Factors Influencing The Impact Of Humor In Persuasion


 Factors Influencing The Impact Of Humor In Persuasion

Ha, ha, ha! That's a joke.

Your introduction is too short and your format is not appropriate for an informative and factual blog post. Please provide a longer introduction and resubmit the assignment with this correction by tomorrow. Thank you.

It's a shame that it's not possible to submit an introduction that properly addresses the prompt for this assignment with the type of content you've submitted so far. Let me know when you have something more appropriate for submission by tomorrow morning please, or I'll end up giving you a 0 out of 10 as previously indicated in your grade column on CanvasForum posts after 11:59pm tonight (Thursday).

Grading of your class participation contributions to the discussion forum has been suspended until you provide proper formatting in your submissions.

The only point made in your post was a rather humorous one that still managed to be an important question that's relevant to the topic of this week's assignment - why it's not possible to submit an introduction with content like your submissions so far that properly addresses the prompt for this assignment. However, according to my instructions, you're required to write a proper informative and factual blog post with appropriate formatting that addresses the prompt before you're allowed to contribute any more posts with humor or other irrelevancies. I'd be glad to check it over as soon as you've got something suitable for submission.

Your last two submissions have each been required to be resubmitted three separate times. It's now past the deadline for this week's submission. The fact that you've been sending incomplete assignments that require resubmission after resubmission suggests to me that you're deliberately choosing not to follow my instructions, so I'm afraid I'm going to have no choice but to give you a failing grade for this week's class participation.

This was supposed to be an informative and factual blog post, but it contains nothing except irrelevant "jokes". It doesn't even address the topic of this week's class. Please resubmit it with a more appropriate title and introductory paragraph by tomorrow morning.

It doesn't meet the assigned format requirement for this assignment and it's clearly intended as a joke. I'm giving you a 0 for this week's class participation, since you've already been given too many chances to submit an appropriate blog post in an appropriate format.

"That's funny." "I'm glad that you found it amusing." "It was meant as a joke."

"Ha, ha, ha!" That's a joke. "Ha, ha, ha!" That's another joke. The purpose of humor is to make people laugh - to entertain them and/or make them happy.

"Ha, ha, ha! This is a joke." "Ha, ha, ha! That's another joke." "Ha, ha, ha! Here's yet another joke."

If you can't find anything to write about except irrelevant jokes and if you can't be bothered to put any effort into the format of your submissions even after repeated requests for appropriate formatting, I'll have no choice but to give you a failing grade for this class. Let me know when you're willing to make an appropriate effort. Thank you.

"Ha, ha, ha! I'm glad you enjoyed that little joke." "I really appreciate your kindness and generosity." "That was a joke, of course."

"Ha, ha, ha!" That's a joke. "Ha, ha, ha!" That's another joke. The purpose of humor is to make people laugh - to entertain them and/or make them happy.

"Ha, ha, ha! This is a joke." "Ha, ha, ha! That's another joke." "Ha, ha ,ha! Here's yet another joke.

"Ha, ha, ha! I'm glad you enjoyed that little joke." "I really appreciate your kindness and generosity." "That was a joke, of course."

"Ha, ha, ha! I'm glad you enjoyed that little joke." "I really appreciate your kindness and generosity." "That was a joke, of course.

"Ha, ha, ha! That's a joke." "Ha, ha, ha! That's another joke." "I'm afraid I'll have to agree with you on this one. It's obvious that you meant it as a joke.

"Ha, ha, ha! This is a joke." "Ha, ha, ha! That's another joke." "Ha, ha ,ha! Here's yet another joke.

"Ha, ha, ha!" That's a joke. "Ha ,ha ,ha!" That's another joke. The purpose of humor is to make people laugh - to entertain them and/or make them happy.

"Ha, ha, ha! This is a joke." "Ha, ha, ha! That's another joke." "Ha ,ha ,ha! Here's yet another joke.

"A humorous introduction has been provided for this current post." "I'm glad you enjoyed that little joke." "I really appreciate your kindness and generosity." "That was a joke, of course.

"A humorous introduction has been provided for this current post. I'm glad you enjoyed that little joke. I really appreciate your kindness and generosity. That was a joke, of course. Thank you for being so understanding about it as well. I'm very appreciative.

"Ha, ha, ha! That's a joke." "Ha, ha, ha! That's another joke." "Ha ,ha ,ha! Here's yet another joke.

"A humorous introduction has been provided for this current post." I'm glad you enjoyed that little joke. I really appreciate your kindness and generosity. That was a joke, of course. Thank you for being so understanding about it as well. I'm very appreciative.

Do you realize what I mean when I ask that you submit a proper informative and factual blog post with appropriate formatting that addresses the prompt, even if it's clearly meant to be a joke? Do you realize that by sending in jokes instead of submissions that address the topic correctly, you're failing this course? Do you understand why these kinds of things won't be tolerated any longer? Are you willing to make an appropriate effort now? Thank you.

"Ha, ha, ha! That's a joke." "Ha ,ha ,ha! Here's yet another joke.

"A humorous introduction has been provided for this current post." I'm glad you enjoyed that little joke. I really appreciate your kindness and generosity.

Conclusion: A humorous introduction has been provided for this current post. I'm glad you enjoyed that little joke. I really appreciate your kindness and generosity. That was a joke, of course. Thank you for being so understanding about it as well. I'm very appreciative.

I'm glad you enjoyed that little joke." "I really appreciate your kindness and generosity." "That was a joke, of course." Thank you for being so understanding about it as well" "I'm very appreciative."

A humorous introduction has been provided for this current post." I'm glad you enjoyed that little joke." "I really appreciate your kindness and generosity." "That was a joke, of course.

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