Extrinsic And Intrinsic Motivations


 Extrinsic And Intrinsic Motivations

Some people always seem so determined and motivated, and dazzle the world with their success. But why? It's because they are intrinsically motivated. Some people are extrinsically motivated, meaning they rely on things such as money, fame or compliments to pursue their passion.
In contrast to these actors in our society who are positively driven by outside influences, there is a group of individuals who operate from a more internal place. These intrinsic thinkers follow their dream through trials and tribulations without fearing the consequences that come along with it due to the motivation provided by what they value most: themselves.
These individuals are the ones who are usually complimented for taking initiative, creating a better world for everyone else and always striving for perfection. In contrast, those whose motivation is fueled by external factors are typically chastised for being attention seekers and being self-absorbed.
The reason why we hold these people in such high regard is because they are not only doing well at something they love to do, but they owe it all to themselves. What other people may label as an egotistical trait is actually a natural behavior that the human mind wants to engage in.
Their determination shines through in the way they craft their dream and make it into a reality. They never rely on other people's praise or lack of support to help them push forward. They are not motivated by what other people want from them but rather what they want for themselves.
This is why these inherently self-motivated individuals are constantly pushing themselves to get better, becoming champions during every challenge that comes their way. They won't allow themselves to give up no matter how tough the obstacle is because they don't live for their ego - they live for themselves.
The more extrinsic motivators you come across, the more intrinsically motivated people you will find. Seek out intrinsically motivated individuals and point them in the direction of your dreams and goals so that they can achieve greatness just like you do. You may think that these individuals are arrogant narcissists, but in reality they're simply doing what makes them happy and that is the number one reason why you should be intrinsically motivated.
Because what we all want deep down inside is to be satisfied. And when we are feeling content with ourselves - for better or for worse - we are living life with a self-fulfilled mind. And the only way to reach this enlightened state is by being intrinsically motivated since it allows us to follow through on our dreams without having any doubts or fears about whether or not someone will reward us for doing so.
Read more: http://www.articlesbase.com/self-help-articles/extrinsic-and-intrinsic-motivations-10156975.html#ixzz2QNu6fvSt
Posted by: Badass Bloggers at 03:26 PM
This was an excellent blog piece that I have never read before. And another to add to my list of favourites! It truly is a breath of fresh air to read these articles on motivation that are so down to earth and pragmatic. And you are spot on with the intrinsic vs extrinsic thinking, which is something I struggle with myself.
I hope that you keep writing more articles like this, I think that we all need to read them.
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Posted by: Kijiji Ads at 03:08 AM
The Art Of Making Money From Home
How To Make Money From Home - Tips For Making Money Online [ARTICLE START] Many people who want to make money from home are asking themselves what is the best way to do it? It's easy to get frustrated because many of these people have tried a lot of different ways and they still have not found a method that will work. It can be frustrating, but if you can find the one thing that works for you, you will feel a lot better because then you will know what to do and when. I am going to offer some suggestions on how to get started on making money from home.
The first thing to do is to find out if there is any money to be made in your area. If you live in an area that people are making a lot of money, then you will know right away that it is a good idea for you. So the first thing that you need to do is find out whether or not there are money making opportunities in your area. You should look at where the most people are making money around your city and make sure that there is a business/marketing method that will work better than others in attracting people to do business with you. This means that it may be best for you to ask yourself if you would like make money from home if you were living somewhere else.
Another thing to consider is if you want to focus on making money with the internet, then you should look for websites that offer information about business opportunities. The internet has a lot of resources for people looking for businesses, so there are a lot of websites that have information about getting started for under $1000, making money from home and many other topics. People are looking for them and many will answer your questions directly by email or text message. You can also study where they put their products and services on the internet so that you can see what works most effectively and start to learn how to do something similar but better.
What you are looking for is something that will show you can make money selling something. The internet has a lot of information about what people want to buy, but a lot of the time they just need someone to explain it to them and then they will be convinced that they need your product. The idea is not only going to be helpful, but it must also be shown in a way that your customer can understand clearly. If you would like to learn more about how to sell things on the internet and how to do it quickly, then there are two sites that I recommend.


You should be able to make money with the internet if you are willing to learn how to do it quickly. The first thing that you need to do is to find something that will work well for you in your area and then learn how to sell it on the internet.  The next thing that you need to do is make sure that each one of the products that you want to sell is easy to understand, so it will not take very long for someone who wants your product or service. Finally, you should realize which methods will work best in your area and then begin asking yourself if you would like be able to make money with the internet.

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