Fight Depression - Discover Why A Stress Free And Happy Life Is Not Really That Hard To Achieve.


 Fight Depression - Discover Why A Stress Free And Happy Life Is Not Really That Hard To Achieve.

Do you often worry and wonder why life is so hard to enjoy? Do you find it hard to stay positive and motivated? Do you feel guilty for feeling down in the dumps all the time, even though a lot of people have it way worse than you do?

Don't worry, this post will tell you how to turn your mood around - depression is not really that difficult to overcome! We'll talk about the causes, symptoms, and remedies for depression. This post will also share tips on how to cope with depression without professional help.

It's my hope that this post will help you to relax, ease your worries and be happier in life. In fact, it may just be the thing you need to experience a stress-free, positive life - that is, if you really want to!

What Is Depression?

Let's start with an important question: What is depression exactly? When we ask "what is depression" or "who has depression" we're usually referring to clinical depression. This type of depression is caused by hormonal imbalance, chemical imbalances or brain malfunctions. It's also known as clinical or major depressive disorder.

When you open the DSM-V, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, it's defined as "a mood disorder perceived by a loss of interest in almost all activities. It may be accompanied by a lack of energy, change in sleep patterns, appetite or suicidal thoughts."

To sum up clinical depression: It's a state where you lose hope in life and feel incapable of doing anything positive. This has to do with chemical imbalances in your brain that affects your thinking, mood and emotions. [1]

Unfortunately depression can also be superficially caused by external factors such as family problems or the death of someone close to you. [1]

What Is Normal Depression?

Depression is a normal human feeling. In fact, it's a part of the human condition - everyone goes through depressing times at some point in their lives. When you feel sad and down for long periods of time those feelings are called depression. However, this doesn't mean that you're "depressed". [2]

Depression can be extremely debilitating and scary because it can make others around you think that you're not "okay". You may feel guilty for not being able to get out of bed or acting like a zombie every single day! If this is true for you, then it's definitely worth considering getting professional help.

However, if you're just having a hard time and feel sad on a regular basis, this is normal. Everyone feels sad sometimes. You don't have to see a psychiatrist or psychologist. You don't have to take antidepressants or anxiety pills. It's totally okay just to be sad sometimes!

In fact, it's much better than being happy all the time, because once you get used to happiness it stops being pleasurable.[3]

So if you need some help dealing with depression remember that it's okay. Depression is okay! It's only when depression persists for months or years that it becomes an issue that should be taken seriously.

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