Feminization, Do You Have Any Excess Masculinity?


 Feminization, Do You Have Any Excess Masculinity?

You might not know it, but you could have some excess masculinity that is causing your unhappiness in life. Learn the symptoms and how to get rid of them!

Feminization is a process that can help males feel more comfortable in their own skin. This can be done either through surgery, hormones, or other treatments. When the right amount of femininity is added to a male body, there are many benefits that come with it. Here are some of the most common effects:
The ability to feel more feminine.
Femininity is something that a lot of males have but don't realize is a part of their personality – even if it's just a tiny bit. Femininity means more sensitivity, less aggression, and an overall calmer demeanor. When this femininity is added to someone's body, it helps them feel more comfortable in their own skin. The result will be a happier person who functions better in life…
This can be especially helpful to males who haven't felt comfortable with their masculinity until now. Not until they discover that a little femininity is what's needed to make them feel better about themselves could it be possible for them to truly feel like they are a masculine male.
Increased levels of comfort with the opposite sex.
This is a common effect that can be associated with many symptoms of feminization. Just as a feminine male will act in ways that make him more comfortable around other males, he will also act in ways that make him more comfortable around females. While this might include becoming more flirtatious, it won't always be something you can rely on to happen. In most cases, males can expect to become more comfortable in their skin when interacting with the opposite sex. The result is that they will enjoy the activity of dating much more than they did before.
Males who have undergone feminization can find that even their social connections outside of a romantic relationship are much better now than they were before. This includes being more comfortable in groups, and having better interaction with others – especially when it comes to communication.
Increased levels of confidence in general.
When someone starts paying attention to their femininity, it's only natural that they will increase their own confidence as well. This is especially true because it allows someone to express themselves in a way that feels right and makes them feel good about themselves.

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