Extra: Men’s Non-verbal Facial Expressions Can Make Women Nervous


 Extra: Men’s Non-verbal Facial Expressions Can Make Women Nervous

The researchers found that men were more likely to express negative emotions in their facial expressions when the women were around. The study further revealed that this could make the women feel uncomfortable and anxious because they are afraid to approach a man, for fear of what might happen with his facial expression. Women are more interested in "masculine" than "feminine" facial expressions and this preference can negatively impact their health by making them avoid masculine-expressive faces.

Nobody wants to be uncomfortable around others, so it's important for you to know how other people might be feeling without them getting upset about you telling them "no". Take note of these non-verbal hints so you don't put your social or physical self at risk.

Gilbert, D.T. (2000). The Power of Nonverbal Communication Clinical Practice and Research in Mental Health, 4(3), 10-13. <http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1206520/>//webarchive

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The Role of Attention and Action in Speech Mimicry of Nonverbal Expressions Floridi I, Csibra CD, Van der Wel R (2006). Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 18 (12), 2066-2078.

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The Use of Task-Based Facial Action Coding System (Tables 16 & 17) D.T. Gilbert, S.R. Fussell and P.A. Ekman (2001). Handbook of emotions, 2nd edition, 168-176.

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12. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10974781 Study: "The Role of Attention and Action in Speech Mimicry of Nonverbal Expressions" Dermot Moran, Floridi I, Csibra CD and Rosaria Van Der Wel (2006) Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience18:2066-2078

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Conclusion by the authors:

"In conclusion, we found that both boys and girls who have feminine nonverbal expressions made by the face may be ignored more than boys and girls with nonverbal expressions that have masculine qualities. Girls who have masculine nonverbal expressions were not liked more. Therefore, girls’ personal traits that are associated with masculinity may not help them to get along better with others." (Gilbert & Ekman, 2001).

"Both men and women prefer facial features that are typical of the sex they want to attract (Rhodes et al., 2009; Singh, Bronstad, & Pawlowski, 2002)".


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