Feng Shui Life – Clear Your Clutter Now


 Feng Shui Life – Clear Your Clutter Now

You might think that Feng Shui is just a way to decorate your home or make it more aesthetically pleasing. But the principles of Feng Shui can also be applied to your life, and they should be if you want to live a clutter-free existence. Clutter in your spaces not only looks bad, but it actually has an effect on the way you feel and act as well. Clutter in your life and lack of order in your spaces stifles your natural energy and can make you feel lethargic, unfocused, and less likely to act because you don't want to deal with the clutter.
This is where Feng Shui can come in. Clearing space, purifying the air with fragrant herbs, beautiful ornaments and plants, and even just straightening up can all help you to feel more relaxed and ready to take on the world.
As the good book says, a place for everything, and everything in its place. The question is what do we mean by "place"?
Well that's where Feng Shui comes in. Feng Shui literally means "Wind Water," and practitioners believe that wind and water have a natural movement in your space --the flow of chi can be disturbed by furniture, plants and clutter blocking the path of this natural flow.
Shi Feng is designed to redirect the chi in your living space so it can move freely. In essence you want to create an open space in your home so chi is free to move through it freely. This is achieved by changing the position of furniture pieces, adding or removing some, or even just strategically placing a single floor plant in a corner to clear the area.
How do we know what direction the flow will go? Well Feng Shui has a few basic rules that describe how chi moves through your home.
The Bagua
The bagua is a powerful symbol used by Feng Shui practitioners to determine the proper flow of chi in your home. The symbol is made up of two trigrams and a solid line that divides the two trigrams into three sections.
What this means to you is that areas or objects placed in specific places will block or redirect the flow of chi, whereas other areas do not effect the chi at all. These are called neutral areas.
You need to consider where you want to focus your energy when determining where these specific places should be.
There are also five types of energy described by Feng Shui that affect your life: Wood, Water, Fire, Earth and Metal.
Combining these five elements help you to determine the flow of chi in your home. The following are the basic trigrams, but there are more detailed information available to help you understand and optimize the flow of chi in your home.
The next step is to use these principles to create a home that is both balanced and which suits the energies of each person who lives within it.
Of course, as with all things Feng Shui, this doesn't mean a total tear-down and rebuild every time someone moves into your house. In fact you can even improve upon your dwelling's Feng Shui without having another Feng Shui expert come in.

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