Feeling Good-What Emotional Intelligence Is All About


 Feeling Good-What Emotional Intelligence Is All About

"When I feel good, I know that other people like me."
-Albert Einstein

A lot of people probably feel this way. Yet, discovering the true benefits of emotional intelligence is not always as easy as it seems. In this blog post, we shall be discussing what emotional intelligence actually is and how it can help you in your daily life. Let us begin with a definition then! 
Emotional Intelligence: The ability to accurately perceive emotions in self or others  so that action may be taken to help oneself or others feel better or make progress toward a goal.
The formal definition above is just so that we have a clear understanding of what emotional intelligence is. Emotional intelligence is the ability to express and control emotions effectively in order to enhance thought and facilitate personal relationships.
Now, let us look at what this really means.
Emotions are chemical responses in the body that are triggered by various stimuli in the environment. A lot of people get stuck in an emotional state because they fail to recognize where the emotion came from and why it was triggered. And before you know it, you're stuck with a negative emotion running rampant through your body, affecting your personal relationships with others and even yourself! So, how do we solve this?
Emotional Intelligence . . .
Emotional intelligence is essential to any person who wants to develop interpersonal and social competency. It is the ability to recognize emotions and understand their impact on daily life. Individuals with high emotional intelligence can recognize and manage emotions such as frustration, anger, sadness, or fear. They can identify situations that trigger bad emotions so that they do not interfere with their mental or physical well-being.
Another important aspect of emotional intelligence is the growing ability to empathize - the ability to put yourself in someone else's shoes. This helps you better understand what people think, feel and are going through at any given moment so that you can relate better with them. Empathizing is a great way to build positive relationships with others. It is also the key to building trust between people.
Although there are many aspects of emotional intelligence, it is important to note that there are different types of emotional intelligence. The following components of emotional intelligence will help you understand how they differ:
Cognitive Emotional IQ -        The cognitive component of emotional intelligence involves knowledge and thinking skills such as using logic, planning, and reasoning. Assessment of this type will involve tasks such as understanding different emotions and cognitive tasks on a test that measures these skills throughout the day. Self-awareness -        Self-awareness is a key component of emotional intelligence, and it relates to an individual's ability to understand their own feelings, thoughts and motives. This component is important for understanding one's own emotions and being able to share them with others. The Self-awareness component of emotional intelligence involves the ability to accurately understand emotions in order to identify experiences that are affecting your mood. Interpersonal Emotional IQ -        Interpersonal emotional intelligence involves noticing and responding appropriately to both the needs and wants of others. Individuals with a high level of inter-personal skills can recognize body language, moods and emotion in others in order to create more positive social relationships.

Now that you have a basic understanding of what emotional intelligence is and how it can help you, let us look at the benefits of emotional intelligence.
Emotional intelligence is important because it enhances your chances of success in social situations. Being able to accurately recognize emotions and understand others makes you better equipped to interact with others on a personal level. This helps you develop relationships with others, which will make a significant impact on your life.
Emotional intelligence is also important when working in any team environment. Working with people who are well-aware and competent in emotional intelligence will benefit the productivity of the team as a whole.

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