Exploring Mindfulness And Meditation


 Exploring Mindfulness And Meditation

It's no secret that mindfulness and meditation are all the rage right now. In fact, some people may even perceive them as being a bit of a fad. But is it true? What is it exactly? And how can you explore this phenomenon yourself if you'd like to know more?

Well then, read on! We'll answer all these questions, and more! Let's explore the ins and outs of mindfulness and meditation today.

What is mindfulness?
Mindfulness is the active practice of paying attention to whatever is happening in the here and now. And in order to do that, we need to make an effort to keep our focus on what's actually occurring in the present moment. We pay attention on purpose, with no distractions or distractions. So it's a very crucial skill, arguably one we all need.

Moreover, mindfulness also involves training our minds to become more aware of our inner and outer environments so that we can understand how things work. And what's really happening.

How do we do that, exactly? Through the practice of meditation.

What is meditation, anyhow?
Meditation is simply the practice of calming the mind and focusing our awareness on one particular thing for a period of time. It's a simple process where we allow ourselves to relax and be mindful. To just be in the moment. In fact, it can also include other things like breathing exercises and visualizations in order to reach a more calm state of mind.

It's a way to focus on one thing, whether it's a mantra or an object or a mantra. This practice has been done for thousands of years, and in fact was used by the Ancient Greeks and even the Ancient Egyptians.

What are some benefits of meditation?
As you might expect, mindfulness and meditation have many great benefits, both physical and mental. Some of these include relief from stress and anxiety (which is also good for physical health), increased feelings of happiness, better memory recall among other things.

In fact, science has proven that meditation and mindfulness can help us with all sorts of things, from better coping skills to even lowering blood pressure. In short, it's truly a practice that can make a world of difference for us on all levels. And this is why more and more people are taking it up as well!

So how do we start meditating?
Well, you don't necessarily have to go sit in a cave somewhere to do so – although you certainly can if you'd like! But there are plenty of easier and more convenient ways of learning this ancient practice. Take yoga or tai chi classes. Purchase a guided meditation CD or DVD. Take a walk outside. Or simply do it in your room while you relax on the couch or bed. It's really up to you!

Whatever way you go about it, just remember to start with very small steps, and make sure that you're not rushing it or doing anything too complicated at first. Don't try to meditate right away unless you're completely at ease with the idea. And even then, make sure that whatever environment is most comfortable for you is available at that time – be it in your bedroom, bathroom, kitchen…. etc.

In short, as with anything, it's better to learn by doing. And the best way to do that is to make sure you are using a guided meditation CD or dvd at this time if you don't know how to meditate without one. You'll find that it's very helpful in learning different aspects of this practice and its many benefits. You might even be surprised of how much you can already do at first!

Where can I learn more about mindfulness and meditation?
Well, there are plenty of resources on the internet for those who want more information on these practices. You can Google these terms or ask your friends or family members and we're sure you'll find some answers to whatever questions you might have!

And if you'd like, you can always ask us at the Conscious Reminder as well. Just leave us some information here and we'll be sure to get back to you as soon as possible! In the meantime, be sure to keep practicing whenever and wherever possible. And remember that it's all about the journey – not the destination!

Title: Exploring Mindfulness And Meditation [ARTICLE END]
Source: http://consciousreminder.com/articles/mindfulness-meditation/
About the authors:
Written by Tom and Sue Santoro. The Conscious Reminder strives to teach life's lessons in a fun and simple way. Those lessons include not only how to depend on the material world less, but also how to live more from a place of love, compassion and wisdom. To see our latest articles, click here . We invite you to share our site with your friends, so that everyone can learn about living a more fulfilling life. If you enjoyed this article, visit us at: http://consciousreminder.com/
About Conscious Reminder: Conscious Reminder is a daily blog dedicated to bringing you the best in inspirational and thought provoking articles, just like this one. We are on a mission to inspire others to make conscious choices in all areas of their life, from the food they eat, to the products they buy and the way they conduct their business. You can learn more about us here . This article is published by Sue Santoro under yourcaringvoice@gmail.com & thomas santoro@gmail.com on 10/24/2014 .
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I hope this article has helped you get a grasp of the topic at hand. The first half focused on how meditation and mindfulness are two quite separate things, but from a more holistic standpoint, they go hand in hand. The second half delved into the benefits of meditating and mindfulness on a day-to-day basis as well as some simple techniques to get started with these practices yourself.
The Conscious Reminder invites you to share our articles with your friends and family so that they too can learn about living a more fulfilling life while we will continue bringing you content that is both inspiring and thought provoking at the same time.

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