Fear Of The Dentist, Or Fear Of What Might Happen?


 Fear Of The Dentist, Or Fear Of What Might Happen?

Did you know that there is a fear of the dentist? Dentists take a lot of pride in their profession. Many dentists grow up wanting to be dentists, and if for any reason they don't want to do it, they make sure their family has an oral hygienist who does the job for them. It's an occupation that can be very rewarding; some patients later even give them money as thanks! With all this good work goes some bad work though; sometimes teeth are extracted without warning and occasionally exaggerated precautions are taken to ensure safety. Today, I'm here to educate you in how to deal with all the pain and panic that can come with going to the dentist.
I also want to talk about another issue; it seems like a lot of people are afraid when they go to the dentist. They're so scared that they would probably rather die than go in. This worries me because, as a dentist and an employee of the dental office, I'm gonna be honest with you; what happens if you wait and your teeth get worse? The infection could spread, the tooth might fall out on its own and you could lose some other teeth which will cost even more money. It seems like waiting would be really bad for your health...and your wallet.
I see a lot of people who come in with really bad teeth and I'm sure that they know how important it is to get it checked out. But they don't do it!
When molars are removed, sometimes they leave their roots behind, which can be dangerous because the nerves that were attached to those roots still live on. If those nerves aren't removed and cleaned out, then the patient might feel pain or tingling sensations in the mouth or face area. This could be a sign of an infection! If this happens and you ignore it, then the infection could spread to a very sensitive part of your brain.
So do you want to wait and find a tooth that came out for no reason, or do you want to get checked out by a dentist and make sure it's nothing bad? I think its best if you just go to the dentist.
In the meantime, the best way to prevent tooth decay is to brush your teeth every day! If your teeth are feeling loose or if they feel as though they are getting weaker, then maybe it's time for another checkup. You can visit us in our dental office at 131 N. Fourth St. or contact us online at ritdental@gmail.com . See you soon!
Copyright © Rit Dental Clinical Incorporated, 2015
Dear Dr. Lee:
I'm so happy you posted this article, and that you just spoke with me on the phone. I came in today to have some teeth pulled, and my face is swollen and hurting so bad right now. I've been hearing that my gums are bleeding, but they're not at all...and they're certainly not swollen! I want to ask you a question before we go any further; do you think it's safe for me to go back home if we decide to leave the office right now? My husband is worried about what might be wrong with me, since he's seen how much bleeding happens after surgeries. You can call my phone number if you have any questions about it.
Dr. Lee:
Well, we may be able to tell you whether or not the bleeding is abnormal, but since the swelling and pain didn't happen until after the surgery, it's hard to tell exactly what's going on. We could probably make an appointment with a dermatologist (a doctor who is trained in skin disorders) and see what they have to say, but at this point I think that you're going to need some more tests before any final decisions are made. We should be able to call you back just as soon as we find out more.
Copyright © Rit Dental Clinical Incorporated, 2015
Dear Dr. Lee:
I'm sorry that I'm not answering your calls, my husband has been trying to reach you because he's so worried about me. He thinks I should get a second opinion, but I still can't decide whether or not it's really necessary. When we left, I was feeling a little better but my mouth still hurts and it smells funny when I take a breath in.
Just as soon as you get the chance, please talk to us about what's going on with this teeth extraction business. My phone number is 612-334-5552 if you need to ask questions or get in touch with us regarding this situation.
Dr. Lee:
We're sorry to hear you're not feeling well after the surgery, but I think we found out what's going on before you even called us. There seems to have been a mix-up during the surgery and one of your teeth was left behind. We want you to come back in as soon as possible so that we can look at it and we can give you some antibiotics for the infection that started in your gum line. If it's something that's been left behind, then we'll be able to remove all of it, but if the tooth is just loose then there will have to be another plan in place.


The reason I wrote this article was because a lot of people are afraid of going to the dentist. If you're one of those people, then maybe reading this article will help you to not be afraid anymore and get into the dental office. Once you're in, then our experienced staff will help you to feel much better because they know how much it hurts when someone is pulling teeth!
If you want to read more articles like this on our blog, or if you want to learn more about dentistry and our services, please visit us at ritdental.com .

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