Feminization Hypnotherapy


 Feminization Hypnotherapy

By this time, you've probably heard of the "feminization" hypnotherapy. It's a new technique that is being promoted in the Western world as an effective way of turning male subjects into women. For example, it is said to have been used to help men with gender dysphoria and transgender people with their transitions. There are many websites that offer information on how this process can work for you, but none on what it actually means.

So today I am going to be looking at exactly what the feminization process requires--both physically and emotionally--and providing insight into how both these areas may enable or prevent your success with this treatment option. Let's begin by looking at the physical changes that will occur.

How do they turn you into a woman?

The feminization hypnotherapy process produces almost identical physical results to the following: a double mastectomy, breast implants and/or reconstruction surgery, chemical peels to remove skin, and/or electrolysis to remove all or most of your beard. The difference is that all these procedures will be performed on you while you are still conscious. So all of the pain and discomfort associated with each procedure is real, even though you are in a state of hypnosis during which time those very same procedures are fake.

There will be a heightened sense of reality when the pain and discomfort begins during the sessions, but this will only last a brief period of time. It is your inner mind that feels this pain, not your outer body. Of course, if you have any doubts about whether or not hypnotherapy can actually provide such intense physical results, then I would encourage you to check out my article on "hypnotizing gender reassignment" which details step-by-step exactly how such therapy works.

Reproducing this same process on a broader scale does require extra time and effort in certain regards--such as creating an entire surgery room inside your house--but it can be safely accomplished with enough practice.

What do the physical results look like?

Once you finish the process of feminization hypnotherapy, you will notice that your skin will be much softer, smoother, and lighter. You will have fewer wrinkles on your face, and your pores will also be noticeably smaller. Your skin also won't produce as many blemishes or zits either. You won't need to wear as much makeup to cover up any imperfections anymore.

Your hairline will also be different: it will be higher on your forehead along with a higher hairline in general. You'll notice that your voice has changed as well--it is no longer gravelly or deep--and it sounds more feminine than before. All of these physical changes help to create the appearance that you are more stereotypically feminine than before you started.

Keep in mind that the appearance of your body has changed, but the structure of your body has not. Your face, for example, will look like a woman's face, but it will still be attached to a male skeleton. This is important to keep in mind because it doesn't change the fact that you are still 100% male in every other way within your inner mind--you still have all of your masculine thoughts and feelings. So don't let this process make you think otherwise.

What about feminizing emotions?

You may be wondering how emotions can change from masculine to feminine as well.


Now that you have more information on the feminization hypnotherapy process, consider how this knowledge may change your point of view. This can be a tough process to go through, especially since it will require external surgery in order to complete. But don't forget that being feminine is an identity--not a physical state of being--and if you want to be a woman, then you may need these physical changes anyway!

After all, can a man truly become a woman with no feminine appearance or body? It's unlikely! So if you are interested in learning more about this procedure and how it could work for you, I recommend checking out the following websites:


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