to stop and take a break from our responsibilities so that we can replenish our energy levels. As long as you’re taking the time to rest and rejuvenate, you’re doing what you need to do in order to stay healthy.

10) Practice gratitude. Acknowledge the good things that are happening around you, even when they don’t come your way. This approach can be an excellent way to turn a bad day around. The same is true for the bad things: Stay focused on the good, as well.

11) Have fun. You need a balance of relaxation and activity in order to maintain your inner peace, but don’t forget to enjoy yourself as well. Be sure you’re taking time out of your life to relax and note how that feels: is it just as relaxing in the end? If so, stick with it! If not…make a new habit!


Humor: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/neil-beckett/how-to-be-a-better-person_1_b_12356646.

Conclusion: The main point of this article is that in order to attain peace, one must have the proper mindset. We all want peace and happiness but sometimes need a reminder that we already have it and don’t need to go out to get it, because it is already with us.

2. 6 Things You Always Wanted To Know About Peace but Were Afraid To Ask by Dr. John F. Demartini (April 7, 2008):
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