Feeding The Mind With Inspiration Constantly


 Feeding The Mind With Inspiration Constantly

We all have our favorite things, things you enjoy getting lost in, your "me time", as they say. For many people, reading a book is their cup of tea. But how often do we read and read and read, sometimes to the point where it becomes an addiction? And then we find ourselves with nothing left to read!
It's not unheard of for a person to try and consume every single word that they can possibly get their hands on. Which can be great if you know what you're looking for but easily becomes impossible when the library is a tad dryer than usual. When there is nothing left to read, what happens? You may find that you lose your sense of imagination and creativity. The words in the story start blurring together and you begin to notice how much less exciting everything becomes.
There are many ways we can remedy this situation and keep our minds flowing with inspiration constantly! To start, I would advise finding a good website for book suggestions. A good search engine will suffice but the web is amazing for this! I am personally fond of asking friends or family what they have read recently, and when they say something like "I don't know, it's been so long since I've been able to finish a book... I just can't seem to get into any of them anymore," I know it's time to recommend something to them. Maybe they're looking for a new genre or maybe they're just bored with the way things are going.. either way, I think it's important for us to help each other find inspiration where we can.
Let's face it, books do not come cheap. You can easily spend $10 on an impulse buy in-store and sometimes even more if you wait a while before finding it discounted somewhere else. If you're not a huge book collector, this can put a serious, serious dent in your wallet. Where's the fun in that? So what I'm saying is simple, find the best deal possible! You'll make it out alive either way.
Now that we've got our new book in hand (or on Kindle), we have to decide how much time it's going to take us to read it. If we set a strict time limit for ourselves, we're going to discourage ourselves from ever finishing anything due to its sheer length. Maybe you're in high school or have a job or a family that takes up a lot of your time. Have you ever found yourself saying, "I'll just read until I fall asleep," only to wake up the following day with nothing accomplished? If your schedule is very tight it's understandable, believe me, I know! But this is why it's important for us to set ourselves up for success. If we don't like an author's material it can be discouraging to us and make us want to stop reading before we even reach the halfway point.
To avoid these potential pitfalls, I recommend two things: First, find an area where you will not be bothered. I emphasize "not" because it's important to be reading in this area at a certain time. It's fine if you are just not able to fit in reading time in your busy schedule. However, it's imperative to make sure that you can find time for it at least once or twice a week. Second, pick something that is easy to pick up and immediately feel like you're back in the story. A book with a very heavy subject matter may not be as enjoyable because the words might be so long that they seem daunting. So take the advice of that friend of yours, your family member or even a book store employee and just start reading the first chapter. It's important to know that it's not very long and you'll get to where you should be in no time!
Overcoming this problem will make it so much easier for you to find time for that novel you have been dying to read. Both these tips will have a huge impact on how well-read you become!
Photo credit:  http://www.pinterest.com/pin/586444249117692492/
About the Author: Keri is an aspiring author with a passion for reading and writing. She has been maintaining  a website for the last three years and recently started a blog. She loves to have fun, and she's more than willing to try something new. Keri has worked as a flight attendant, an EMT, and she volunteers regularly with American Heart Association. She's been involved in many different charities throughout her life, some of which she's written about on her website. You can find her blogging at http://www.erborgsbb.blogspot.com/.
Feel free to visit my blog: http://beyondthebookbracket.blogspot.com/
Do you have a favourite book that you can't get enough of? Let me know in the comments!
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Other Books By Rebecca Brown:
Sea Of Darkness by Becky Brown: Grab it for  Kindle :  http://www.amazon.com/Sea-Darkness-Becky-Brown-ebook/dp/B008SYL0JM  or Find it in a store near you!
Hocolate on the Brain by Becky Brown: Grab it for  Kindle : http://www.amazon.com/Chocolate-Brain-Book-Becky-Brown-ebook/dp/B009YRQ5K2  or Find it in a store near you!
The Girl With All The Gifts by M R Carey: Grab it for  Kindle : http://www.amazon.com/Girl-All-Gifts-M.-R.-Carey/dp/0062068999  or Find it in a store near you!
This is one of my all time favourite characters, Miss Melanie, from the book The Girl With All the Gifts. Check out the movie trailer below.

It's a ridiculous thought, but it can actually happen. A series that begins with an okay book can come out with a great one and an awful one for no reason. Actually the author has been writing the same way for years! But the first book of a series will always have a chance to set up its audience for success or disaster. It can be very hard to keep going to see what happens at the end of an incredibly frustrating book, but sometimes it's important to stick with it! After all, you've taken time out of your day to read this article, so I think you deserve some good news.

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