Feeling Good And The Law Of Attraction


 Feeling Good And The Law Of Attraction

 If you're feeling down, try to make an effort to feel good and soon I bet your problems will start feeling better.
Believe it or not, the law of attraction is real! If you want something bad enough, but don't focus on it, or have thoughts about how hard achieving that thing is going to be - then you might never get what you want.
For things in life that we really want, we have to use our minds in a different way. We must focus on the positive aspects of what we are wanting. It's important not to overwhelm ourselves with negative thoughts about getting whatever it is we desire because those too can turn into self-fulfilling prophecies.
It might sound silly, but use your mind every day to focus on how wonderful it will feel to be in a new car, or to own that new coat that you want so badly. When you start getting excited about the possibility of having what you want, then your subconscious mind will start thinking about it too and this kind of constant awareness is what the law of attraction is about.
I think it's important to remember that everyone goes through times when an unwanted or unachievable thing happens to them. It doesn't matter how many times we think we've "given up" or given in - our subconscious can still hear us saying things like: "I don't deserve this, I won't ever get it. I feel like I'm always unlucky." Don't keep telling yourself those things if you really want what you say you do. If things seem to be going badly, just stop thinking about them . . . It's amazing how much difference that one simple thing can make.
If you find yourself in a rut, take a moment to think about some of the good things that are around you. If nothing else, think about how much worse things could be. Try and remember that any time we think about the negative aspects of anything, we open ourselves up to more negativity - or that the law of attraction will bring us more negativity if we keep thinking negatively all the time.
Let's say that you want a new car, but you haven't had much success. When the bills come in and your bank account becomes overdrawn, you start to think that no matter how much you try, nothing is ever going to change. It's important at this point not to lose hope, because if we don't believe that we can get what we want then the chances are we never will.
When we're feeling down like this, it can make sense to talk things over with someone who is good with advice or who knows us well. It's ideal if this person is positive about life in general and doesn't go on about how one person's bad luck is another person's good luck. It's not really necessary to talk about our desires all the time, but if we're feeling particularly low or if things just aren't going the way we'd like them to, then it can help to talk things through.
If you want something badly enough, but your life seems to be full of obstacles in the way that keep getting in your way, don't give up - it's important not to let yourself think that you will never get what you want.
There are lots of people who feel exactly as you do and who focus on all the bad things that have happened and allow them selves to become overwhelmed with negative thoughts and feelings - don't think like this if you can help it. Give yourself a break! Be thankful that you're even thinking about what you want in the first place.
Some people are frightened of things that they think they need to overcome, but being scared is just as bad as being "negative". If we feel like we have no control over our lives and that everything is beyond our understanding, then we'll never get what we want. The law of attraction will never work for us.
We need to believe that things will work out for the best and this can only happen if we do our part - by focusing on positive aspects of whatever it is that we want.

If you have a situation in your life that you're not happy with, but feel powerless to change, then it can help to write a letter to yourself about how you are going to turn things around. It might sound silly, but sometimes when our problems seem so big and we feel so small, it can help just to put our thoughts on paper - even if it is only for ourselves.
Writing a letter like this can make us get all of our frustrations out and when this happens, our body will begin to feel better and we'll start seeing things in a different light.
If writing doesn't work for you, try telling someone else about your problems . . ..

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