Feminization Hypnotism


 Feminization Hypnotism

This form of hypnosis is a revolutionary technique that has been used to change the lives of countless men and women who have sought its benefits. It may seem like the typical ethereal, supernatural experience one might expect from hypnosis. However, this form of hypnosis can also be understood via scientific evidence to be a form of sexual imprinting as it encourages male brains to become more feminine.

What does this mean for males? This slow process can help relieve maladaptive behaviors such as being overly competitive, aggressive, and unfriendly with others by creating an atmosphere that is more accepting and comfortable in their minds. It is also a way to change an unconscious attraction for women into an understanding that their feminine qualities make them powerful, beautiful, and worthy of respect.

Feminization Hypnotism (a.k.a. hypnosis for men) has been used by psychologists, psychiatrists, and therapists for over two hundred years to transform masculine traits into more feminine ones in order to improve the lives of people who seek its benefits as a treatment method. The term "feminization" or "fem-en" can be defined as the formation of a new identity in which the person's sexual identity is transformed into a womanly one through virtue of suggestion outlined on the manipulation of his thoughts and feelings. In order for this form of hypnosis to successfully work on a person, it is imperative that he must be open and receptive during the experience.

The process may vary depending on the therapists choice, but a general approach to feminization therapy is that it works through the repetition of a mantra or expression of female like qualities which trick the male mind into believing this change in identity is real. The whole process can take anywhere from several hours to several months depending on how well the individual responds to feminization hypnosis as a treatment method.

If you have any questions about whether feminization hypnosis will work for you or if you would like more information, contact Dr. Frank at 773-333-2276 or:



Feminization Hypnosis [ edit ]
Feminization hypnosis is a means of moving toward femininity and is a good technique for men who are looking to improve their self-esteem, emotional well being and sexual drive. Since the subconscious is highly active in our lives and therefore in achieving success, success can actually start from within by gaining control over one’s inner self to achieve desired results.

Hypnosis is one of the most powerful ways to create lasting change in a person’s view of the world and how they see themselves.

In fact, hypnosis will almost instantly give you an improved outlook on life and an increased ability to focus on achieving your goals. With a heightened sense of purpose, feminization hypnosis will help you become much more attractive to women and make it easier to become the man you’ve always wanted to be.

With hypnosis, our subconscious mind can reach new heights of success! The subconscious mind is responsible for our drive and determination in life. It looks at the message and meaning we give to things. If you want to change the way that you see life, it’s imperative that you can change what your subconscious mind thinks and feels. Feminization hypnosis works in a way that instills the right message in your subconscious so it can communicate with other parts of the body and brain to create many beneficial changes for a man.

To get started on feminization hypnosis, begin by selecting a gentle hypnotic induction technique that works best for you. The induction procedure will not only help you relax but also will help to control your critical thinking skills during trance states because everyone has fears and inhibitions about new things. The key to gender consciousness is accepting your male identity on a deeper level with the help of gender hypnosis.

The feminization techniques used in feminization hypnosis will be specifically designed for you to achieve desired results. These techniques are based on understanding how the female mind is constructed and programmed by the brain in response to sexual imprinting or childhood sexual abuse (CSA). The brain has a built-in mechanism that allows people to recognize similarities between themselves and others. For example, if we see a beautiful young girl, all of our brains will react in the same way as well as our bodies by producing chemicals such as estrogen and testosterone that are responsible for many things including our sense of self-worth, attraction towards women and sex drive.

The subconscious mind of a male is designed to be more receptive to learning and has a harder time understanding its goals.

For example, let’s say a man has seen several beautiful woman and wakes up with the desire to go out on the town. He feels excited by his thoughts and desires, but he doesn’t know how to respond.

Here we see that his feminization hypnosis process is working.


The subconscious mind of a man is designed to be more receptive to learning and has a harder time understanding its goals. It is also easier to change behaviors in the subconscious. This is why feminization hypnosis works very well in creating successful results for men.

Here are some examples of what other men have said about their lives after discovering the benefits of feminization hypnosis:

"I didn't think I had ever been hypnotized before. I was just walking down the street and suddenly, she took my arm and pushed me into an alley where she kissed me on the lips, at first softly and then more passionately.

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