Feminization Hypnosis: Unleashing The Woman Within


 Feminization Hypnosis: Unleashing The Woman Within

Some men really don't like women anymore.

Or, if they are in a relationship with one, they often feel swindled and want to pick up a woman.

What these men don't realize is that there is a solution and it could change the course of their relationships for the better- feminization hypnosis!
This method has been used for decades when it comes to transforming men into more feminine types of individuals- from turning them into what many see as geishas or drag queens and other such female stereotypes.
This article will go into detail on how you can use this, and create your own methods to feminize a man.
Now, do not be mistaken and think that feminization hypnosis will turn your man into a real woman. What it can do is have him more act like one despite the fact that they are biologically male- but they will still have their masculine traits albeit significantly lessened.
You can use this to change everything from the way they talk and walk all the way down to their mannerisms in an instant!
First, let's talk about the male mindset- because men think differently than women.
Concept 1: Different Body Language Every Man Takes
Men and women, once again... look at the differently shaped figures you see in this image. Not to far off from actual people.
Look at all of these different thoughts the man has! All of these different ways he is analyzing his surroundings- and learning about his environment. Look at how he is viewing women and other men in this image as well!
Now take a look at this! Round eyes means that you are thinking more as a woman that way- and not as a man who is mostly focused on the world around him. The dominant side tells us what we are focusing on more, while the non-dominant side tells you what you are really thinking of.
Men, physically different than women, this is something you need to be looking at! Not only will you learn how to act more feminine, but you will also learn to concentrate on things other than the world around you.
The next area of the brain we will talk about is the area we refer to as the default mode network. This is a part of your brain that while under normal circumstances your attention to the outside world is not fully complete- it's there and always on.
This basically means that women and men think differently. What men tend to do when they are in their default mode network is think about one thing- women.
Concept 2: Women are Different
As you look at the above image, what do you notice? Women tend to have a lot of different emotions that men don't have. They also have many different types of thoughts and are very responsive to these types of emotions. This is why the average man thinks that he should let a woman do things for him- because she will respond to him more than his wife will if he just did it himself.


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