Feminization Hypnosis: The Practical Way Towards Femininity


 Feminization Hypnosis: The Practical Way Towards Femininity

You have probably seen the types of women that are traditionally "feminine" in any given society. They are elegant, pretty, soft spoken with a mild seductive voice, and very much in tune with their own emotions. Nowadays, more and more people want to be like these women and pass as a woman for various reasons such as getting free drinks at nightclubs or even wearing make-up on the streets to avoid being harassed by men. This is usually achieved by applying makeup like mascara or eye shadow and becoming less abrasive during conversations.

Nowadays the masculine stereotype has disappeared from mainstream media greatly due to how much it hurts men's feelings when they don't conform to this type of behavior back in their day. Society has adopted more of a "live and let live" attitude when it comes to the choice of adhering to social norms.

One thing that has not changed however is the transformation process that women go through during the transition into becoming a woman. This includes learning feminine social skills and behavior, adopting their own look and even accent. However, this is usually carried out by human teachers with limited effects because these people cannot be accessible at all times, especially if you need advice or help with something urgent. This is where hypnosis can help, as you will be able to listen to an MP3 with a hypnotic voice that can teach you how to become the perfect woman any time you want.

The most important thing is to remember that hypnosis can only teach you how to become a woman, but cannot actually change your body and make you female. That will have to come from either the medicine or the hormone treatments you can access later on in your journey of femininity. The hypnosis used here is usually ego-strengthening and helps give you a way to find out what it means "to be a woman." It's about learning how to take care of yourself, getting comfortable with your body and even mentally preparing yourself for passing as female.

In order for you to effectively learn about femininity, it is important that you have a proper feminine mind set and personality. As you can imagine, many women are not feminine and have low self-esteem as a result of years of being discriminated against. This is where it is important that you start off with a male image in your mind because if you do not, then you will hinder yourself from completing the process.

The next step would be to start laying the foundation for femininity by accepting social cues from men and women alike. This means that when someone offers to buy you something or tries talking to you, it doesn't matter how masculine they act or if they sound like a man with high voice pitch. You will simply be able to accept gestures of kindness and respond in the most lady-like manner possible. All of this should be done without even thinking about it, which is a trait that you will acquire after going through hypnosis.

After this stage, you can start learning about things like treating your body with respect and being comfortable with the way it feels. This is usually done by applying a calming sensation and an overall feeling of relaxation throughout your body. The idea is that if your body feels relaxed, then your mind will follow in suit and you can have a good time with friends or even on dates later on.

The last stage is the most effective part of femininity. It is the ability to act feminine without even thinking about it and be able to just do it naturally. This means that while you are talking with your friends or a nice guy, you won't even think about how you sound, how a woman should act or how you should act in general. You will feel comfortable being femme, thus making being feminine even more fun and rewarding than just acting like a man.

By following this process, you will be ready for what comes next in the transition into becoming a woman, but remember that it doesn't always come easy and there is definitely a learning curve along the way.


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