Family Motivation: The Glue That Holds Families Together


 Family Motivation: The Glue That Holds Families Together

One of the things that can easily be overlooked in our busy lives is that there are many different ways to have motivation. And while some people might say motivation is necessary for all relationships, the reality is that not everyone needs it or wants it in their relationship. However, one thing that does need to be present in any relationship at all costs and this goes for work or even just your family is motivation.

In a recent blog post on Medium, author Vicki Batts makes the point of how her husband's family always has one common goal: the love between them through their children. "My husband's family is the glue that holds them together. The same thing can be said for many families and relationships. For example, my grandparents have been married for over 60 years. They've been through a lot in their lives, but they never stopped loving each other which has strengthened their marriage over the years - and their relationship today is stronger than ever."

What?! Let me say that again…many people who have been married for a long time never stop loving each other which has strengthened their relationship! That is definitely something to remember as a way to increase your feelings of motivation towards your family. I'm not saying that you should rush out and elope with your significant other, but I am saying that it can be quite meaningful to think about how lucky you are to have a lasting marriage. To make sure that you keep a positive outlook on family time, here is some more good news in regards to maintaining loving relationships: "Loving relationships have been proven to increase your longevity and health."

The way the Batts family ensures the success of their relationship is by learning from each one of their mistakes and making them a fun learning experience. "For instance, when my husband was 13 years old, he was in a serious car accident in which he had multiple broken bones. He also suffered a concussion. My mother-in-law immediately took him to the doctor and she made her own decision about what he should receive when it came to treatments. Since this was his first experience with doctors, they had some issues, but luckily he never really lived in fear because of the loving and supportive care of his grandparents."

This is one example made by Vicki Batts that all families can take away from as a way to learn from their mistakes and ensure your relationship is successful for years to come. "The bottom line is this: your family is a very important part of your life and they need you to be successful too. So keep the communication flowing, take the time to listen and think before you speak, and you'll find that it's easier than ever to resolve conflicts."

In addition to all of these helpful hints, here are two tips that can help strengthen any relationship: "The first step is always being aware of how your actions affect others. It's important to learn how to be empathetic towards others in order to better understand their needs. And secondly, learning how to forgive will also help strengthen relationships."

Author Bio: Vicki Batts has been creating fun filled children's books for over 10 years. She has always loved to write and spend time with her family. "I get a lot of inspiration from my students and the wonderful messages they have for me."

Connection: The Glue That Holds Families Together By Vicki Batts is required reading for the AHA & Reading Circle.

Bonus: Check out our resources page for more information on how you can pay your Child Support Arrears & more!

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I'd like to leave you all on a positive note with some final words of encouragement: "I believe in the value of families and relationships. I believe that we need to share our lives with those who matter most to us so that their happiness becomes our happiness, and their success becomes our success. Families are great because they teach us the rules and ethics of being a good person, which in turn make us better people."

I agree with Vicki Batts. Family is extremely important because it's a chance for us to spend time together and learn from each other, whether we are successful or not. Be grateful for everyone who matters in your life...

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